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全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 27(1):1— 28 2007年 1月
A revision of Clematis sect.Viticella(Ranunculaceae)
W ANG W en—Ts ai
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of
Botany. P Chinese.1~kcademy of Sciences,Beijing 100093,China)
Ah :(1)Clematis sect.Viticella is revised in this paper.Thirteen species,one subspecies,and two varieties,including
two new species.Clematis incis~denticulata w Wang and C xiangguiensis Wang,and one new rank, cadm/a
Buc}L—Ham.ex Hookf.& Thoms.vat.1eptomera(Hance)W Wang ,are recognized.They are keyed,described,and il—
lustrated,and classified into three subsections and four series.Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the
section are given.(2)The relationships among the irfrasectionsl groups are briefly discused.Subsect.Hancocokianae m
4-sepaled flowers,undilated spreading sepals,andglabrous stanlens is considered the extantprimitvegroup of sect.Viticel—
la.Subsect.F/oridae,characterized by having 5-8-sepalled flowem,spreading an d strong ly dilated sepals,glabrous sta—
me/is,and pantoporatepolen,and subsect.~ticellae,characterizedbyhaving 4-sepaled flowers,usuallyascending moleor
less dilated sepals,usualy ciliate stamen filaments,and trieolpate polen ,might al be derived from subsect.Hancockianae.
(3)East Chins ,where are concentrated eight species,one subspecies,and on e variety,belonging to thre subsections and
thre series,is the distribution centre of the section,and is surmized to be the centre of origin of it too.
Key words:Clematis;sect.V/ticella;taxonomic revision
CLC nunlbet:Q949.7 Document code:A Article ID:1000-3142(2007)01-0001-28
1 Brief taxonomic history
In 1753,in his“Species plantarum”,Lirmaeus de—
scribed nine species of the genus Clematis. Of them,
Clematis viticella L is the first species of sect.Viticella
known to science.
In 1794,on the basis of Viticella deltoidea Moench
(=C viticella L )Moench established his new mono—
typic genus Viticella.
In 1818,in the first revision of the Clematis,de
Candolle sunk the genus Viticella to sectional rank.In
this section,four species were included.Of them,three
species,C viticella L ,C campaniflora Brot.,and C
floHda Thunb.ex Murray are really the members of
that section,while the forth one,C cHspa L ,should
be a member of sect.V/orna(Reichb.)Prantl(Wang&
In his account of trib.C/ematideae,Spach (1839)
restored Moench’s genus Viticella。and in it followed de
Candolle to recognize the four species mentioned above.
In a paper dealing with the eastern Asian flora,
Maximowi cz(1879) described a new species,Clematis
hancockiana Ma~dm. onthe basis of aflowering spedmen
collected from Ningbo,Zhejiang Province,China by w.
Hancock,and considered that this new species was relat—
ed to the North An~erican C cr/spa L ,a member of
sect.V/orT/a as stated above.On account of its primiaive
floral structure C hancocdiana was regarded as the ex—
tant primitive species of sect.Viticella by me(Wang &
In his monograph of Clematis,Kuntze(1885)rec—
ognim t three species belonging to sect.Viticella. Of
them,C viticella L and C bracteata KuYz(=C cadmia
Buch.-Ham.ex Hook.f.& Thorns.)were placed in his
sect.1.Scandentes aperculatae. Here,C viticella was
Received date:2006—04—03 Accepted date:2006-07—16
基金项 目:国家 自然科学基金(3O47O126)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30470126)]
作者简介:王文采(1926一),男 ,教授 ,中国科学院院士 [WANG Wen-Tsai(1926一),male,professor and Academician of CAS,being
engaged in the taxonomic researches of flowering plants-]。
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2 广 西 植 物 27卷
associated with several Asian an d American species of
sect.V/orna,e.舀C fusca Turca.,C viorna L ,and C
simsii Sweet,and,at the same time,C campaniflora
Brot.a close ally of C viticella,with an other two spe—
des.C crispa L and C zoalteri Pursh,of sect V/orna,
was treated as subspecies under C £站 . The tKrd
species recognized by Kuntze,C florida Thunb.ex
Murray,was placed in his sect.2.Scandentes perulatae,
and associated with species of sect.Clematis,such as C
parv/loba GardrL 8L Champ.C puberu/a Hook.£ 8L
Thorns.,and C pierotii Nfiq.Besides,C hancockiana
was treated as one of the synonyms under C florida,
andClanuginosa Hnd1.,an ally ofCflorida,was trea—
ted as its subspecies.
In his comprehensive classification of the Clematis,
Prantl(1888)recognized the sectional status of Viticel-
la,and gave it the precise diagnosis:Perigonbl/itter in der
Knospe eingefaltet,zuletzt ausgebreitet oder abstehend ,
vom Grunde an mit breitern Saur~ In this section,seven
species were recognized,and classifed into two groups
(subsections)according to the number and extending di-
rection of sepals,and C hancockiana was not included.In
the first group,subsect Euviticellae,charactefized by
having four erect sepals per flower,are accommodated
C viticella,C campaniflora,and C$ca~flen$Huter,and
in the second group,subsect.Floridae,characterized by
ha ving usually five to eight spreading sepals per flower,
are included C patens Morr.& Decne..C lanuginosa
Hnd1.,C florida,and C bracteata.Here,it can be sen
that in sect,Viticella defined by Prantl,no species be—
longing to sect.V/orna or to sect.Clematis were mixed,
and the two subsections exactly represented the two ev-
olutionary lines within this section,and the section Viti—
cella circumscribed by him and the two subsections as—
tablished by him all proved to be monophylefic groups.
