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全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 25(2):107— 111 2OO5年 3月
张朝晖,赵传海,李晓娜,彭 涛,黄文琥,姜
(贵州师范大学地理与生物科学学院 ,贵州贵阳 550001)
摘 要:对采自中国广西桂林 17个岩溶洞穴的192份苔藓植物标本进行研究,报道了洞穴苔藓 13科 19属28
种,其中含广西苔藓植物新记录 16种。野外观察表明,桂林岩溶洞穴苔藓植物主要分布于洞穴洞口0~32 m
中图分类号:Q948.15 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—3142(2005)02—0107—05
Bryop hytes of Karst caves in Guilin area,China
ZHANG Zhao—hui,ZHAO Chuan—hai,LI Xiao—na,
(School of Geography and Biology.Guizhou Normal University.Guiyang 550001,China)
Abstract:1 92 byophyte specimens were colected from 17 caves in the Guilin Karst area,Guangxi,China.28
species in 1 8 genera and 13 families were listed with site,substrate,altitude,date,collectors.Among them,16
taxa are new records for Guangxi Autonomous Region.The fieldwork indicated the bryophytes grew within 0
~ 32 m.distance with weak light from the cave entrance.Three turf species,including G) mnostonum calcar—
eum Nees et Horsch.,G.recurvirostre Hedw.and Philonotis turneriana(Schwaegr.)Mitt.were associated
with cave travertine deposition at thresholds.
Key words:bryophytes;flora;travertine;Karst;cave;Guilin
1 Intr()ducticn
Guilin Karst area jS situated between 1 10。9 E
~ 110。42 E:24。40 N~ 25。40 N ,Guangxi Autono—
mous Region,China,including Guilin City,Yang—
shou County and Lipu County.The total land area
iS 7 420 km ,altitude ranges from 15O m to 1 936
m above sea leve1.The Guilin Karst area belongs
tO subtropical zone,with an average annual tern—
perature of l 9.1℃ and annual precipitation about
收稿 日期
1 296 mm(Zhu et a1.,1988).Geologically,Guilin
contains one of the most beautiful and famous
Karst areas in China,with carbonate rock covering
an area of about 3 464.6 km .The strata are com—
posed of various types of rocks such as micritic
limestone,biogenetic limestone and dolomite,its
thickness may reach 2 5OO~4 000 m.According tO
statistics,there are more than 2000 Karst caves of
considerable size in the studied area(Zhu et口Z.,
From 1 993 tO 200 1,a sires of bryological expe一
2004—02一l2 修订 Et期 :2004—07一l 2
目(国人部发(2003)50号);贵州省优秀科技教育人才省长专项基金(黔科教(2003)04)资助项 目部分成果。
张朝晖(196 2),男,贵州赫章县人.教授,主要从事苔藓植物学、岩溶植物生物学和和生物多样性科学研究。

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108 广 西 植 物 25卷
ditions were conducted by Guizhou Norma1 Univer—
sity in the Karst area of Guizhou,Sichuan and
Guangxi(Zhang,l993,l996;Zhang et al,,l996;
Zhang et a1.,1997;Wang et a1.,2002). In 1998
and 200l,l7 Karsl caves in the Guilin area were in—
vestigated in detail in our fieldwork research (Ta—
ble 1),including Guilin City(1l caves).Lipu Coun—
ty(3 caves),Yangshuo County(5 caves).Accord—
ing to cave rock type,Two cave types can be distin—
guished namely:1imestone caves and dolomite ca—
V eS.
2 Resuhs
A total of 192 bryophyte specimens were col—
lected.W e were able to identify 28 species in 18
genera and l3 families(Table 2).Compared with
earlier publications in Guangxi Province by bryolo—
gists and botanists(W ang et a1.,2002;Piippo,
l990;Wang,l993;Redfearn etⅡ .,l996;Du,1997;
Zhu et a1.,2003),l6 taxa are new records for
Guangxi Autonomous Region

Table 1 Karst caves investigated in Guilin Karst area
In the fieldwork,we observed that bryophytes
occur only within O~32 m distance with weak light
from the cave entrance. Three turf species,inclu—
ding Gymnostonum calcareum Nees et Horsch
. ,G.
recurwirostre Hedw. and Philonotis turneriⅡ扎(£
(Schwaegr.)Mitt.,were associated with cave trav—
ertine deposition such as stalagmite,stalactite and
seepage at the cave threshold

