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Determination of scutellarin in Breviscarpin Tablet by HPLC


全 文 :a-吴茱萸碱  b-吴茱萸次碱
a-evodiamine  b-rutaecarpine
图 2 对照品 (A)、吴茱萸药材 ( B)和萸黄连 (C)的 HPLC
Fig. 2  HPLC chromatograms of ref erence substances
(A) , E . rutaecarpa (B) and C. chinensis
processed with E . rutaecarpa (C)
萸黄连中小檗碱的含量较黄连低 ,其中 20% , 30%
萸黄连中小檗碱的含量较高 ,本结论与文献 [3 ]一致 ,
3. 2 由表 1、图 1可知 ,萸黄连中确实吸收了吴茱
萸中的成分 ,萸黄连中吴茱萸用量越大 ,吴茱萸碱及
吴茱萸次碱的含量越大。另外 ,因为 10%、 20%萸黄
连的 HPLC图谱中 ,吴茱萸碱的峰面积很小 ,与其
他成分没有完全分离 ,故数据不做统计。
4 讨论
4. 1 本实验建立了小檗碱、吴茱萸碱、吴茱萸次碱
的含量测定方法 ,简便、可靠 ,可以作为黄连和吴茱
(如左金丸、变通丸、甘露散等 )的质量控制方法。
4. 2 萸黄连中吸收了吴茱萸的主要成分吴茱萸碱、
分 ,以硅胶 G为薄层板 ,正丁醇-冰醋酸-水 ( 7∶ 1∶
2)为展开剂 ,于紫外光 ( 365 nm )下检视 ,与黄连、吴
茱萸药材对应位置 ,萸黄连显相同颜色的斑点。
4. 3 从实验结果可以看出 ,在炮制过程中不同用量
的吴茱萸对黄连中的成分是有影响的 ,故确定最佳
辅料用量非常重要。以主要成分小檗碱为考察指标 ,
吴茱萸用量以 20%为宜。
4. 4 本实验仅以黄连中的主要成分为指标 ,若能结
合药理或临床进行研究 ,则结果更有说服力。中药炮
制中有许多药物是采用药汁进行炮制 ,可以达到增
效、减毒的目的 ,这与方剂配伍理论相似。方剂中可
以根据具体病情对方中药物进行加减 ,那么中药炮
制中药汁 (如生姜汁、甘草汁、吴茱萸汁、黑豆汁等 )
炮制药物的用量根据什么进行判定? 如果可能结合
药理与临床进行研究 ,那么指标如何选择?这些问题
[1 ]  Ye D J, Zh ang S C, Chen Q. Processes of Chinese Materia
Medica (中药炮制学 ) [M ] . Sh angh ai: Shanghai Science and
Tech nology Publis her, 1996.
[2 ] Ch P (中国药典 ) [S ]. 2000 ed. VolⅠ .
[3 ]  Zhang R X. Inf luence of various excipient and it s d ensi ty on
berberine conten t in process ed Copt is chinensis Franch. prod-
ucts [ J]. China J Ch in Mater Med (中国中药杂志 ) , 1990, 15
( 9): 24-25.
Determination of scutellarin in Breviscarpin Tablet by HPLC
QI Ai-di

( Depar tment o f Chinese Ma teria Medica , Tianjin Colleg e o f TCM , Tianjin 300193, China )
Abstract: Object  To establish an HPLC method fo r the determination of scutellarin in Brevisca rpin
Tablet. Methods  Co lumn: Diamonsil C18 ( 4. 6 mm× 150 mm , 5μm); mobile phase: acetoni t ri le-0. 5%
acetate so lution ( 22∶ 78) ; detection waveleng th was at 335 nm; temperature w as at: 30℃ ; flow veloci ty
w as 1. 2 mL /min. Results  The calibration curv e show ed a good lineari ty w ithin the range of 0- 6. 0μg.
The average recovery was 100. 43% and RSD was 0. 58% . Conclusion  The method is convenient , fast
and reliable to opera te and sui table for the quali ty cont rol o f Breviscarpin Tablet.