However,afterwards,Prantl’s excellent classification of
sect.Viticella was adopted only by Schneider(1906)and
by me(Wang & Li,2005b).
In his revision of the CKnese C/ema .Han del-
Mazzetti(1939)recognized six species of sect Viticella:
C cadmia,C florida,C courtoisii Hand.一Mazz.,C
hancockiana,C longistyla Han(壬’ ,and C lanugi—
nosa,of which two species were described as new.Un-
fortunately,in his revision,some mi si&:ntifications were
made:one spe cimen,Morse 3O,collected from Hunan
Province,and two specimens ,Faber s.n and Hickin s.
n,colected from Zhejiang Province,all belonging to C
huchouensis Tamura (1968),were mi sidentified as C
cadmia,and one specimen,Mesny s.n ,belonging to C
cadmia and colected from Gua ngxi Province,and two
spedmens,Handel-Mzzetti 11907 and 11997,belonging
to xiangguiensis彤 W ang ,a new species described
in the present paper and collected from Hunan Province,
were all misidentified as C florida.Thus,in Hande~
Mazzetti’s revision,two another new species of sect.
Viticella were overlo ked.
In 1955,according to flower position Tamura subdi—
vided sect.Viticella into subsect.Floridae Prantl and
subsect.Patentes Tamura. In 1967,to this section he
added a new subsect.Viticellae Tamura,and raised sub—
sect.Patentes to sectional rank.In 1987 and 1995,he re—
stored his former subdivision of sect.Viticella proposed
in 1955,and sunk both subsect.Euviticellae Prantl and
his subsect.Viticellae into the syn onymy un der subsect.
In the accoun t of the CKnese Clematis,Fang
(1980)recognized eight species of sect.Wticdla.Of
them,C hancockiana and C huchouensis were placed be-
tween C courtoidi and C florida.Just as Handel-Maz—
zetti did in 1939.he also mi sidentified the speeimens be—
longing to a new species,C xiangguiemis,as C flori-
da.Fang ’s account of sect.Viticella was adopted by
WaN;& Bartholomew (2001).
Keener Dennis 0982)treated sect.Viticella as a
subgenus in dealing wi th the classification of the genus
Clematis in North Am erica ,and their treatment was a~
d0pted bySnoeijel(1992)in his classificationofthat ge—
nus.Snoeijer subdivded subgen.Viticella into thre sec-
tions ,i.e.sect.Viticella S.str.,sect.Florida e,and sect.
Patentes,and mi splaced a member of sect.F ridae,C
cadmia,in sect Viticella s.str.
In his monograph of the Clematis,Johnson(1997)
recognized eleven species of sect.Viticella,and classified
them into four subsections.In subsect.1.Viticella,he
correctly associated the CKnese C huchouens~s with the
European C campaniflora,C scandens,and C viticela
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1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 3
for the first time.The primitive spedes C hancockiana
together with another four species,C cadmia,C cour-
toisii,C florida,and C longistyla,was put in subsect.
2.Floridae.The remaining two subsections,subsect.3.
Lanuginosae and subsect.4.Patentes,aYe al monotypic,
accommodating C lanuginosa and C patens respectively.
Johnson’s classification of sect.Viticella was adopted by
Grey-Wilson(2000),however wi th two changes,i.e.the
incorrect transfer of C cadmia from subsect.Floridae to
subsect.Viticella,and the removal of subsect.Patentes to
before subsect.Lanuginosae.
Wang(Wang& Li.2005b)adopted Prantl’s two
subsections of sect.Ⅵ ticella as mentioned above,and
added a new monotypic subsect.Hancockianae,based on
C hancockiana,as the primitve group of that section on
account of the primi tive floral structure of tha t species.
Subsect.Fz0ridae was subdivided into ser.F ridae and
ser.Patentes according to flower position,and subsect.
Viticellae into set.Huchouenses and ser.Viticellae ae—
cording to sepal eolour,breadth of dilated sepal rmr n,
and stamen hair-covering. Wang’s above treatment of
sect.Viticella is retained in the present paper.
2 Relati0nships among the infra—
sectional groups
Sect.Viticella is characterized by having sepals
more or less strongly dilated after anthesis. This ad-
van ced feature is rare in the genus Clematis,occurring
also in sect.Fruticella Tamura (Wang & Li,2005a)
and a species of sect.V/orna,C crispa L (Eriekson,
1943;W ang Li,2005b).However,in sect.Viticella,
there is an exception in this connection,i.己C hancocki-
aT?1.1,an endemi c in East China,in which the flower is
moderate in size and has four spreading oblong sepals
entirely not dilated after anthesis and glabrous stamens
、7l,ith linear filaments an d anthers. With such a floral
structure remarkably resembling that of sect.Clematis,
C hancockiana ma y be considered the extant primi tive
species of sect.Viticella,and sect.Viticella ma y be Sill-
mi zed to be derived from sect.Clematis(Wang ,2003;
Wang& Li,2005b).
