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Two new species of Elatostema(Urticaceae)from Yunnan


全 文 :  Guihaia  Jun. 2016ꎬ 36 (增刊 1): 152-155
http: / / journal.gxzw.gxib.cn
http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com
【原文刊载】 “云南楼梯草属二新种” 已于 “中国知网 (CNKI)” 单篇优先数字出版ꎬ «广西植物»待刊ꎮ
( 中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093 )
摘  要: 该文描述了自云南东南部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属 2新种ꎮ 其中ꎬ文山楼梯草与上林楼梯草在亲缘关
托较小ꎬ长约 1.2 mmꎬ宽 1 mmꎬ不分裂ꎬ其雌苞片约 12ꎬ不等大ꎬ只 3枚在顶端具角状突起ꎮ 第二种ꎬ绿突楼梯
草与马关楼梯草近缘ꎬ与后者的区别在于茎密被反曲的柔毛和贴伏的短柔毛ꎬ雄花序较长ꎬ雄总苞的苞片 6
枚ꎬ排成 2层ꎬ2外层苞片较大ꎬ背面具 1绿色纵列龙骨状突起和 4或 6绿纵肋ꎬ4内层苞片较小ꎬ背面近中央有
关键词: 荨麻科ꎬ 楼梯草属ꎬ 新种ꎬ 云南
中图分类号: Q949     文献标识码: A    文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2016)增刊 1 ̄0152 ̄04
Two new species of Elatostema (Urticaceae) from Yunnan
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
( State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary BotanyꎬInstitute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093 )
Abstract: Two species of the genus Elatostema (Urticaceae) are described as new from southeastern area of Yunnan
Province. The first oneꎬ E. wenshanense is related E. shanglinense W. T. Wangꎬ and from the latter differs in its densely
puberulous stemsꎬ at base obliquely cuneate and semi ̄triplinerved leaf bladesꎬ smaller receptacle of pistillate capitulumꎬ
and its 12 bractsꎬ which are unequal in size and only three of which are corniculate at apex. The second oneꎬ E. viridi ̄
carinatum is related to E. maguanense W. T. Wangꎬ and from the latter differs in its densely retrose ̄pubescent and ap ̄
pressed ̄puberulous stemsꎬ longer staminate peduncleꎬ and in its staminate involucreꎬ which consists of 6 2 ̄serite bracts
unequal in sizeꎬ with the 2 outer ones larger abaxially longitudinally 1 ̄green ̄carinate and 4 ̄6 ̄green ̄costateꎬ and 4 inner
ones smaller and abaxially 1 ̄green ̄corniculate near the middle.
Key words: Urticaceaeꎬ Elatostemaꎬ new speciesꎬ Yunnan
    文山楼梯草  图 1: A ̄D
Elatostema wenshanense W. T. Wangꎬ sp. nov.
[Sect. Weddellia (H. Schroter) W. T. Wang ser.
Shanglinensia W. T. Wang]
Species nova haec est affinis E. shanglinensi W. T.
Wangꎬ a quo caulibus dense puberulisꎬ foliorum laminis
basi oblique cuneatis semi ̄triplinervibusꎬ capituli pistil ̄
lati receptaculo minore ca. 1.2 mm longo 1 mm lato in ̄
divisoꎬ ejus bracteis pistillatis ca. 12 inaequimagnis tan ̄
tum tribus apice corniculatis ceteris haud corniculatis
differt. In E. shanglinensiꎬ caules pistillati subglabri vel
tantum apice sparse puberuliꎬ foliorum laminae basi lat ̄
收稿日期: 2015 ̄07 ̄10    修回日期: 2015 ̄08 ̄10
作者简介: 王文采(1926 ̄)ꎬ男ꎬ研究员ꎬ中国科学院院士ꎬ著名植物分类学家ꎬ长期从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ
图 1  A ̄D. 文山楼梯草  A. 开花雌茎ꎻ B. 雌头状花序(下面观)ꎻ C. 雌小苞片和雌花ꎻ D. 瘦果ꎮ E ̄H. 绿突楼梯草  E. 开花雄茎的一
枝条ꎻ F. 雄头状花序(下面观)ꎻ G. 一内层雄苞片ꎻ H. 雄小苞片和雄花蕾ꎮ
Fig. 1  A ̄D. Elaostema wenshanense  A. A flowering pistillate stemꎻ B. Pistillate capitulumꎬ seen from beneathꎻ C. Pistillate bracteoles and
pistillate flowerꎻ D. Achene. (from holotype). E ̄H. E. viridicarinatum  E. A branch of flowering staeminate stemꎻ F. Staminate capitulumꎬ seen
from beneathꎻ G. A inner staminate bractꎻ H. Staminate bracteoles and staminate flower bud. (from holotype)
351增刊 1                              王文采等: 云南楼梯草属二新种
ere latiore rotundatae vel auriculatae trinervesꎬ capituli
pistillati receptaculum majus ca. 4 mm longum 2.4 mm
latum medio 2 ̄lobatumꎬ ejus bracteae pistillatae ca. de ̄
cem aequimagnae omnes apice corniculatae sunt.
