摘 要 :侧柏(Platycladus orientalis(L.)Franco)和福建柏(Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn)Henry et Thomas)分别隶属于柏科(Cupressaceae)的两个单种属—侧柏属(Platycladus)和福建柏属(Fokienia),除了在朝鲜和越南北部有分布外,均只产我国。这两种乔木材质细密,坚实耐用,可供建筑、家具、农具等用材。侧柏除常栽培作庭园绿化、观赏树种外,它的种子与鳞叶小枝还可入药作强壮滋补剂和健胃药。福建柏有生长快、材质好的特性,可选作造林树种。福建柏还是我国的珍贵树木,被列为国家二级重点保护植物。
Abstract:The present work deals with a study of the karyotypic analy-ses for two species of Cupressaceae-Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco and Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) Henry et Thomas. The karyotype of the lat- ter is reported for the first time. The number of somatic chromosomes in root tip cell of the two species was found to be 2n=22. According to the termino-logy defined by Levan et al., the karyotypes are all 2n=22 =4m (SAT) + 18m, both belonging to Stebbins‘t"l1" type of karyotypic symmetry, and should therefore be generally considered as rathet primitive ones. But the diffe- rences in both length and arm-ratio of chromosomes have shown that the karyo-type of Fokienia hodginsii is less symmetrical than that of Platycladus ori- entalis. The former may be a little more adyanced than the latter. Recently, Chen Ke-youn reported karyotype of Fokienia hodginsii, and the chromosome number was said to be 2n =24. Owing to the results of Chents study being quite different from ours, it seems desirable to carry out a further study with regard to the reason for inconsistency.