全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 26(4):341— 344 2006年 7月
A revision of C - .● i .
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助(3O47O126) ence a on of na
作者简 :手文采(1。一),男,教授,中国科学院院士[wANG er卜t 一)。ale, fes。r a c n。 ,eing
i l。
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342 广 西 植 物 26卷
2003;W ang Li,2005).
Clematis L.sect.Pterocarpa Tamura in Sci.
Rep.Osaka Univ.4:50.1955;in Acta Phytotax.
Geobot.16(2):80.1956;in Sci.Rep.Osaka Univ.
16:34.1967;in Acta Phytotax.Geobot.38:43.
1987;et in Hiepko,Nat.Pflanzenfam.,Zwei.Au—
f1.,17a(4):385.1995;Snoeijer in Clematis 1992:
18.1992;M.Johnson,Klematis 649.1997;Grey—
W ilson,Clematis 125.2000;W .T.W ang in Acta
M axim.
Perennials with erect stems,woody at base.
Seedling leaves unknown (Essig,199 1). Leaves
opposite,pinnate,ternate,or simple,entire.Flow—
ers bisexual,small,in 1— 5一flowered terminal and
axillary cymes.Sepals 4(一 6),spreading,white,
oblanceolate,outside on margin velutinous. Sta—
mens numerous,glabrous;filaments linear;anthers
narrow—oblong,apex obtuse or minutely apiculate.
Carpels 3— 6;ovaries densely appressed—puberu—
lous;styles short,subulate,glabrous or near base
puberulous.Achenes strongly compressed,broadly
winged;persistent styles short,subulate,near base
appressed—puberulous,elsewhere glabrous.
One species,endemic to Korea.
Clematis brachyura Maxim.in Bul1.Acad.Sci.
St.一Petersb.22:221.1877;et in M 61.Bio1.9:598.
1877;Forb.& Hems1.in J.Linn.Soc.Bot.23:2.
1886;Palibin in Acta Hort.Petrop.17:l1.1898;
Nakai in J.Coil.Sci.Univ.Tokyo 26:11.1909;
Chong,Il1.Man.Korean Trees& Shrubs 187,fig.
279.1943;T.B.Lee,Il1.F1.Korea 344,fig.1375.
1979;Y.N.Lee,F1.Korea 163,fig.474.1996:M .
Johnson,Klematis 649;1997;Grey—Wilson,Clema—
tis 125.2000;Toomey& Leeds,Il1.Encyc1.Clema一
£ 136.2001.— — C.paniculata Thunb.f.pauci—
flora Miq.,Ann.Mus.Bot.Lugd.一Bat.3:1.
1867.— — C.recta L.ssp.brachyura (Maxim.)
Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.26:1 14.1885.
Type:Korea,1867,Oldham 7 (holotype,? L;iso—
C.spectabilis Palibin in Acta Hort.Petrop.
17:12.1898;Nakai in J.Col1.Sci.Univ.Tokyo 26:
9.1909. Type:Korea.Kyong—kwi,prope Seoul,
1886—05,Kalinowsky s.n.(holotype,LE!).
C.oligantha Nakai in Matsum.,Ic.P1.Koisik—
ov.1:95,t.48.1912.Type specimen not designat—
C.brachyura M axim.var.hexasepala Y.N.
Lee in Korea J.Bot.25:177.1982;et F1.Korea 163,
fig.475.1996;M.Johnson,Klematis 650.1997.
N.Lee S.n.(holotype,not seen).
Stem 50— 100 cm tall,simple or branched,10
— 20一sulcate,glabrous or on nodes sparsely pilose.
Leaves 5一foliolately pinnate,ternate,or simple:
leaflet or leaf blade thickly papery,ovate,broadly
ovate,deltoid,or elliptic,(2一 )3.5— 8× (1.2一 )
1.8— 5 cm ,apex acute or obtuse,often mucronate,
base rounded,broadly cuneate,truncate,or subcor—
date,margin entire,adaxial surface on basal veins
sparsely puberulous,glabrescent,abaxial surface
subglabrous,distinctly reticulate,basal veins prom—
inent;petioles 2.2— 5.4 cm long.Cymes terminal
and axillary,1— 5一flowered;peduncles 1.5— 9 cm
long;bracts foliaceous or small,linear,ca.1.2 mm
long.Flower 1.6~ 2.5 cm in diam.;pedicel 0.2—
4 cm long,glabrous.Sepals 4(一 6),oblanceolate,9
— 15×3— 5 mm,on both surfaces glabrous。outside
on margin velutinous,apex acute,often mucronate.
Stamens 15— 30,2.5— 6 mm long,glabrous;an—
thers narrowly oblong,1.5— 2.8 mm long,apex
obtuse or minutely apiculate. Carpels 3— 6。3— 4
mm long;ovaries narrowly ovoid,2~ 2.8 mm long。
densely appressed—puberulous;styles subulate,1.2
— 3 mm ong,glabrous or near base puberulous.A—
chenes strongly compressed,broadly obovate or ob—
liquely broadly elliptic,8— 11× 6— 8 mm 。very
sparsely puberulous,broadly winged;persistent
styles 2—3 mm long.F1.from summer to early au—
tum n.