Perennial herbs. Stems 3-5 caespitoseꎬ 4-12.5 cm
tallꎬ near base 0.8-1.2 mm in diam.ꎬ densely puberu ̄
lous (hairs 0.1-0.15 mm long)ꎬ with dense bacilliform
cystoliths 0.2-0.4 mm longꎬ simpleꎬ rarely 1 ̄branched.
Leaves alternateꎬ shortly petiolate or sessileꎻ blades
membranousꎬ obliquely long ellipticꎬ (0.5-)2.2-6 ×
(0.3-)0.8-1.4 cmꎬ apex long acuminateꎬ shortly cuspi ̄
date or acuminateꎬ base obliquely cuneateꎬ margin
acutely denticulateꎻ surfaces adaxially strigoseꎬ abaxial ̄
ly on nerves appressed ̄puberulousꎻ nervation semi ̄trip ̄
linervedꎬ with ca. 3 pairs of secondary nervesꎻ cystoliths
denseꎬ conspicuousꎬ bacilliformꎬ 0. 2 - 0. 5 mm longꎻ
petioles 0-2 mm longꎬ glabrousꎻ stipules membranousꎬ
whiteꎬ linearꎬ 3.5-4.6 × 0.3-0.6 mmꎬ glabrousꎬ longi ̄
tudinally 1 ̄green ̄nerved. Staminate capitula and stami ̄
nate flowers unknown. Pistillate caipitulum singly axilla ̄
ryꎬ shortly pedunculateꎻ peduncle ca. 0. 5 mm longꎬ
glabrousꎻ receptacle broadly ractangularꎬ ca. 1. 2 ×
1 mmꎬ subglabrousꎻ bracts ca. 12ꎬ membranousꎬ
whiteꎬ unequal in sizeꎬ 2 largerꎬ oppositeꎬ subquad ̄
rateꎬ ca. 1 × 1 mmꎬ densely ciliolateꎬ abaxially longitu ̄
dinally 1 ̄ribbed and the rib apexes elongate into green
horn ̄like projections 0. 6 - 1. 2 mm longꎬ the smaller
bracts 3 ovate ca. 1 × 0.3 mmꎬ with green caudate ape ̄
xesꎬ the other 7 bracts broadly oblongꎬ 0.8-1 × 0.2-0.4
mm and with truncate apexes and sparse ciliaꎻ bracte ̄
oles membranousꎬ denseꎬ nearly hyalineꎬ linearꎬ 0.8-
1.8 × 0.1-0.2 mmꎬ apex sparsely ciliate. Pistillate flow ̄
er: Pedicel ca. 0.5 mm longꎬ glabrous. Tepals 2ꎬ ner ̄
rowly linearꎬ ca. 0.15 mm longꎬ glabrous. Pistil ca. 0.3
mm longꎻ ovary ellipsoidꎬ ca. 0.28 mm longꎬ glabrousꎻ
stigma smallꎬ depressed ̄globoseꎬ ca. 0.05 mm in diam.
Achenes whitishꎬ ovoidꎬ ca. 0.5 × 0.35 mmꎬ longitudi ̄
nally brown ̄lineolate.