In addition to possess primi tive floral structure,C
hancockiana still has some advanced features,such as the
purple colour of sepal,the often narrowly linear anthers,
and the pantopo rate po llen (Zhang,1987;Xie,2005).
And,the phenomelon that a species simultaneously pos—
sesses both primitive and advanced features appears to
imply that C hancockiana is not the primi tive species of
sect.Viticella,and the real primi tive one of that section,
perha ps having 4-sepaled flowers,white spreading undi—
lated sepals,glabrous stamens wi th oblong or narrowly
oblong anthers,and tricolpate pollen,mi ght have been
extinct long ago(Warig& Li,2005b).
Subsect.Floridae is sim lar to subsect.Hancocki-
atlae in also having pantoporate pollen (Zhang,1987~
Kapoor et a1.,1989;Yano,1992;Nowike& Skvarla,
1995;Xie,2005).Wi thin it,the species of ser.Florldae
show particular resemblance to C hancockiana in their
once to twice temate or pinnate leaves,axilary 1一flow-
ered,conspicuously 2-bracteate cymes,and spreading
sepals,differing only in the usualy larger,5— 6一sepalled
flowers and the strong ly dilated sepals.Ser.Patentes is
closely related to sex.Floridae,differing from the latter
only in the solitary,terminal,6— 8一sepalled flowers.
These two groups mi ght all be derived from the group
represented by C hancockiana.
In ser.Floridae,C courtoisii,like C hancockiana,
C patens,C lanuginosa,and most species of Clematis,
has achenes wi th strong ly elongate plumose persistent
styles up to 4 ctn long .However,in another three spe-
cies of this series,the styles are less or much less elon—
gate and not plumose after anthesis:In C florida,the
persistent styles are slightly elongate,taiblike,and wi th
appressed hairs(Schneider,1906);in C xiangguiensis,
the persistent styles are also slightly elongate,ca.8 n31TI
long ,with spreading short hairs below,glabrous above,
and on the apex with a depressed-capitate stigma(in the
remaining species of sect.Viticella and most species of
Clematis,the stigmas are thinly clavate in outline);and
in C cadmia,the persistent styles are much less or even
not elong ate,subulate in outline,only 1— 5 mm long ,
covered with appressed short hairs.The phenomenon of
shortening of persistent style seems to be connected with
the cha ng e of fruit dispersal modes,from wi nd dispersal
to animal dispersal
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4 广 西 植 物 27卷
Subsect.Viticellae is characterized by having 4-sep—
ailed flower,ascending dilated sepals,often ciliate stamen
filaments,tricolpate polen (Yano,1992;Xie,2005),and
flattened,tumidly rimmed achene with short hard subu—
late persistent style(Here,the short persistent style,like
that of C cadm/a mentioned above,may be resulted from
the adaptation to animal dispersal of fruit),and might o—
riginate from the extinct primitive species of sect.Ⅵ 一
cella stated above. W ithin this subsection,the eastern
Asian species,C huchouensis,has white narrowly dilated
sepals and glabrous stamens,while in its another three
European alies,C campaniliora,C rigoi,and C viti—
cella,the sepals are usually purple,blue,or red in colour,
and moll or less strong ly dilated after anthesis,and the
stamen filaments are often dliate near apex. So,these
thre European species,forming fl nature group,are more
advanced than C huchouensis.an d mi ght be derived from
the group represented by the latter.
Perhaps due to that C viticella an d C cr/spa of
secL V/orna po ssess simi lar purple,ascending or erect,
dilated sepals,hairy stamen filam ents,and simi lar fl—
chenes,de Candolle(1818),Spaeh(1885),and Eriekson
(1943)all associated them together.Besides,Tam ura
(1967)posited that the C florida group seems to have
phyletieal relationships to subsect.Crispae of sect.Ⅵbr-
加 .However,according to my understanding abo ut the
relationships among C hancockiana,subsect.Floridae,
and subsect.Viticellae iust mentioned,the resemblance
betwen the C viticella group an d C crispa with its al—
lies of sect.V/orna appears to be resulted from conver—
gence(Wang& Li,2oo5b).
3 Geographical distribution
Sect.Viticella here defined consists of thirteen spe—
des ,one subspecies ,and tw o varieties,of which ten spe—
des occur in eastern Asia,and three species in south—
western As ia and southem Europe (Fig.1).
Subsect.Hanockianae is monotypic,restricted in
geographical distribution to the subtropical regions of
East C}1ina.
Subsect.Floridae with eight species occurs in east—
em Asia In it,set.Floridae consists of six spede& Of
them,five spedes are mainly concentrated to the sub—
tropical regions of central and southeastern China,wlth
one variety of an advanced species.C cadmia var.cad—
m/a,extending from there westwards along the montane
regions of northern Indo-China Penins ula and southern
Yunnan Plateau to northeastern India,and an another
variety,C cadmia var.1eptomera,endemic to So uth Chi—
na.The sixth species,C florida,consists of two eulti—
vats,var.florida and var.florepleno,being al raised in
JaparL However,of them,var.florepleno also occurs in
the wild disjunctively in Yunnan Province of Southwest
CKna and Zhejiang Province of East CKna.The second
ser,Patentes consists of two species and one subspedes.