Key words: Brev iscarpin Tablet; scutellarin; HPLC
(天津中医学院 中药系 ,天津  300193)
·322· 中草药  Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drug s 第 34卷第 4期 2003年 4月
收稿日期: 2002-11-08
摘 要: 目的 建立高效液相色谱法测定灯盏花素片中灯盏花乙素的含量。 方法 色谱柱 Diamonsil C18
( 4. 6 mm× 150 mm, 5μm) ,流动相: 乙腈 -0. 5%乙酸溶液 ( 22∶ 78) ,检测波长: 335 nm,柱温: 30℃ ,流速: 1. 2 mL /
min。结果 灯盏花乙素线性范围为 0~ 6. 0μg,加样回收率为 100. 43% , RSD为 0. 58%。结论 该方法简便、快速、
准确 ,可用于灯盏花素片的质量控制。
关键词: 灯盏花素片 ;灯盏花乙素 ;高效液相色谱
中图分类号: R286. 02   文献标识码: B   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2003) 04 0322 03
   The dried whole plant o f Erigeron breviscapus
( Vant. ) Hand. -Mazz. is cold in na ture and bi t ter
in taste, possessing the efficacy of dispelling cold
and inducing diaphoriesis, expelling w ind and re-
moving dampness, and activ ating the collateral cir-
cula tion to reliev e pain
[1 ]
. Brevisca rpin is an ex-
tract f rom E. brev iscapus. Pha rmaco logical study
show ed that breviscarpin could significantly reduce
the blood v iscosi ty , improve the blood f low , de-
crease the vascular resistance, and inhibi t the
platelet agg regation and thrombosis fo rmation. It
has been used in clinic for the treatment o f the
paralysis induced by cere-brovascula r accidents
[2 ] ,
e. g . , hypertension, cerebral haemorrhage, cere-
bral thrombosis and polyneuri tis and chronic arach-
ni tis. The to tal effectiv e rate is 95. 8% . As repor t-
ed the UV spect ropho to-metric method was used to
determine the content of scutellarin in Brev iscarpin
Tablet. How ever, since breviscarpin is a mix ture
consisted of several f lav one g lyco-sides, the selec-
tivi ty of UV spect ropho tometric method is no t w ell
enough to meet the requirement of it s quali ty con-
[ 3] . In the present study, an HPLC method
used to separate and determine the content of
scutel la rin in Brevisca rpin Tablet i s
1  Apparatus and reagents
Appa ra tus. HP1100 HPLC, G1311A- qua ter-
nary pump, G1322A-deaerato r, G1316A-thermo-
sta tped colum compa rtment , 1314A-UV variable-
w aveleng th detecto r, HPRev. A. 0501 chemical
w o rksta tion ( Agilent Technologies) .
Reagents. The acetoni trile ( C. P. g rade ) ,
methano l and acetic acid ( A. R. g rade) , the ult ra-
pure w ater, scutellarin ( bough t f rom Yunnan
Pha rmaceutical Insti tute) and Brev iscarpin Tablet
( f rom Guangdong Huanqiu Pha rmaceutica l Co.
L td. ) w ere used in the experiment.
2  Chromatographic condition
   Column: Diamonsi l C18 ( 150 mm× 4. 6 mm,
5μm) , mobi le phase: acetoni trile-0. 5% acetate
so lution ( 22∶ 78) , detection w aveleng th: 335 nm,
temperature: 30℃ , flow veloci ty: 1. 2 mL /min.
The chroma tog rams of scutellarin and Brevisca rpin
Tablet w ere show n in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 HPLC chromatograms of scutellarin ( A)
and Breviscarpin Tablet ( B)
3  Experiment
3. 1  Linear relation. A stock solution ( 0. 3 mg /
mL) o f scutellarin was prepared by dissolving a
quanti ta tive sample o f scutella rin in methanol and
ult rasonic o scil la tion for 30 minutes. After fi lt ra-
tion by millipo re fil ter o f 0. 45μm, the sampling
volumes were 2. 5, 5. 0, 7. 5, 10. 0, 15. 0 and 20. 0
μL, respectively. According to the recorded chro-
matog ram, the peak areas wi th statistica l treat-
ment as a function of the concentration (C ) g av e
the good linearity for sample w eigh t in the range of
0- 6. 0μg: A was 360. 06C- 4. 585, r= 0. 999 9.
3. 2  Precision. Injecting continuously the sample
of stock solution 10μL fo r 6 times and measuring
the peak a reas of scutellarin, the RSD was
0. 82% .
3. 3  Repea tabili ty. W eighing up 6 po rtions of
scutellarin, preparing the so lution as the same pro-
cess in 3. 1, the vo lume of sample int roduction in
10μL, acco rding to the ch romatog ram reco rd-ed,
the RSD was 0. 99% .
