期 刊 :中国中药杂志 1995年 20卷 01期 页码:39.
Keywords:Ligusticum sinense cv. chaxiong, phthalide dimer.,
摘 要 :从伞形科植物茶芎Ligusticumsinensecv.chaxiong的根茎中首次分离到2个二聚苯酞类化合物,经化学和光谱分析鉴定为Z,Z'-6,6'7,3'a-diligustilide和Z-6,8',7,3'-diligustilide。
Abstract:Two phthalide dimers were isolated for the first time from the rhizome of Ligusticum sinense cv. chaxiong and identified as Z . Z‘-6 , 6‘,7 , 3‘ a-diligustilide , Z-6, 8‘, 7 , 3‘-diligustilide on the basis of spectral data.
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