Of them ,C patens ssp.tientaiensis and C lanuginosa are
all endemic to Zhejiang Province of East China,and C
patens ssp.patens OCCURS in eastern Shandong and Lia—
oning Provinces,China,Korea,and Japan.
Fig.1 Map showing distribution of the ir[rasectional
groups of sect.Viticella
Subseu Hanc~klanae▲ Subsect.Viticellae
Subsecu Floridae Set.HuchouensesO
Ser.Floridae·—-—一 Set.Viticellae·—-·.—-
Subsect.Viticellae consists of four species. Its
primi tive group,the monotypic set.Huchouenses,some—
what 1ike subsect.Hancockianae.is endemic to the sub—
tropica1 regions of Ea st snd Centra1 China.The mitive
species,C campaniflora.,and one of the two advanced
species,C rigoi,of set.Viticellae,are confined in distri—
bution to Portugal and southem Italy respectively.An—
other advanced species of sex.Viticellae,C viticella,has
fl wi der distribution area ,ranging from southwestern A—
sia westwards to southern Europe- The disjunctive dis—
tribution betw en ser.Huchouenses an d ser.Ⅵticellae
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1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 5
might be caused by the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang
Plateau in the Tertiary (Hsn,1983;Wang,1989).
Judging from what stated above,1 would surmise
that the subtropical regions of East China,where are
concentrated eight spedes,one subspecies,and one varie-
ty belonging to three subsections and three series,is the
distribution centre of sect.Viticella,and in these regions
this section might originate from secL Clematis.
4 Taxonomic treatment
Clematis L sect.Viticella (Moench) DC ,Syst.1:
160.1818;et Prodr.1:8.1824;Prantl in Bot.Jahrb.9:
259.1888;et in Engler& Prantl,Nat.Pflanzenfam.3(2):
63.1888;Koehne,Deut.Dendr.152.1893;Schneid ,Il1.
Handb.Laubh.1:285.1906;Han&一Mazz.in Aeta Hort.
Gotob.13:198.1939;Reh& ,Man. t.Trees& Shrubs,
ed 2,212.1951;Tarnura in Sci.Rep.Osaka UI1iv.16(2):
34.1967;M Y.Fang in FI.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:199.1980;
Tamura in Acta Phytotam Geobot.38:43.1987;et in Hi—
1995;IVL Johnson,K1ematis 665.1997;Grey-Wilson,
Clematis 114.2000; % in Acta Phytotam Sin
43:473.2005.— — Ⅵticella Moench, Metho& 296.
F1.SE UI1it.Stat.437.1903.— — Clematis sub.gen. Viti—
cella (Moench)Keener& De nnis in Taxon 31(1):142.
1982;Snoeijer in C1ematis 1992:18.1992.Type:Viticella
deltoidea Moench=C/ematis viticella L
Clematis sect.Tessen Tamura in Sci.Rep.Osaka
UI1iv.4:49.1955;et in Acta Phytotax.Geobot.16:8O.
1956.Type:C florida Thunb.
Woody or perennial herbaceous vines.Seedling
leaves opposite(knownfrom C patensMorr.& De cne.,
C campaniflora Brot.,and C viticella L—Essig,1991).
Cauline leaves once ortwiceternate or pinnate,rare sim-
pie. Flowers bisexual,medium-sized or large,in axilary
cymes,or solitary,termina1.Se pals 4— 8,white,blue,or
purple,spreading or ascending ,valvate,usually after an-
thesis more or less strongly dilated,rarely not dilated
(C hancockiana MarSn. ).Stamens numerous;filaments
linear,rarely oblan ceolate-linear,glabrous or near apex
ciliate;anthers linear,narrowly linear,or narrowly ob—
long,glabrous,apex obtuse or mi nutely apiculate.Carpels
num erous;styles densely hairy,rarely abrous;stigmas
thinly clavate,rarely depressed-capitate.Achenes com-
pressed;persistent styles strongly elongate,plumose,or
slightly or not elongate,not plumose,tail-like or subu-
Thirteen species with one subspecies and two varie-
ties disjunctively distributed in eastern Asia and south—
western Asia and southern Europe.
Many Clematis species wi th beautiful flowers ha ve
came into cultivation as ornamentals.Of them the large-
flowered ones,C patens,C lanuginosa et a1.,are all
confined to sect.V/ticella.Since 1835 uD to date,some
or more tha n two hundred large-flowered cultivars have
been raised byhybridization ofthem and certain cultivars
they produced,and enormously enriched the catalogue of
garden plants of the Clematis.Most of these cultivars
have flowers 10— 2O crn in diameter,and in some of
them,such as Clematis‘Belie Nantaise’,C ‘Laura’,C
‘La wsoniana ’,C.‘Ma dame van Houtte’,C ‘Sho-un’,
C ‘The First La dy’,C ‘Titania’,and C ‘W.E.Glad-
stone’,the flowers are up to 23— 25 crn in diameter
(Johnson,1997;Toomey& Leeds,2001).
