全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 26(1):5— 7 2006 年 1月
Additions to fern flora of Hong Kong,China
YAN Yue—hong , 一,Sai—Chit Ng3,XING Fu—wu1
(1.South China Institute of Botany,the Chinese|4(’ademy of Sciences.Guangzhou 510650.China
2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100039,China;3.Kadoorie
Farm & Botanic Garden,Hong Kong,China;l4.Scl ool of Life SciPnfPs,H“nⅡ
University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,China)
Abstract:In recent field survey in Hong Kong,six newly recorded species of ferns,Ct nitopsis kusukUe?TSIs。C0一
lysis digitata,Dryopteris dehuaensis,Lindsaea orbiculata var
. commi.rta and Lvc0podi“7”clavaf“7”,were
found,including two newly recorded genera,Ctenitopsis and Lycopodium
. And moreover,essentia1 descriPtion
and difference from relative species of each species are provided
Key words:ferns;flora;Hong Kong;new records
CLC number:Q949 Document code:A Article ID:1000—3142(2006)01—0005—03
Hong Kong,located at 22。09 ~ 22。37 N and
113。52 ~ ll4。30 E,consists of Hong Kong Island.
Kowloon,the New Territories,and 235 other
Islands,of which the largest one i8 Lantau Island
(148 km ). The total land area is l 098 km2
Hong Kong’s flora is diverse for its island geogra—
phy. The earliest survey on Hong Kong plants
may be in 184l(Bentham ,1861)and the Hong Kong
plants have been wel studied since then(Bentham。
186l;Dunn et“Z.,l912;Edie,1978;Gibbs,l927;
Hance,1872;Lee et“Z.,l999,2002a,2002b,2003;Ng,
2002;So,1994;Xing et a1.,l997,1999;Wu et“Z
. ,
2000).At least l 9 l l flowering plant species and 242
fern species(including species and infraspecific taxa)
have been reliably recorded from Hong Kong(Corllet et
“Z.,2000;Lee et“Z.,2003),most of which are Pan—
tropical and tropical Asian plants(Xing et“Z.,1999)
The Hong Kong Herbarium(1974,1978,1993,2001)
had ever published the checklist of Hong Kong plants
for four times. The updated publication(Lee t“Z
. ,
2003)shows that 242 fern species in 96 genera and 47
families have been recorded in Hong Kong.
During 2002 and 2003,a systematical and wide
field survey on Hong Kong ferns was carried out,
and all fern specimens in Hong Kong Herbarium
(HK)and Herbarium of South China Institute of
Botany,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(IBSC),
are examined by the authors.Five ferns aS follows
are added to t he fern flora of H ong Kong,including
two newly recorded genera.
1 Ctenitopsis kusukuensis (Hayata)C.Chr
. ex
Tard.一Blot et C.Chr.台湾轴脉蕨 in Lecomte,Not.
Syst.7:87.Oct.1938.Ching in Bul1.Fan M em
Inst.Bio1.Bot.Ser.8:3l5.Nov.1938;Flora ReiDu—
blicae Popularis Sinicae 6 (1):5O
. 1999.— —
Dryopteris kusukuensis Hayata,Icon
. P1.Form.4:
l57,f.98.19l4 et 6:Supp1
. 1O7.19l 6.
China.Hong Kong.New territories,Shatin。un—
der forest near stream in valley behind Shatin W ater
Received date:2004—10—08 Accepted date:2005—03—10
Foundation item:Supported by the South China Biodiversity Fund of Kadoorie Farn1&
Biography:YAN Yue-hong(1974一),male,Ph.D,study on pteriphytology and hiodiversity
Author for correspondence,E—mail:
Botanic Garden
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
广 西 植 物 26卷
Treatment Works(S.C.Ng 3796,IBSC),alt.120 m.
Distribution:China(Hainan Island,Taiwan)
and Vietnam.
Notes.The genus Ctenitopsis mostly distrib—
utes in tropical and subtropical Asia,southeast—
wards to Malaysia and Polynesia,northern to Japan
and westwards to M adagascar and East Africa
(Tsai et“l,.,l994).It is a newly recorded genus to
Hong Kong.The species is common in H ainan Is—
land and Taiwan。while it has not been recorded
from mainland of China.The disi unction distribu—
tion of this species among Hainan,Hong Kong and
Taiwan i8 very interesting.
