摘 要 :对叶下珠属Phyllanthus Linn. 13种植物花粉进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜的观察.研究表明,本属花粉虽然在大小、形状和外壁纹饰等方面有不同程度的差异,但差异最大的还是在于萌发孔类型上.可以把本属花粉分为3孔沟,4~ 5孔沟,多孔沟,散沟(沟短而纺锤形或近圆形)和散孔等类型.这些萌发孔类型虽然与李秉滔在中国植物志第44卷中所划分的组不很吻合,但或多或少有一定的相关性,并且对于属下的分类具有一定的意义.在外壁纹饰方面,均为网状纹饰,可分为具粗网眼,细网眼和中等网眼等几种类型.但纹饰类型在组间或种间的差异不大明显.
Abstract:Pollen grains of 13 species of Phyllanthus Linn. (Euphorbiaceae) were examined by light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The result showed that five types of aperture can be divided, namely 3-colporate, 4,5-colporate, multi-colporate, pantocolpate and pantoporate, which are more of less related to the sections divided by Li in Flora of China (Vol.44),though they are not very identical with the sections. The aperture types have some values in the division of sections. All species have reticulate exine sculpture and there is no obvious sculpture difference among sections or species, although the sculptures can be divided into gross, middle and fine reticulations among species.