Kev tO infrasectional taxa
1.Sepals 4,spreading,purple,narrowly oblong,after anthesis not dilated;stamens glabrous;polen pantoporate;flowers in axilary 1一
flowered conspicuously 2-braeteate cymes ⋯ ⋯ ·⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ·⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ·subsect
. 1.Hancockianae
1.Sepals narrowly laneeolate or laneeolate,after anthesis more or less strongly dilated.
2.Sepals 5- 8,spreading,white,rarely purplish,narrowly laneeolate,after anthesis strongly dilated;stamens glabrous;pollen pantopo—
rate;achenes 2—4.8 mm broad,rarely rimmed(C.cadmia),with usualy plumose or tail—like,rarely subulate(C.cadmia)persistent
styles⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ subseet.Z.Floridae
3.Flowers in axilary 1-flowered conspicuously 2-braeteate cymes;sepals 5—6,white. ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯ ⋯ ser.1
. Floridae
4.Stamens all fertile.
5.Ovaries globose,eft.1 mm in diam.;styles 2.5— 7.5 mm long,after anthesis more or less strongly elongate。0.8- 5 em long。
plumose,with spreading hairs 0.5— 4 mm long;achenes not rimmed.
6.Stigmas thinly clavate.
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广 西 植 物 27卷
7.Leaflet margin entire.
8.Persistent styies strongly elongate,p[umose,1.2- 5 em long,with spreading long hairs up to 3- 4 mm long·
9.Filaments as broad as anthers;styles 5— 7.5 mm long,below densely vilous,above glabrous ⋯ ⋯ 2.C.Iongistyla
9.Filaments broader than anthers;styles ca.4 mm long,from base nearly to apex densely vilous ⋯ 3.C.courtoisi
8.Persistent styles less elongate,tail-like,with appressed hairs ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5.C.floridavar.florida
7.Leaflet margin denticulate or dentate.
1O.Leafiets mostly entire,only those of upper leaves with dentate margins;sepals 2.7—4.8× 0.8—2.8 em ;filaments as
broad as anthers:styles 5—7.5 mm long,below densely villous,above glabrous ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 2.C.Iongistyla
10.Leafiets of aII leaves with incised—denticulate or dentate margins;sepals smaller,1.7— 2.2×O.6一O.9 em ;filaments
narrower than anthers:styles ca.4.6 mm long,from base to apex densely vilous ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 4.C.inciso-denticulata
6.Stigmas depressed—capitate;styles 3— 3.5 mm tong,after anthesis elongate to 8 mm long,below with spreading short
hairs.above glabrous⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 6.C.xiangguiensis
5.Ovaries narrowly ovoid。1.5— 2.5 mm long;styles shorter,1— 2 mm long,after anthesis slightly or not elongate,subulate,up
to 5 mm long。with short,appressed hairs 0.1一O.5 mm long;achenes rimmed ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 7.C.cadmia
11.Style subulate。apex tapering ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 7a.var.cadmia
11.Style oblong,apex truncate-rounded ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 7b.var.1eptomera
4.Stamens al sterile。modified into petal—like narrowly lanceolate staminodes ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5b.C.florida var.flore-pleno
3.FIowers solitary,terminal;sepals 5—8 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ Ser.2.Patentes
12.Leaves abaxially on veins sparsely pubescent ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 8.C.patens
13.Leaves ternate or 5-fo[iolateiy pinnate,sometimes simple;pedicels 4.6— 10 em long;sepals 7— 8,white,rarely purplish⋯
⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ - 8a.ssp.patens
13.Leaves ternate or simple;pedicels shorter,3.5— 4 em long;sepals 5— 6,white ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 8b.ssp.tientaiensis
12.Leaves simple or ternate,abaxially velutinous;sepals 5— 6,purplish ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 9.C.1anuginosa
2.Sepals 4,usualy ascending,after anthesls more or less dilated;polen trieolpate;achenes larger,5— 7 mm broad,tumidly rimmed,
with short hard subulate persistent styles ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ Subsect.3.Viticelae
14.Se pals white,after anthesis slightly dilated;stamens glabraus ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ Se r.1.Huchouenses
14.Sepals purple,blue,or red,rarely white,after anthesis slightly or strongly dilated;stamen filaments often near apex sparsely cili—
ate⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ Ser.2.Viticellae
15.Se pals plus dilated margins obovate-oblong。1- 2.4×0.4一 O.9 em(dilated margins 1.5—4.5 mm broad per side).
16.Se pals plus dilated margins 1— 1.5×0.4— 0.5 era(dilated margins 1.5— 2.5 mm broad per side):connective apicula ca.0.1
long;styles not grooved,densely puberulous below;leaflets abaxially subglabrous or sparsely puberulous ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ - 1 1.C.campaniflora
16.Sepals larger。plus dilated margins 1.8—2.4×O.6一 O.9 em(dilated margins 3— 4.5 mm broad per side)1:connective apicula
0.3——0.6 mm long;styles grooved,glabrous or only on base pubescent:leaflets abaxialy densely puberulous ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ·12.C.rigoi
15.Se pals larger,plus dilated margins broadly rhombic-obovate,1.7—3 × (1一 )1.5— 2.2 cm(dilated margins 4— 10 mm broad
per side);styles grooved,glabrous;connective not apiculate or with apicula less than 0.1 mm long;leaflets on both surfaces
sparsely puberulous or abaxialy densely puberulous ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 13.C.viticela
Subsect.1.Hancockianae W .T.W ang in Acta
M axim.