The genus Cyathodium are often growing in
Karst area,which occurs mainly at cave entrance of
limestone& dolomite caves in tropical or subtropi—
cal Karst areas. In China it was Professor Xu
Wenxian(1964)who recorded firstly the population
of Cyathodium cawernarum Kunze at the entrance
in some 1imestone caves in Kunming area in Yun—
nan Province in l964,Iater more siles recorded
from Yunnan,Sichuan and Guizhou Province in
China by other bryologists(Hu,1987;Gao,2000;
Zhang,l996,2002;Wang et a1. ,l996).However,
there are no information about Cyathodium in
Guangxi Province. It was interesting that Cya—
thodium cawernarum Kunze were found in 2 caves
while C.srnaragdium Schiffin ex Keissler in 8 ca—
yes in the Guilin Karst area.Both species thalli
with the luminous and green light at dark caves,C

cavernarum was found within l~ l 2 m at cave en—
trance while C.smaragdium within 0. 5~ 22 m.
The list of bryophytes in Karst caves from
Guilin Karst area is presented here
. Species are mr-
ranged alphabetically,followed by the cave name。
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2期 张朝晖等:中国桂林岩溶洞穴苔藓植物研究 lO9
substrate,bryophyte within cave(m ),altitude,
date,collectors and collected number.One asterisk
(。)before species name indicate new records for
Guangxi Province.Two asterisk( )after species
name make cave travetine deposits.A1l specimens
are deposited at School of Geography and Biology,
Guizhou Normal UniversitY.
3 List of bryophytes in Karst ca—
ves from Guilin Karst area
3.1 Liverworts
Calypogeia arguta
Wind Cave,floor soil,3
Nees et M ont. Lement
m.within,ah.19O m,No.
Cyathodium cavernar
Sister Cave,dolomite soll,8
um K unze. Zhuang
m within,alt.2l5 m,
NO.0lO8l6l5.Xiaoyao Cave.wet limestone.12 m
within。ah.2l5 m,N0.0lO8]6l6.
C.srnaragdium Schifin ex Keissler.Yujas—
han Cave,floor soil,l~ 6 m within,ah.235 m,NO.
0108l703.NO.0lO8l702.Bilian Cave.1imestone
soil,8 m within,ah.195 m,NO.0lO8l6l0:Chen—
boshan Cave 2,wet limestone soil,0.5~ l m with—
in,alt.195 m,NO.0108l607.Chenboshan Cave 3,
limestone underforest,2 m within,ah.235 m,No.
01081604.Qixing Cave,dry stalagmite,dry traver—
tine or limestone soil,ll m within,alt.235 m,No.
0108l6lO,NO.0108l608,NO.01081609. Lement
Wind Cave,floor 80il,3~ 6 m within,ah.1 90 m。
No.0lO8l705.YUjashan Cave,soil,l~2 m within,
ah.185 m,NO.09988l;Putoshan Cave,limestone.2
~ 4 m within,alt.19O m,NO.099885.
Marchantia papillata Raddi subsp.grossi—
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llO 广 西 植 物 25卷
OlO8l6lO。No.0lO8l6l1.Moon Cave,limestone,l
m within.ah.185 m,No.0lO8l5O5.
Radula japonica Gott.ex Steph.Chenbos—
han Cavel,limestone soll,1.2 m within,ah.190 m,
No.0l08l 6O9.
3.2 MOSSeS
AnoTnodon thraustus C.M uel1.Chenboshan
Cavel,limestone soll,0.5 m within,ah.190 m,No.
Claopodium rugulosifolium Zeng.Fengyu
Cave,limestone,3~ 5 m within,ah.264 m,No.
01081622,No.0108l624.Qixing Cave,dry traver—
tine,l2 m within,a1i.235 m,No.0lO8l609.Yu as-
han Cave,floor sol,l~6 m within,ah.235 m,No.
Cyathophorella tonk nensis(Broth.Et Par.)
Broth.Chenboshan Cavel,limestone soll,1.2 m
within,alt.190 m,No.0lO8l608.
Entodon angusti folium(Hedw)C.Muel1.Yu—
jashan Cave,soll floor l~2 m within,ah.185 m,