2 Colysis digitata(Baker)Ching掌叶线蕨 in Bul1.
Fan Mem.Inst.Bio1.4:328.1 933.Ching,Ic.Fil
Sin.4:l98.p1.198.1937;Ching et a1. in W .Y.
Chun,F1. Hainan.1:l85.fig.88. 1964:Flora
Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 6(2):255.p1.56:l一
5.1999.—— ( ”(Jgr“ P digitata Baker,J.Bot.
China. Hong Kong. New Territories, near
stream in valley of Lam Tsuen (F.W .Xing 7146.
10060,IBSC),ah.300 m.
Distribution:China(Guangdong,Hainan,H u—
chuan)and Vietnam.
Notes.There are four species of Colysi in
Hong Kong(Lee et a1.,2003).This species is dis—
tinctly different from others by the 3(5)一palmated
fronds.Lee et a1.(2003)had treated it as doubtful
species in recent publication because they could not
ensure the identification a specimen from Mt.
Taimoshan.The specimens we examined are inte—
grated and characterized by theirs 3-palmated
fronds.The distribution of this species in Hong
Kong i8 undoubted.
3 Dryopteris dehuaensis Ching et Shing德化鳞毛
蕨 in F1.Fujian.1:209,601.f.197.1982;R.J.
Johns,Ind.Fil.Supp1.6:l33.1996.Flora Reipu—
blicae Popularis Sinicae 5(1):2l2.p1.36:1-3.
20OO— — Dr (Jp£P,.i gushanica Ching et Shing in
F1.Fujian 1:2O9,6O1.1982;R.J.Johns,Ind.Fil.
Supp1. 6: l36. 1996. syn. nov.— — Dr (Jp把ri
”PD (Jrd d pP Ching ex Shing et J.F.Cheng in
Journ.Sci.Jiangxi 8(3):48.1990.
China.Hong Kong.New Territories.It is rare
in forest near stream in valey at Mt.Taimoshan
(F.W .Xing 10045,IBSC),ah.400~ 500 m.
Distribution:Endemic to China (Fui ian,H u—
nan,Jiangxi and Zhejiang).
Notes.The species i8 very similar to D
. varia
that widely distributes in Hong Kong (W u et a1.
2000),but the basal petiolule of the former is obvi—
ously longer,and the sori wil hout indusium is
smaller than the latter.
4 Lindsaea orbiculata M ett.ex Kuhn var.commix—
ta(Tagawa)Shieh海 岛 鳞始 蕨 in Quart.Journ.
Chin.For.6(4):lO2.1973& in F1.Taiwan 1:264.
1 97 5.— — L.COrlTtlixta Tagawa Acta Phytotax
. et
Geobot.5:37.f.3 H_-,.1937.Flora Reipublic“P
Popularis Sinicae.2:268.1959.
China.Hong Kong.New Territories,rare under
forest at Wujiaoteng (F.W.Xing 7l52,98l8.IB—
SC),ah.300 m.
Distribution: China (Fuj ian, Guangdong,
Notes.It i8 about 25 cm tal1,bipinnate,termi—
nal segment8 non—deltoid.It is similar to Lindsaea
orbiculata,but the former is characterized by its bi—
pinnate fronds.It i8 rich in Mt.W utongshan in
Shenzhen where is on the north of Hong Kong
5 Lycopodium clavatum
1753;T8ai in F1.Taiwan
L.石松 in Sp.P1.2:l101
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
严岳鸿等:香港蕨类植物新记录 7
China.Hong Kong.New Territories,rare in
shrubs at the peak of Mt.Taimoshan (Y.H.Yan
6O7,IBSC),ah.800—900 m.
Distribution:W idely distributed in the tem—
perate and alpine regions of the tropics.
Notes.This species is very similar to Palhin—
haea cernua in Hong Kong,but it could be obvious—
ly distinguished from the latter by the creeping
main stems,numerous long and erect branches and
sporangium spike. Lycopodium is a newly recor—
ded genus to current checklist of Hong Kong ferns
(Hong Kong Herbarium ,2001;Lee et a1.,2003).
The field survey was financially supported by
Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden,Hong Kong
. W e
are grateful to Dr.Lawrence Chau,M s.Gloria Siu。
M r.Vicky Lee,Miss.Norris Ng,Dr.I i Zhang and
Dr.M ark Shea for their kindly assistance
Bentham,G.1861.Flora Hongkongensis[M].London:Lovel
Reeve,436— 463.