Leaves 1— 2一pinnate or temate.Flowers in axiUary
1-flowered,manifestly 2-bracteate cymes.Sepals 4,
spreading,purple,narrowly oblong ,after anthesis not di
1ated,lateral basal veins with many veinlets. Stamens
glabrous.Pollen pantoporate.Achenes not rimmed,with
elong ate plumose persistent styles.
One species,endemic to E Chin丑
1.Clematis kmood‘iaIIa Maxim in Bul1.Soe.Nat.Mosc.
54:1.1879;Courtois in Men Hist.Nat.Emp.Chin 6:
26,p1.8.1918;Hand.-Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:
201.1939;M Y_Fang in F1.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:204,p1.
65.1980;Anonym ous in F1.Jiang su.2:82.1982;X W.
Wang in F1.Anhui 2:533.1986;Z.H.Lin in F1.Zhejiang
2:298.1992;Zhu& Yang,Clay.Faro.GerL sp.Spernx
Henan.105.1994;Johnson,K1ematis 679.1997;Grey-
Wilson,Clematis 120.2000 Wang& BartA in F1
China 6:372.2001.——C flor{~ vBx.hancockiana
(Ma~drn.)Courtois in Bul1.Soc.Bot.France 72:434.
1925.Type:China.Zhejiang (浙 江):Ningbo(宁波),
alt。600 feet,hill tops,flowers deep purple,1877—05—13,
Hancock 67(holotype,LE!;isotype,K!).
C tsengiana Metealf in Lingnan Sci.J.2O:129,p1.
4.1941.Type:Chin丑Zhejiang (浙江):Tiantai(天台),
1924—05—16,R C Ching(秦仁 昌)1555(holotype,
SYS,not seen;isotypes,NAS!,PE!,US!).
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1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 7
Fig.2 A-E,Clematis kmc0d‘i釉 Maxim A,flowering branch;B,sepal outside;C,stamen;D,carpel(from S Y.Zhang 565);E,
achene(from SI-LMao 163).F-K,CfloridaThunb.exMurray varoflorida F,flowering branch~G,flower;H,sepal out,de;I,
stamen;J,carpel(from Maximowicz&n);K,achene(after Schneider,1906).(Drawn by Sun Ying-Bao)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shalowly 4— 6- nodes。n~
_.aves 1— 2-pinnate Or ternate;leaflets papery.
sulcate,sparsely pubescent,glabrescent,with tumid narrowly ovate or ovate,3— 6
. 5× 1.4—3.5 crn.apex
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8 广 西 植 物 27卷
acute and apiculate,base broadly cunate or rounded,
margin entire,undivided or 3-1obulate,both surfaces on
midrib sparsely pubescent,basal veins aba xially slightly
promiment or nearly flat;petioles 4——7.5 crn long.
Cymes axillary,1-flowered;peduncles 2— 5 ClTI long;
bracts sessile,broadly ovate,2.5- 4 ClTI long,entire,un-
divided or 3-lobulate_Flower 3— 5 ClTI in dianx;pedicel
4.5— 7 ClTI long,pubescent.Sepals 4,purple,narrowly
oblong,1.5—2.9×0.5—0.7 ClTI,inside glabrous,outside
densely or sparsely pubescent,on margin velutinous,a—
pex slightly acuteStamens 0.9一 1.7 crfl long,glabrous;
filam ents linear.3— 10 iTlrn long;an thers narrowly line—
fir,6- 8 1TITI long,apex mi nutely apiculate.Ovaries pu—
bescent;styles 8— 10 rflrn long,densely villous.Achenes
compressed,rhombie-obovate,ca.5×3.2 ITln,pubescent;
persistent styles 3.5— 5 crfl long,yellowish-plumose
China(SE Anhui,S Henan,Hubei,SE Jiangsu,E
Jiangxi,N& E Zhejiang).On slopes or in bushes;100
— 5o0 rfL
Additional specimens examined.China.Anhui(安
徽):She Xian(歙县),J.N.Dong(董建 农)761
(NAS).Henan(河南):Jigong Sban(鸡公山),K.C
Kuan&T.L Dai(关克俭,戴天伦)119(NAS,PE);
D0310(PE);Xinyang(信阳),K.C Kuan&T.L Dai
368(NAS,PE).Hubei(湖北):Without precise locali-
Yimng(宜兴),R.C Ching& TSo(秦仁昌等)424,
505(NAS),s.H.Ma o(毛 少华)163(NAS,PE).
Ji锄 (江西):Nancheng(南城),Magu Shan(麻姑
山),Anonym ous 5(BNU).Zhejiang(浙江):Hang—
zhou(YC州),S.Y.Zhang(章绍尧)565,610(HHI ,
(NAS);Yuhang(余杭),Hangzhou Bot.Gard.Exped.