S Korea. In grassy,gravelly places or in
sparse forests;up to 300 m in elevation.
Additional specimens examined. Korea.
Chemulpo,Caries 54,76(K);Chinampo,Faurie 12
(G,P);Hanciay,Schmidt s.n.(LE);Kangwon,
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4期 王文采:铁线莲属翅果铁线莲组修订 343
Fig.1 Clematis brachyura M axim
A,upper part of flowering stern~B,stamen C,carpel(from Oldham 7);D,achene(from Jack s
. n.)
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344 广 西 植 物 26卷
Sungil Bridge。Chung Yung—ho Kang Young—
moo s.n.(US);Kyonggi—do,Suwon,Nakajima s.n.
(NAS);Lake Mikko—ura,Umi—Kongo,Kongo—san,
Beathie Kurihara 10223 (US);Seoul:M t.
Kwanak—san,H.N.Qin et a1.17925(PE);Yong
Weol,Hagman et a1.25 l(UPS);without precise lo—
cality,Faurie 14(G),Law 7(P),Oldham 1057(G),
Perry 29(GH ,K),Schmidt 89,248(LE).
From the herbarium material cited above it can
be seen that in C.brachyura,the flowers are usual—
ly 4-sepalled. However,sometimes 5— 6一sepalled
flowers may be observed. For example,in a plant
of Oldham 7,deposited in GH ,one flower is 5一sep—
ailed,while other ones 4-sepalled,and in Faurie 1 2,
deposited in P,the terminal flower of a terminal 3一
flowered cyme has six sepals,while the two lateral
flowers have four sepals each.So,the sepal num-
ber per flower in this species is variable from four
to six,and the variety hexasepala,described ac—
cording to sepal number,can not be recognized.
Acknowledgements I am grateful to the direc—
tors and curators of G,GH,K ,LE,NAS,P,S,UPS
and US for kindly inviting me to visit their herbar—
ia;to LI Liang—qian,ZHANG Zhi—yun,and BAN
Qin for various kinds of help during the prepara—
tion of the present revision~and to SUN Ying—bao
for making the drawing.
Essig F B.1991.Seedling morphology in Clematis(Ranuncu-
laceae)and its taxonomic implications[J].Sida.14:377—
Grey-Wilson C.2000.Clematis the genus[M].Portland,Ore—
gon:Timber Press.
Johnson M.1997.Slaktet Klematis[M].S6deralje:M.John—
sons Plantskola AB.
Kuntze O.1885.Monographie der Gattung Clematis~J].Verh
Bot Ver Brandenb,26:83— 202.
Maximowicz C J.1877.Diagnoses plantarum novarum Japoniae et
Mandshufiae[J].Bull Acad Sci St.Pktersb,22:209-264.
Miquel F A W.1867.Prolusio florae Iaponicae[J].Ann Mus
Bot Lugd—Bat Armtelodami,apud C G ”der Post,3:1— 66.
Nakai T.1 9 1 2.Clematis oligantha Nakai.In:Matsumura J.
ed.,Icones plantarum koisikavenses[J].The Maruzen—Ka—
bushiki—Kaisha,1:1— 168.
Palibin J W.1898.Conspectus florae Koreae[J-1.Acta Hort
Petrop,17:1— 128.
Prantl K. 1 888. Clematis.Betrage zur M orphologie und Sys—
tematik der Ranunculaceen[J].Bot Jahrb,9:325—373.
Snoeijer W.1 992.A suggested classification for the genus
Tamura M.1955.Systema Clematidis Asiae orientalis[J]_
Sci Rep Osaka Univ,4:43—55.
Tam ura M . 1967.Morphology,ecology and phylogeny of the Ra—
nunculaceae[J].Ⅶ.Sci Rep Osaka Univ,16(2):21-43.
Tamura M.1987.A classification of genus Clematis[J].Acta
Phytotax Geobot,38:33— 44.
Tamura M.1 995.Clematis.In:Hiepko P ed.Die Natiarlichen
Pflanzenfamilien[M].Zwei Auf1.Berlin:Duncker& Hum—
Wang WT(王文采).2003.A revision of Clematis sect.Clem—
Phytotax Sin(植物分类学报),41:1—62,97—172。
Wang WT(王文采).2004.A revision of Clematis sect.Aspi—
danthera s.I_(Ranunculaceae)(铁 线莲 属单性 铁线莲组 修
订)[J].Acta Phytotax Sin(植物分类学报),42:1—72.
Wang WT(王文采),Li LQ(李 良千 ).2005.A new system of
classification of the genus Clematis(Ranunculaceae)(铁线莲
属一新分类系统)[J].Acta Phytotax Sin(植物分类学报)。
43:431— 488.
(中国科学 院 植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,jE京 100093)
摘 要:对毛茛科铁线莲属 Clematis中单型的翅果铁线莲组 sect.Pterocarpa进行了分类学修订,写出了此
组及其惟一种 ,翅果铁线莲 C.brachyura的分类学简史和形态描述 ,给出此种的插图。根据其体态及花构造
近似亚洲东部的辣蓼铁线莲C.mandshurica Rupr.和圆锥铁线莲C.terniflora DC.(-种均为威灵仙组 sect.
Clematis的成员),推测翅果铁线莲可能源自威灵仙组 。
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