云南(Yunnan) : 文山县ꎬ古木镇ꎬ田尾洞(Wen ̄
shan Xianꎬ Gumu Zhenꎬ Tianweidong)ꎬ alt. 1 531 mꎬ
石灰岩山ꎬ石缝 ( in fissures of rocks in lime ̄stone
hill)ꎬ草木直立ꎬ罕见 (herbs erectꎬ rare)ꎬ 2015 ̄04 ̄
21ꎬ韩孟奇ꎬ黄金泉 (M. Q. Han & J. Q. Huang) 158
(holotypeꎬ PEꎻ isotypeꎬ IBK)ꎮ
shanglinense W. T. Wang)ꎬ与后者的区别在于本种的
头状花序的花序托较小ꎬ长约 1.2 mmꎬ宽 1 mmꎬ不分
裂ꎬ其苞片约 12 枚ꎬ不等大ꎬ只 3 枚较大者具角状突
起ꎬ其他苞片无角状突起ꎮ 在上林楼梯草ꎬ雌茎近无
形ꎬ具三出脉ꎬ雌头状花序的花序托较大ꎬ长约 4 mmꎬ
宽 2.4 mmꎬ中部 2浅裂ꎬ其雌苞片约 10枚ꎬ等大ꎬ全部
绿突楼梯草  图 1: E ̄H
Elatostema viridicarinatum W. T. Wangꎬ sp.
nov. Fig. 1: E ̄H
( Sect. Elatostema ser. Nanchuanensia W. T.
Species nova haec est fortasse affinis E. maguanen ̄
si W. T. Wangꎬ a quo caulibus dense retrorse pubescen ̄
tibus et dense appresse puberulisꎬ pedunculo staminato
longiore (4 mm longo)ꎬ involucri staminati bracteis sex
2 ̄seriatis duabus externis majoribus dorso longitudinali ̄
ter 1 ̄viridi ̄carinatis et 4-6 ̄viridi ̄costatis quatuor inter ̄
nis minoribus dorso prope medium 1 ̄viridi ̄ corniculatis
recedit. In E. maguanensiꎬ caules superrne tantum ap ̄
presse hirtelliꎬ pedunculus staminatus brevior 2 mm lon ̄
gusꎬ involucri staminati bracteae ca. octo 1 ̄seriatae
omnes apice 1 ̄corniculatae nec carinatae nec costatae
Perennial herbs. Stems 16-40 cm tallꎬ near base
1.5-2 mm in diam.ꎬ densely retrorsely pubescent (hairs
0.8-1.5 mm long) and densely appressed ̄puberulous
(hairs 0.05-0.2 mm long)ꎬ branched or simple. Leaves
alternateꎬ shortly petiolate or sessileꎻ blades paperyꎬ
obliquely long elliptic or narrowly obovateꎬ (1.5-)4-9
× (0.5-)1.4-3.5 cmꎬ apex acuminate (acumen 2-4 ̄
denticulate)ꎬ base obliquely cuneateꎬ margin densely
denticulateꎻ surfaces adaxially sparsely strigoseꎬ abaxi ̄
ally on nerves pubescentꎻ nervation pinnateꎬ with sec ̄
ondary nerves 4-6 at leaf narrow side and 5-7 at broad
sideꎻ cystoliths denseꎬ conspicuousꎬ bacilliformꎬ 0.1-0.
25 mm longꎻ petioles 0-0.15 mm longꎻ stipules mem ̄
branousꎬ whiteꎬ linear ̄triangular or triangularꎬ 5-8 ×
1. 5 - 2 mmꎬ glabrousꎬ longitudinally 1 ̄green ̄nerved.
451 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
Staminate capitula singly axillaryꎬ pedunculateꎻ pedun ̄
cle tereteꎬ ca. 4 mm longꎬ piloseꎻ receptacle subquad ̄
rateꎬ ca. 4 × 4 mmꎬ piloseꎻ bracts 6ꎬ membranousꎬ
whiteꎬ 2 ̄seriateꎬ 2 outer bracts largerꎬ oppositeꎬ trans ̄
versely flabellate ̄rectangularꎬ ca. 4 × 8 mmꎬ sparsely
puberulousꎬ at apex eroseꎬ abaxially longtudinally 1 ̄
green ̄carinate and shortly 4-6 ̄ribbedꎬ with the rib ape ̄
xes projecting into small spinesꎬ 4 inner bracts smallerꎬ
subquadrateꎬ ca. 4 × 3 mmꎬ subglabrousꎬ at apex e ̄
roseꎬ abaxially near the middle thickly 1 ̄green ̄cornicu ̄
lateꎬ with horn ̄like projections ca. 2 mm longꎻ bracte ̄
oles denseꎬ membranousꎬ whiteꎬ cuneate ̄ rectangularꎬ
cuneate ̄linear or linearꎬ 2.5-4.8 × 0.2-2.2 mmꎬ gla ̄
brousꎬ at apex often erose. Staminate flower buds long
pedicellateꎬ broadly ellipticꎬ ca. 1.5 mm longꎬ glabrous.