(gO州植物园队)79—882(HHI ).
Subsect.2.Floridae Prantl in Bot.Jahrb.9:259.
1888;Schnei& ,Il1.Handb.Laubh 1:286.1906;Han&一
M嵫 in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:198.1939;WaYnura in Sci.
Rep.Osaka Univ.4:50.1955;in Acta Phytotax.GeoboL
38:43.1987;et in Hiepko,Nat.Pflanzenfam.,Zwei.Au—
f1.,17a(4):385.1995;M Johnson,Klematis 675.1997;
Grey-Wilson,Clematis 120.2000; Wang in Acta
Phytotax.SirL 43:474.2005. Uectotype~C florida
Thunb.ex Murray(Tamura,1955).
Sepals 5——8,spreading,white,rarely purple,nar-
rowly lanceolate,3-veined ,strongly dilated after an the—
sis:lateral basal veins with numerous,parallel,1— 3
times dichotomous veinlets.Stam ens glabrous.Pollen
pantoporate.Achenes rarely rimmed (C cadmia).
Eight species,distributed in E Asia.
Ser.1.Floridae W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin
43:475.2005.Type:Cflorida Thunb.exMurray.
Subge~Viticella sect.Floridae Snoeijer in Clema—
tis 1992:19.1992,nOIT1.illegit.
Leaves 1— 2一ternate or 1— 2一pinnate.Flowers in
axillary 1一flowered manifestly 2一bracteate cym es.Sepals
5— 6,white, Achenes only in C cadmia broadly
rimmed;persistent styles either strongly elongate,plu—
mose,or less elongate,tail-like or subulate,with ap—
pressed short hairs.

Six species,widespread in Bangladesh,E S& SW
China ,NE India,N Myanmar,and N Viet Nam
2.Clematis longistyla Hand.一Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.
13:201.1939;An onym ous,F1.Hupe.h.1:365.1976;M Y
Fang in F1.Reip.Pop.SirL 28:303.1980;I)ing et a1.,F1.
Henar~1:449.1981;M Johnson,Klematis 679.1997;
Grey-wilson,Clematis 121.2000; Wang& Barth.
in F1.China 6:372.2001.Type:China.Hubei(湖北):
Yicbang(宜 昌)Henry 3516A (holotype,K!),791
(paratypes,GH!,K!,P!,US!),E H.W ls0n 166
C patens auct.non Mor.& Decne.:Hance in J.
Bot.18:257.1880;Forbes & Hems1.inJ.LinrL Soc.Bot.
C florida auct.non Thunb.ex Murray:Henry in
Gar&Chror~,ser.3,32:51,fig.20.1902;Finet& Gag-
nep.in Bul1.Soc.Bot.France 50:553.1903,P.P.quod p1.
Hubei.;Reh&& Wils.in Sarg.,P1.Wils.1:325.1913.
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shallowly 4— 6一
sulcate,sparsely puberulous,glabrescent.Leaves 1— 2一
temate or pinnate;leaflets papery,0.8— 6×0.5一 I.8
(一3.2)cm,apex acute or acumi nate,base rounded,
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1期 王文采 :铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 9
Fig.3 A-D,Clematis lon~styla Hand.一Mazz. A,flowering branch;B,sepal outside;C,stamen;D,carpel(from Silves-
tri 3891).E-I,C com-toisi Hand.一Mazz. E,flowering branch;F,sepal outside;G,stamen;H,carpel(from X Y.He
21837);I,achene(from Anhui Exped 60397).(Drawn by Sun Ying-Bao)
cuneate,or subeordate,margin entire or 1- 3一denticulate
per side,both surfaces sparsely puberulous,slightly re—
ticulate,hsal veins abaxialy prominent;petioles 1.8—4
cln long.Cymes axillary,l—flowered~peduncles 2— 8.5
cln long ;bracts shortly petiolate,ternate or simple,3一
parted or un divided.Flower 3— 9 ctn in diam.;pedicel
3.5一U cm long。above puberulous Or subglabrous.Sep—
als 5—6,white,plus dilated margins elliptic or narrowly
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10 广 西 植 物 27卷
eliptic,2.7—4.8×0.8—2.8 CITI,inside glabrous,outside
along midrib densely velutinous,on dilated margins gla—
brons .apex acute.Stamens 6— 18 ITlIn long ,glabrous;fil—
aments linear,3-7.5 nm1 long ;anthers linear,3- 6 ITITI
long ,apex mi nutely apiculate.Ovaries pubescent;styles 5
- 7.5 ITlIn long ,below densely brownish-villous,above
China(S Henan,HubeA,Zhejiang).On slopes or by
Addifonal specimens examine& Henan(河南):
Jigong Shan(鸡公 山),Sino-Germany Exped.56—904
276(GH);Wuchang(武昌),C H.Qian(钱重海)
Vir西l King 39(NAS).
3.Clematis eon isi Han d.一M .in Acta Hort.Gotob.
13:200.1939;M Y.Fang in F1.ReAp.Pop.Sin.28:204,
p1.64.1980;Anonymous in F1.Jiangsu.2:169.1982;)【.