E.viridulus Cord.Xiaoyao Cave,wet lime—
stone,5 m within,ah.215 m,No.01O8162O.
Fissidens areolatus Griff.Xiaoyao Cave,wet
limestone,l2~ l3 m within,ah.2l5 m,No.
F.gymnogynum Besh.Fengyu Cave,lime—
stone,3 m within,ah.264 m,No.0108l622.Chen—
boshan Cave4,dolomite under forest,l m within,
ah.225 m,No.0l08l6O2.
F.obscurus Mitt.Zhuang Sister Cave,dolo—
baoshan Cave 2.wet limestone soil,l m within,al1.
195 m。No.0lO8l608.Qixing Cave,dry t ravertine,
l2 m within,ah.235 m,No.0lO8l609.Lement
Wind Cave。floor sol,3 m within,ah.190 m,No.
F.tosaensis Broth.Shanmingkon Cave,lime—
stone soll,2 m within,ah.195 m,No.0lO8l502.
Moon Cave,limestone,6 m within,ah.185 m,No.
Gymnostonuyn calcarE“ Nees et Horsch. ’
Yujashan Cross Cave,travertine seepage,l m with—
in,ah.2l8 m,No.099882. Xiaoyao Cave,wet
limestone,l m within,ah.2l5 m,No.0lO8l620.
G.recurvirostre Hedw. Zhuang Sister Ca—
ve,travertine,1.5 m within,ah.2l5 m,No.
OlO8l6l4.Chenboshan Cave 3,dry travertine,1.2
m.within,ah.235 m,No.0lO8l605,No.0lO8l606.
Philonotis turneriana(Schwaegr.)Mitt.一
Yujashan Cliff Cave,stalagmite,threshold,ah.195
m ,No.099884.
Plagiomnium cusipidatum (Hedw.)T.Kop.
Qixing Cave,limeslone,32 m.within,ah.235 m,
Rae’opilum aristaum M itt.Fengyu Cave,wet
limestone,4 m within,ah.264 m,No.0lO8l621.
TⅡ ^ZZ“7 taxirameum (Mit t)Fleisch.Xi—
aoyao Cave,wet limestone,l2~ l3 m within,ah.
215 m ,No.0lO8l6l6,No.0lO8l6l7.Fengyu Cave,
limestone,3 m.within,ah.264 m,No.0lO8l622.
No.0lO8l623.Chenboshan C ,e 3。limestone under
forest,2 m within,ah.235 m,No.0lO8l6O6.Chen—
boshan Cave 4,dolomite under forest,l~2 m with—
in,alt.225 m,No.01O8l602,No.01081601.Qixing
Cave,limestone,32 m within,ah.235 m.No.
OlO8l607.Yujashan Cave,floor soll,l m within,
ah.235 m,No.0lO8l7O1.Lement Wind Cave.1ime
stone soll,6 m within,ah.190 m,No.0lO8l704.
Moon Cave,limestone,4 m within,alt.185 m,No.
Timmiella aTloln(xla(B.S.G.)Limpr.Lement
Wind Cave,floor soll,3 m within,ah.190 m,No.
Tortegla tortuosa(Hedw.)Limu.Xiaoyao Ca—
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2期 张朝晖等:中国桂林岩溶洞穴苔藓植物研究 111
Ve,limestone,12 m within,alt. 215 m , No.
01081618.T【Jrtuln schmidii(C.M uel1)Broth.Yins—
han Cave,limestone soil,1 m within,alt.240 m ,
No.099891.Zhuang Sister Cave,soil,8 m within,
alt.215 m。No.01O81615.Xiaoyao Cave,wet lime—
stone,5 m within,alt.215 m ,No.01081620.
’了、.yunnanensis Chen.Zhuang Sister Cave。
dolomite soi1,8 m within,ah.215 m,No.01O81613.
’ sicula ria reticulata (Doz. Et Molk.)
Broth.Fengyu Cave,wet limestone,4 m within,
alt.264 m,No.010}l621.Qixing Cave,limestone,
32 m within,alt.235 m,No.01081607.
W eisia plani

folia Dix.Xiaoyao Cave,wet
limestone,12 m within,ah.215 m ,No.01081616.
4 Acknowledgements
I am grateful to many students of Guizhou
Normal University for their assistance during our
field expedilions and laboratory research.Thanks
Professor Zhong Bengu & Professor Jiang
Souzhong(Guizhou Normal University)for invalua~
ble adivice and criticism;Professor Li Xinjing(Kun—
ming Institude of Botan Y, Chinese Academy of
Sciences)for some Pottiaceae species identification.
For fieldwork financial support provided by NSFC,
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