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全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 23(3):267—270 2003年 5月
余泽高,沈 健
(湖北农学院生命科学学院,湖北荆州 434025)
摘 要:通过对大穗黑麦草生物学性状观察及测定叶绿素含量,丙二醛含量,抗坏血酸氧化酶活性等生理生
化指标,并与湖北省当前推广的小麦品种鄂恩1号、鄂恩 4号作比较,结果表明它具有较高的抗性,为小麦的
中图分类号:Q945.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—3142(2003)03—0267—04
Study on the resistance of physio’Ibiochemical
parameter of Lolium grandispicum Y
YU Ze—gao,SHEN Jian
(Faf“It of Life Science,Hubei Agricultural College,Jingzhou 434025’China)
Abstract:In this paper,biological properties of L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei were observed and its physio-bio—
chemica1 criterion such as chlorophyl content,malondialdehyde content and ascorbic acid oxidase activity were
measured.After comparing with wheat variety EN1 and EN4 in Hubei,the result suggested that the grass has
a good resistanee.And the new species can provide new wild species resource for wheat resistant breeding·
Key words:L grandispicum Y.J.Fei;physio—biochemical parameter resistance
Lolium grandispicum Y.J.Fei is a type of
new species belonging to H ubei Lolium. It was
first discovered by Fei Yongj un,a teacher of Hubei
Agricultural College in the eastern suburb of Jing—
zhou Hubei in June,1998(Fei,1999).The relevant
research report has not published because of the
short period 0f discovery.
W heat is one of the most important cereal
crops in the world. However,with the ever—in—
creasing production level and ever-changing envi—
ronment,there are continuous new requirements on
wheat breeding. The genetic resources within
wheat species cannot keep up with the breeding.
So it is crucial to open new genetic resources to
make wheat hereditary basis abundant(Liu,1993).
Whereas L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei can be utilized
as a sort of new resource of wheat distant hybrid—
ization. The paper primarily made a preliminary
observation on biological properties Of L.gran—
dispicum Y.J.Fei and observed the blochemical pa—
rameter related to L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei and
wheat SO as to provide theoretical and practical ba—
sis for the breeding and improvement of hereditary
cha racter of wheat.
Received date:2002—11—18 Accepted date:2003—03—13
Foundation item:Supported by Hubei Educational Committee(062)
作者简介:~ (1946一),男,湖北石首市人,副教授,主要从事植物遗传育种的教学与科研工作。
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268 广 西 植 物 23卷
1 Material and methods
’ 1.1 Material
The experimental materials were L. gran—
dispicum Y.J.Fei,wheat variety EN 1 and EN 4.
The experimental field was in the whea breeding
field of Hubei Agricultural College,China. And
the experiment has proceeded from 1999 to 2001.
1.2 M[ethods
(1)Chlorophyll contents were measured by
SPAD—502 chlorophyll trochometer produced in Ja‘·
pan. Every material measured 30 plants,and the
lamina measured by chlorophyll trochometer was
the spreading lamina next to the last. The aver—
aged means were recorded. The meas uring part
was the center of the lamina.
(2)Malondialdehyde contents were measured
by the method of sulfo—barbituric acid(Bai et al,
1996):The leaf next to the last was used in the ex—
periment.It was first cleared and dried,then sub—
sections were cut to 0.5 cm in those of 0.3 g in
weight were selected and grind,in the end,the col—
or reaction and colorimetric estimation were carried
out.The malondialdehyde contents were calculated
by equation.
(3)The ascorbic acid oxidase activity were
measured by residual titrimetric method(Bai et al,
1 996):The normaIlaminas were used in the ex—
periment. It was first cleaned and select 2.0 g in
weight.Then the enzyme was extracted for activi—
ty analysis.In the end,the activity were calculat—
ed by equation.
2 Conclusion and analyses
2.1 Breeding season of L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei
The breading observation experiment were
successively carried out from 1999 to 2001,The
breeding properties are illustrated in Table 1.
Table 1 Results of breeding of L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei
From the above table,it can be seen that the
growth season of L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei is the
same as that of wheat.But its powerful tillow abil—
ity can reach about 2O per plant. And there were
still a fraction of them in florescence when the
wheat was harvested.In August,2000,the summer
seeding experiment of L.grandispicum and wheat
in the test base have proved that:the result of see—
ding on August 1 st was that L.grandispicum Y.J.
Fei could not germinate which proved that the seed
has dormant period and its winter habit is quite
strong;The result of seeding on August 20th was
that L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei could germinate and
emergented the seedlings,but it could not bloom
and seed the same as wheat in the same year.The
L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei could mature living
through the winter after vernalization in the second
year,its breeding progress was the same as autumn
seeding of wheat.
2.2 Chlorophyll content of leaf
During the blooming(1 5th of April,200 1),the
chlorophyll content of leaf of blooming period of
L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei and wheat were meas—
ured.The results are listed in Table 2.
Table 2 SPAD and chlorophyll content
Note:The results are the average means of 30 plants.
From Table 2,it can be seen that SPAD value
of L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei and chlorophyll con—
tent are slightly more than EN 1 and EN4.