Corlett R,Xing FW ,Ng SC.et a1. 2000. Hong Kong vascular
plants:distribution and status[J].Memoirs。,‘the Hong
Kong Natural H istory Society,23:1— 3.
Dunn ST,Tutcher WJ.191 2. Flora of Kwangtung & Hong
Kong(China)EM].London:Kew Bull Misc Inf Add Ser X
HM S0.
Edie HH.1978.Ferns of Hong Kong[M].Hong Kong.Hong
Kong University Press.
Gibbs L.1927.Common Hong Kong Ferns[M].Kely&
W alsh Ltd,Hong Kong,Shanghai and Singapore
Hance HF.1872.Flora Hongkongensis(Supplement)[M].
Lovel reeve,London And reprinted in J Linn.S。f
. (B(J£Ⅱ一
Hong Kong Herbarium. 197,1. Check I ist of Hong Kong
Plants[M].Hong Kong:Agriculture and Fisheries Depart—
m ent.
Hong Kong Herbarium. 1978. Check List of Hong Kong
Plants[M].Hong Kong:Agriculture and Fisheries Depart—
m ent.
Hong Kong Herbarium. 1993. Check List of Hong Kong
Plants[M].Hong Kong:Agriculture and Fisheries Depart—
m ent.
Hong Kong Herbarium. 2001. Check List of Hong Kong
Plants[M].Hong Kong:Agriculture and Fisheries Depart—
ment,1— 27.
Lee TCW ,Chau KCL,W u SH. 2003. Flora of Hong Kong:
Pteridophyta[M].Hong Kong:Kadoorie Farm & Botanic
Garden.1— 469.
Lee TC,Chau KC,W u SH. 1 999. New records and clarifica—
tion of some names of Pteridophyta in Hong Kong(1)EJ].J
Trop Subtrop Bot,7(3):1 95—2O1.
I ee TC,Chau KC,W u SH.2002a.New records and clarifica—
tion of some names of Pteridophyta in Hong Kong(2)EJ].J
Trop Subtrop Bot,10(1):39—4 5.
Lee TC,Chau KC,W u SH
. 2O02b.New records and clariftca—
tion of some names of Pteridophyta in Hong Kong(1)EJ].J
Trop Subtrop Bot,10(2):1 33—1 38.
Ng SC.2002.Three new additions to the vascular plant flora
of Hong Kong[J].Porcupine,27:1 2—13.
So ML.1994.Hong Kong ferns[M].Hong Kong:Urban
Tsai JL,Shieh WC.1 994.Ctenitopsis[A].In:Flora of Tai—
wan(2nd.)[C].Taipei.1:284—287.Wang CH.1999.Cte—
niopsis[A].In:Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae[C].6
(1):37— 56.
Wu SH,Lee TC.2000.Pteridophytes of Hong Kong[J].
A~em Hong Kong Nat,Hist So(,23:5— 2O
Xing FW ,Corlett RT,Chau KC.1997.Additions to tl1e vascu—
lar plant flora of Hong Kong[J].Mere Hong Kong Nat,
Hist Soc,21:1 89— 201.
Xing FW ,Corlett RT,Chau KC. 1 999.Study on the flora of
Hong Kong[J].J Trop Subtrop Bot,7(4):295—307.
严岳鸿 , 一,吴世捷3,邢福武1*
(1,中国科学院 华南植物园,广东 F-,)tl 510650;2.中国科学院 研究生院,北京 100093;3
, 香港
嘉道理农场氍植物园,中国 香港 ;4,湖南科技大学 生命科学学院,湖南 湘潭 411201)
摘 要:报道了香港蕨类植物新记录种 5种,即台湾轴脉蕨( 一it。Psis kusuk“en is)、掌叶线蕨( s sd —
tata)、德化鳞毛蕨(DryoptPri dehua sis)、海岛鳞始蕨(L ndsnPn。rbic“lata var.co?Tt7”i fn)和石松(L f。p0一
diurn clavatum),其中包括两个新记录属:轴脉蕨属(Ctenitopsis)和石松属 (L3,copodi“7 )。另外,还列出了每
关键词:蕨类植物;区系;香港 ;新记录
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com