Pistillate capitula and pistillate flowers unknwn.
云南 (Yunnan): 广南县ꎬ莲城镇ꎬ里卡村ꎬ穿洞
(Guangnan Xianꎬ Liancheng Zhenꎬ Lika Cunꎬ Chuan ̄
dong)ꎬ alt. 1 489 mꎬ石灰山石缝 (in fissures of rocks
in lime ̄stone hill )ꎬ草本直立ꎬ罕见 ( herbs erectꎬ
rare)ꎬ 2015 ̄04 ̄14ꎬ韩孟奇ꎬ黄金全 (M. Q. Han & J.
Q. Huang) 199 (holotypeꎬ PEꎻ isotypeꎬ IBK)ꎻ砚山
县ꎬ阿舍乡ꎬ阿舍小寨(Yanshan Xianꎬ Ashe Xiangꎬ
Ashexiaozhai)ꎬ alt. 1 574 mꎬ石灰岩山石缝( in fis ̄
sures of rocks in lime ̄stone hill)ꎬ 2015 ̄04 ̄20ꎬ 韩孟
奇ꎬ黄金全 115 (IBKꎬ PE)ꎮ
本种在亲缘关系方面可能与马关楼梯草(Ela ̄
tostema maguanense W. T. Wang)接近ꎬ与后者的区别
较长(长 4 mm)ꎬ雄总苞的苞片 6枚ꎬ排列成 2层ꎬ2外
层苞片较大ꎬ背面具 1纵列绿色龙骨状突起和 4~6条
纵列绿色短肋ꎬ4 内层苞片较小ꎬ在背面近中部有 1
枚绿色角状突起ꎮ 在马关楼梯草ꎬ茎只在上部被贴伏
短硬毛ꎬ雄花序梗较短ꎬ长 2 mmꎬ雄总苞的苞片 8枚ꎬ
排列成 1层ꎬ所有苞片均在顶端具 1 枚角状突起ꎬ不
致谢  深切感谢广西植物所标本馆惠赠标本ꎬ还
WANG WTꎬ 2014. Elatostema (Urticaceae) in China [M]. Qingd ̄
ao: Qingdao Press. [王文采ꎬ 2014. 中国楼梯草属植物[M].
( 上接第 94页 Continue from page 94 )
2014 ̄07 ̄10ꎬ段长虹 (C. H. Duan) 0263 (holotypeꎬ
PE)ꎻ同地 (same locality)ꎬalt. 2 847 mꎬ高山草地 (on
alpine meadow)ꎬ2014 ̄07 ̄10ꎬ段长虹 0254 (paratypeꎬ
本种在体态上相似于砾地毛茛 (Ranunculus
glareosus Hand. ̄Mazz.)ꎬ与后者的区别在于本种的基
片ꎬ心皮具短而粗的花柱和微小柱头ꎮ 在砾地毛茛ꎬ
皮具稍伸长的钻形花柱ꎬ不具柱头(Wang & Gilbertꎬ
致谢  深切感谢孙英宝先生为本文绘图ꎮ
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(eds). Flora of China. Beijing: Science Pressꎻ St. Louis: Mis ̄
souri Botanical Gaben Pressꎬ6: 149-222.
WANG WTꎬ 2003. A revision of Clamatis sect. Clematis (Ranuncu ̄
laceae) [ J]. Acta Phytotaxon Sinꎬ41(1): 1-62ꎻ (2): 97-
WANG WTꎬMG GILBERTꎬ 2001. Ranunculus [ M] / / WU ZYꎬ
RAVEN PH (eds). Flora of China. Beijing: Science Pressꎻ St.
Louis: Missouri Botanical Gaben Pressꎬ6: 391-431.
WANG WTꎬMJ WARNOCKꎬ 2001. Delphinium [M] / / WU ZYꎬ
RAVEN PH (eds). Flora of China. Beijing: Science Pressꎻ St.
Louis: Missouri Botanical Gaben Pressꎬ6: 223-274.
551增刊 1                              王文采等: 云南楼梯草属二新种