The design principle of SPAD-502 chlorophyll
trochometer is that the D-value of absorbancy a—
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3期 余泽高等:大穗黑麦草的抗性有关生理生化指标的初步研究 269
round 660 nm is measured by the lightening of e—
lectronic tube and the transmitting of leaf. SPAD
chlorophyll trochometer was initially used to meas—
ure the lear color,at present,the lear color was ap—
plied to study the yield,quality and fertilization
management of crops. Accordingly,SPAD chloro—
phyll trochometer is called leaf color trochometer
and SPAD value is called lear color value. The
chlorophyll content can be worked out by the cal—
culation of correlation function of chlorophyll con—
tent and SPAD value(Ai P£al,2ooo).The produc—
tion of crop yield is the procedure of formation of
organic substance that the light energy transforms
to chemical energy through the chlorophyll in the
plants.As a result,in the season of plant growth,
the amounts of chlorophyll content of leaf play an
important consequence on photosynthetic yields.
Especially,in the later period of bearing,the a—
mount of chlorophyll content is of great importance
which the more amount of chlorophyll content are,
the less degradation rate is and the longer function
of crop has,the more potential of increasing in
yield has.
2.3 Malondialdehyde(MDA)content
In the early stage(April 18th,2001~ 19th,
2001)of milking of L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei and
wheat,the maIondiaIdehyde(MDA)content of the
lear next to last were measured.The results were
shown as Table 3.
Table 3 Malondialdehyde(MDA)content(#tool/g)
Ftom Table 3,it can be seen that malondial—
dehyde(MDA)content of the lear next to the last of
L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei is obviously lower than
EN1 and EN4.
In the aging procedure of plant,the decreasing
of superoxide dismutase(SOD)resulted in the in—
creasing of free radical and the strengthening of
lipid peroxidation resulted in the increasing of main
oxidative product malondialdehyde(MDA)content.
Namely,W hen the ageing was processing,a consid—
erable decrease of SOD activity in the leaf and an
increase of MDA cotent were observed(Lin et al,
1984;Cheng et al,2000).It was obvious that the
lower the MDA content was,the lower degree of
ageing was and the longer function the leaf had.It
can be inferred that the L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei
is more resistant to ageing compared with both
EN1 and EN4. It has been proved that the low
degradation rate of leaf chlorophyll of L.gran—
dispicum Y.J.Fei and its long function are in fa—
your of the dry matter accumulation.It was ob—
served from the field that when the 1ear next to the
last of wheat become to turn yellow,the lear of L.
grandispicum Y.J.Fei were still green that it was
in favour of accumulation of photosynthetic prod—
2.4 Relationship between ascorbic acid oxidase ac。
tivity and disease resistance
During the early stage of milk filling(17th of
April,2001),the ascorbic oxidase activity of lear of
L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei and wheat were meas—
ured.The results are listed in Table 4.
Table 4 Ascorbic acid oxidase activity
From Table 4,it can be seen that ascorbic acid
oxidase activity of L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei is
much higher than EN1 and EN4.Ascorbic acid ox—
idase is a sort of oxydizing enzyme containing cop—
per in plants and it is consisted in cytoplasm which
is a sort of terminal oxidase in the respiratory
chain.After the plant are violated by pathogenic
bacteria,their respiration will strengthen and infec—
tious organization are generally 10 times powerful
than healthy tissue respiration(Heitefuss et al,
1998;Pan et al,1995).As one type of terminal ox—
idase of respiration electron transfer,the increase
of ascorbic acid oxidase activity can illustrate that
the infectious plants contain excessive electron
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27O 广 西 植 物 23卷
flow in the respiratory action,which is in conform
with the reinforcing of respiratory action and respi—
ration can help the formation of phellogen around
the wound.The quick wound healing of the plant
can separate the healthy organization from the in—
fectious parts so as to prevent infection spreading.
The reinforcing of ascorbic acid oxidase activity is a
sort of manifestation of the defending against
pathogen infection of plant that is adapted to the
enhancement of the respiratory action of diseased
tissues.So a higher enzyme activity will result in a
stronger disease resistance.From the above exper—
imental results,it can be seen that L.grandispicum
Y.J.Fei has quite strong disease resistance.And
from the field observation,it was known that L.
grandispicum Y.J.Fei do not have infectious sta—
tus which is the same as actual measurement.
3 Discussion
The study reveals that L.grandispicum Y.J.
Fei is highly resistant to aging and disease
. The
paper presented the preliminary study on L.gran—
dispicum Y.J.Fei,but there are more issues wait—
ing for further studies.For example,in the meas—
urement of malondialdehyde content,only a certain
time of malondialdehyde content was measured.In
fact,for further study of degree of its resistance to
aging,the malondialdehyde content should meas—
ured serially.M oreover,the extraction analysis of
its isodynamic enzyme and DNA are still waiting
for further studies.
In general,the preliminary study indicated that
L.grandispicum Y.J.Fei is a sort of new germ—
plasm resources.If the fine gene of L.grandispi—
cum Y.J.Fei is transferred to wheat by the applica—
tion of cell engineering,Chromosomal engineering
and gene engineering,a genetic improvement of
wheat is foreseeable.
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