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Elatostema kachinense, a new species of Urticaceae from Myanmar

克钦楼梯草, 缅甸荨麻科一新种(英文)

全 文 :  Guihaia  Jun. 2016ꎬ 36 (增刊 1): 207-208
http: / / journal.gxzw.gxib.cn
http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com
【原文刊载】 “克钦楼梯草ꎬ 缅甸荨麻科一新种” 已于 “中国知网 (CNKI)” 单篇优先数字出版ꎬ «广西植物»待刊ꎮ
Elatostema kachinenseꎬ a new species of
Urticaceae from Myanmar
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
( State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China )
Abstract: A species of the genus Elatostema (Urticaceae)ꎬ E. kachinenseꎬ is described as new from northern Myanmar.
This species in habit is very similar to C. cuspidatum Wightꎬ and from the latter differs in its stem node with a normal
leaf and a reduced leafꎬ narrowly lanceolate ̄linear nerveless stipulesꎬ uncorniculate pistillate involucral bractsꎬ much
larger cuneate ̄oblong pistillate bracteolesꎬ pistillate flower with a minute tepalꎬ and pistil with a obovoid stigma.
Key words: Urticaceaeꎬ Elatostemaꎬ new speciesꎬ Myanmar
CLC number: Q949    Document code: A    Article ID: 1000 ̄3142(2016)增刊 1 ̄0207 ̄02
克钦楼梯草ꎬ 缅甸荨麻科一新种
( 中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093 )
摘  要: 该文描述了自缅甸北部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属一新种ꎬ克钦楼梯草ꎮ 此种在体态上与骤尖楼梯草甚为
关键词: 荨麻科ꎬ 楼梯草属ꎬ 新种ꎬ 缅甸
    Elatostema kachiense W.T.Wangꎬ sp.nov.Fig.1.
(sect. Elaotstema ser. Cuspidata W. T. Wang)
Habitu species nova haec est simillima C. cuapida ̄
to Wightꎬ a quo foliis reductis praesentibusꎬ stipulis an ̄
guste lanceolato ̄linearibus et nervis carentibusꎬ bracteis
involucralibus pistillatis apice haud corniculatisꎬ bracte ̄
olis pistillatis multo majoribus cuneato ̄oblongisꎬ flori ̄
bus pistillatis tepala unica minuta gerentibusꎬ et pistillis
stigmata unica late obvoidea gerentibus praeclare differt.
In E. cuspidatoꎬ folia reducta nullaꎬ folia omnia norma ̄
liaꎬ stipulae linearia longitudinaliter 1 ̄viridi ̄nervesꎬ
bracteae involucrales pistillatae apice corniculataeꎬ
bracteolae pistillatae multo minores 1. 2 mm longae et
0.2 mm lataeꎬ flores pistillati tepalis carentesꎬ et pistilla
stigmata unica longe penicillata gerentia sunt.
Perennial herbs. Stems ca. 35 cm tallꎬ below ca. 2.
5 mm in diam.ꎬ near base prostrate and rootingꎬ gla ̄
brousꎬ simpleꎬ near apex brown ̄puncticulateꎬ ca. 8 ̄
leaved. Normal leaves sessile or subsessileꎬ paperyꎬ ob ̄
ovate ̄oblongꎬ 6-10.8 × 2.2-3.6 cmꎬ at apex cuspidateꎬ
at base obliquely broadly cuneateꎬ margin denticulateꎻ
surfaces adaxially glabrousꎬ abaxially on nerves densely
收稿日期: 2015 ̄12 ̄10    修回日期: 2016 ̄01 ̄14
作者简介: 王文采(1926 ̄)ꎬ男ꎬ研究员ꎬ中国科学院院士ꎬ著名植物分类学家ꎬ长期从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ
Fig. 1  Elatostema kachiense  A. Upper part of flowering pistillate stemꎻ B. Leaf base with a reduced leaf and an axillary pistillate capitulumꎻ
C. Pistillate capitulumꎬ seen from beneathꎻ D. Two pistillate bracteoles and pistillate flowerꎻ E. Pistillate flowerꎻ F. Achene. (from holotype)
yellowish ̄puberulousꎻ nervation semi ̄triplinervedꎬ with
secondary nerves 3 at leaf narrow side and 8 at broad
sideꎻ cystoliths slightly denseꎬ inconspicuousꎬ bacilli ̄
formꎬ 0.1-0.2 mm longꎻ stipules membranousꎬ whitishꎬ
narrowly lanceolate ̄linearꎬ 3-4 × 0.1 -0.2 mmꎬ gla ̄
brousꎬ nerveless. Reduced leaves sessileꎬ broadly ovate
or broadly rhombicꎬ 2-3.5 × 1.8-2.8 mmꎬ glabrousꎬ 3 ̄
lobedꎬ with lobes triangular or deltoid. Staminate capit ̄
ula and staminate flowers unknown. Pistillate capitula
singly axillaryꎻ involucral bracts 2 ̄seriateꎬ without any
projectionsꎬ outer bracts ca. 5ꎬ unequal in sizeꎬ broadly
ovate or strongly depressed ̄ovateꎬ 1.5 × 1-4 mmꎬ apex
obtuse or rounded ̄truncateꎬ often eroseꎬ glabrousꎬ inner
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