3. 4  Solution stabili ty. Samples of the sto ck solu-
tion that w ere placed at room temperature fo r 1,
2, 4, 8, 12 hours, respectiv ely, w ere injected.
The peak a reas were inva riable and RSD was
·323·中草药  Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drug s 第 34卷第 4期 2003年 4月
0. 85% , indica ting tha t the so lution w as stable at
least fo r 12 hours.
3. 5  Recovery. The quanti ta tiv e Brev iscarpin
Tablet 6 portions were w eighed up and put into 10
m L measuring f lask, then dissolved in methanol
and ul t rasonic o scil la tion fo r 30 minutes af ter
adding the stock solution of scutellarin. Acco rding
to the process in 3. 6, the results w ere obtained
w ith average recovery o f 100. 43% and RSD was
0. 58% (n= 6) .
3. 6  Sample measurement. The quanti tativ e Bre-
viscapin Tablet 9 po rtions w ere w eighed up and put
into 50 mL measuring f lask, then disso lv ed in
methano l and ult rasonic osci llation fo r 30 minutes.
Fi lt rate ( 1 mL) of the second fi lt ra tion w as put in-
to a 10 mL measuring f lask and fix ed the volume,
then 10 μL sample w as injected. The measured
contents were listed in table 1.
Table 1  Scutellarin in Breviscarpin Tablet (n= 3)
No. average scutel larin conten ts /% RSD /%
1 21. 97 1. 41
2 22. 16 0. 93
3 21. 69 1. 83
4  Conclusion
4. 1  The selection of mobi le phase. The mobile
pha ses of dif ferent sy stem and proportions were
compared, such as methanol-acetic acid so lu-tion,
methano l-H2O-triethylamine, methanol-pho spho ric
acid-isopropano l, acetoni t rile-0. 5% acetate solu-
tion, and acetoni trile-H2O-trethy lamine. The opti-
mized ef fect for isolating scutella rin was obtained
by acetoni t rile-0. 5% acetate so lution ( 22∶ 78) as
the mobi le phase.
4. 2  The selection o f ex t ractiv e method. Several
ex tractive methods, such as Soxhlet ex t ract , heat-
ing in w ater ba th, ul trasonic ex t racting , and dif-
ferent ex t ractiv e solv ents, such as methanol,
ethano l, n-butanol, ethyl acetate, ch loroform and
ligarine w ere used, w hi le using methanol as a so l-
vent and the ult rasonic ex t racting for 30 minutes
w as found to be a simple method w ith li t tle distur-
4. 3  The range of pH values. Scutellarin is a
f lav onoid compound, w hich has several phenolic
hydroxy l to display the w eak acidi ty. Compa ring
the di fferent pH values, the peaks are acuity and
symmetry in the pH range a t 2. 5- 3. That is in
coincidance wi th Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
   The results indicated tha t this method is sta-
ble, accurate and convenient fo r control ling quali ty
of the medicine.
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p rog ress [ J ]. Chin Tradi t Herb Drugs (中草药 ) , 2002, 33
( 6): 566-568.
[2 ]  Zhang J, Li X S, Zh ang W D. Dengzhanhua research p rog ress
of chemical cons ti tu tion and ph armacological activi ty [ J ]. J
Pharm Pract (药学实践杂志 ) , 2002, 20( 2): 103-107.
[3 ]  Rao Y, Wei H Z, Wang Y M, et al . Analysi s and determina-
tion of s cutel larin in preparation using capillary electroph oresis
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阿布来提· 阿布都热西提 ,库尔班江·吾斯曼
(喀什师范学院 生化系 ,新疆 喀什  844007)
  刺糖为豆科植物骆驼刺 Alhagi pseudalhagi
Desv .叶中分泌液凝结而成的糖粒 ,为一味传统维
吾尔医药 ,在《维吾尔医常用药材》中早有记载 [1~ 3 ] ,
糖类 (淀粉 ,鼠李糖等 )和维生素 C、维生素 B1。但是
关于刺糖的氨基酸成分至今未见报道。 本实验测定
1 材料与仪器
·324· 中草药  Chinese T raditional and Herbal Drug s 第 34卷第 4期 2003年 4月
收稿日期: 2002-08-08基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区教育厅基金资助项目 ( 96022)作者简介:阿布来提· 阿布都热西提 ( 1957— ) ,男 (维吾尔族 ) ,新疆阿图什人 ,副教授 , 1983年毕业于新疆大学生物系 ,发表了 24篇论文 ,主要从事植物分类和药用植物的化学成分及其疗效作用关系的研究。

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