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Chiloscyphus yunnanensis ( Geocalycaceae) , a New Species from China

中国地萼苔科新种) ) ) 云南裂萼苔*

全 文 :中国地萼苔科新种 ) ) ) 云南裂萼苔*
高 谦, 吴玉环**
(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 辽宁沈阳 110016)
摘要: 描述中国云南产地萼苔科 1 新种: 云南裂萼苔 Chiloscyphus yunnanensis C. Gao & Y .-H. Wu, 本种与
Chiloscyphus ciliola ( Nees) Gott. 相似, 但本种植物体紫红色, 柔弱, 易碎, 叶细胞薄壁, 三角体不明显等,
关键词: 苔类; 裂萼苔属; 新种; 云南
中图分类号: Q 949 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0253- 2700( 2006) 02- 119- 02
Chiloscyphus yunnanensis (Geocalycaceae) , a New Species from China
GAO Qian ( GAO Chien) , WU Yu-Huan
( Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China)
Abstract: Chiloscyphus yunnanensis C. Gao & Y.-H. Wu, sp. nov. ( Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae) is described from
Yunnan, China. This species is similar to Chiloscyphus ciliota ( Nees) Gott. and differentiated by purplish-red slender
plant frag ile, and leaf thin-walled cells with indistinct trigones.
Key words: Hepaticae; Chiloscyphus; New species; Yunnan
云南裂萼苔 新种 图 1: 1~ 10
Chiloscyphus yunnanensis C. Gao & Y.-H. Wu, sp. nov.
Species Chiloscyphus ciliota ( Nees) Gott. valde affinis,
sed tenerrima, fragilibus, purpureibus, cellulis fenuibus par-i
tis, non trigonis, facile differt.
Plants slender, pellucid, small to medium-sized, pur-
plish- red, sometimes dark-brown, forming mats with other bryo-
phytes. Stems creeping, with apex ascending, 1- 11 5 cm long,
2- 3 mm wide with leaves, cross- section 5- 6 cells high, not
differentiated, large, hyaline, thin-walled, irregularly branched,
branch Frullania- type, mostly with 1-2 branch at the base of per-i
anth. Rhizoids scare, scattered on bases of underleaves. Leaves
imbricate, obliquely spreading, succubous, rectangular- round or
lingulate, 1- 115 mm long, 014-018mm wide, apical margin usu-
ally 2- toothed, with two shallow lobes, lobes triangular, acute or
obtuse, with 1- 2 row cells at the tip; margin entire. Leaf cell
hexagonal, cells of the leaf apex ub- isodiametric, 28- 35 @ 30- 40
Lm, cells of the base, long hexagonal, 28- 40@ 35-75Lm, thin-
walled, trigones indistinct, cuticle smooth. Underleaves small,
about as wide as 1-115 times of stem, with apices 2- lobed to 1P2 of
the leaf length, margin entire or slightly bulged. Plants dioecious
(male inflorescences not seen) . Female inflorescence terminal,
perichaetial leaves larger than the vegetative leaves, like the
shape of stem leaf, but larger and longer than the stem leaf,
apices 3-toothed, with lax , brigh-t colored cells in the base.
Perianth tubular, the mouth divided into three lobes, with irreg-
ular- toothed margins. Matured sporophytes not seen.
植物体中小形, 柔弱, 略透明, 紫红色, 有时暗红
色, 与其它苔藓形成群落。茎匍匐, 先端上升, 长 1~
115 cm, 带叶宽 2~ 3 mm, 横切 5~ 6个细胞厚, 无分化,
均为大型薄壁细胞。不规则分枝, 分枝耳叶苔型, 通常
在蒴萼基部具 1~ 2 分枝。假根少, 分生于腹叶基部。叶
片斜列向上伸出, 斜列蔽后式覆瓦状排列, 长方圆形或
舌形, 长 1~ 115 mm, 宽 014~ 018 mm, 先端2 短裂瓣, 裂
瓣三角形, 锐或钝, 先端 1~ 2 个单列细胞; 叶边全缘;
叶细胞六边形, 上部细胞近于等径, 28~ 35 @ 30~ 40Lm,
云 南 植 物 研 究 2006, 28 ( 2) : 119~ 120
Acta Botanica Yunnanica

** 通讯作者: Author for correspondence
收稿日期: 2005- 09- 22, 2005- 10- 21接受发表
作者简介: 高谦 ( 1929- ) 男, 研究员, 主要从事植物分类与生态学研究。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 30570126, 30270114)
图 1 云南裂萼苔 1. 植物体一段带蒴萼, 腹面观; 2. 植物体一段, 腹面观; 3. 叶和腹叶在茎上着生状态; 4~ 6. 腹叶先端;
7, 9. 叶片; 8, 10. 苞叶; 11. 叶基部细胞; 12. 叶中部边缘细胞; 13. 叶中部细胞; 14. 蒴萼口部齿细胞; 15. 叶尖细胞
比例尺: a= 1, 2; b= 3~ 10; c= 11~ 15 (绘图标本: 云南, 臧穆 5849A, 高谦绘)
Fig. 1 Chiloscyphus yunnanensis C. Gao & Y. H. Wu, sp. nov. 1. Part of plant with perianth, ventral view; 2. Part of plant , ventral view ;
3. Insertion of leaf and underleaf on the stem; 4- 6. Upper part of leaves; 7, 9. Leaves; 8, 10. Female bracts; 11. Basal cells of leaf ;
12. Lateral leaf cells at middle part; 13. Median leaf cells; 14. Toothed perianth margin; 15. Cells at leaf tip.
scale: a= 1, 2; b= 3- 10; c= 11- 15 ( Drawn f rom M. Zang 5849A by C. Gao)
基部细胞长六边形, 28~ 40@ 35~ 75Lm , 薄壁, 三角体
不明显, 角质层平滑。腹叶小, 宽为茎宽的 1~ 115 倍,
2 裂达腹叶长的 1P2, 叶边平滑或两侧稍凸, 雌雄异株
(未见雄器苞)。雌器苞生于茎先端; 雌苞叶与茎叶相同,
仅比茎叶长大, 先端有 3 个齿, 基部细胞排列疏松, 色
淡; 蒴萼筒形, 先端 3 裂, 裂瓣先端具不规则齿, 细胞
Type: China, Yunnan ( 云南 ) : Bijiang Co. ( 碧江
县) , Gaoligongshan Mt. (高黎贡山 ) , Pianmayakou (片马
丫口) , on stone (石生) , Zang M. (臧穆) 5849A ( Holo-
type-IFSBH, Isotype-HKAS) .
This species is similar to Chiloscyphus ciliota ( Nees )
Gott. . The main differentiated characteristics of the new species
including : 1) plant purplish- red, slender, fragile; and 2) leaf
cells thin-walled, trigones indistinct.
本种与 Chiloscyphus ciliola ( Nees) Gott. 相似, 但本种
植物体紫红色, 柔弱, 易碎, 叶细胞薄壁, 三角体不明
显等, 与其有明显区别。故拟为新种。
120 云 南 植 物 研 究 28卷