W.Wang inFI.Anhui 2:334,fig.640.1986;乙 H.Un in
FI.Zhejiang 2:299,fig.2-399.1992;Zhu& Yang,Clav.
Fam.Gen.Sp.Sperm.HenarL 105.1994;IVL Johnson,KI—
ernafis 120.1997;I(.M Uu in FI.Hunan 2:399.2000;
Grey-Wilson,Clematis 120.2000; Wang & Barth.
in FI.China 6:372.2001.Type:China.Anhui(安徽):
without precise locality,1925,R C Ching(秦仁昌)2731
Cflorida auct.nonThunb.exMurray:Courtoisin
Bul1.Soe.Bot.France 72:431.1925;Rehd.in J.Am Arb.
8:106.1927,P.P.quoad R C Ching 2731.
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shallowly 5一sul—
Gate,sparsely pubescent,often glabrescent,wi th tumid
nodes.Leaves 1— 2-ternate or pinnate;leaflets papery.
1ong dliptic,narrowly ovate or ovate,3— 6.5× 1.4— 2
cTn,apex acuminate or acute,base broadly cuneate,
rounded,or truncate,margin entire,undivided,sometimes
2— 3-lobed,both surfaces on veins sparsely pubescent,
abaxial surface more or less reticulate,basal veins abaxi—
ally promi nent;petioles 3— 7 ClTI long .slightly dilated at
base.Cym es axiUary,1一flowered ;pedun cles 2.5—7咖
long ;bracts shortly petiolate,ovate or broadly ovate,3.4
- 6.2 cm long ,un divided or 2—3一lobed.Flower 5-9.5
cTn in diarr~;pe dicel 3.4— 6.8 ClTI long ,densely puberu-
lou&Sepals 6,white or ting ed with purplish,plus dilated
margins long elliptic or elliptic,2.2—5.2×1—2.3 c/n,
ins ide glabrous,outside along mi drib sparsely pubescent,
along lateral basal veins velutinous,on dilated margins
glabrous,apex acute.Stamens 8— 17 ITI1TI lOng ,glabrous;
filaments oblanceolate-linear,5— 9 ITkrn long ,broader
than anther;anthers linear,4— 6.5 ITLrn lOng ,ape x mi n—
utely apiculate or obtuse.Ov aries pubescent;styles ca.4
ITln lOng ,densely villous.Achenes compressed,obo vate,
3.5— 4.5× 2— 4 rnIn,sparsely pubescent;persistent
styles 1.2—4咖 long ,fulvous-plumose.FI.Ma y-Jun.
China (W & S Anhui,S Henan,E Hubei,S Hu—
nan,SW Jiangsu,Zhejiang).On slopes,by streams,or
in forests;50—520札
Additional specimens examined.Chin~Anlmi(安
徽):Huang Shan (黄山),Z.N.Yan(严增南)2565
彬,姚淦)80004,80987(NAS);Jinzhai(金寨),An —
hui Exped.(安徽 队)59—252(NAS,PE),M.B.Deng
81702(NAS);Jiuhua Shan(九华山),Anhui Exped.
59—5841(NAS,PE);She Xian(歙县),Anhui Exped.
59-1072(NAS);Yuexi(岳西),Anhui Exped.59—252a
(NAS,PE),)【.L Liu(刘晓龙)485(PE).He.nan(tg
南):Huangbai Shan (黄 柏 山),Anonymous 163
(NAS);Jigong Shan(鸡公 山),Y.R.PeA(裴元蓉)
源队)Dl16(PE);Shangcheng(商城),Henan Exped.
(河南 队)59-276(PE);Xin Xian(新 县),Henan
W.J.Li& H.J.Zheng (李文杰 ,郑宏钧)110(HIB);
Tongshan (通 山),Anonym ous 2864(NAS).Hunan
(湖南):Qiyang(祁阳),Y.Tsiang& S.C Chen(蒋
英,陈少卿)331(NAS).Jiangsu(江苏):without pre—
cise locality,F.)【.Liu(刘 防勋)615(NAS).Zhejiang
(浙江):Anji(安 吉),Z.)【.Zhang(张紫 绪)80
(NAS);Fuyang(富阳),C 乙Zheng(郑朝宗)5217
(PE);Jiande(建德),L.Hong(洪林)s.n (HHBG);
Tianmu Shan(天目山),K.K.Tsoong(钟观光)369
PE);Xiaofeng(孝丰),)【.Y.He 24194(NAS,PE);
Yuqian(于潜),I(.I(.Tsoong 370(PE),Y.L Keng
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1期 王文采 :铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 11
Fig·4 A.C,Qematis inciso-denticulata w.T.Wang A,flowering branch;B,stamen;C,carpe1(from S P.Barchet
s· )·D-G,C·e~dmia Buch.一Ham.ex Hool~f.& Thorns.vflr.cs~]nlJa D,flowering branch;E,stamen;F,carpe1
(from Y_L Keng 2164);G,athene(from S.J.Shen 381). H,C.~ ]nlia vat.1eptomera(Hance)w.T_Wang carpe1
(from G.L Shi 13249).(Drawn by Sun Ying-Bao)
4.Clematis inciso-denticulata W .T.Wang,sp.nov
. Type:
Chim.Zhejiang(浙江),without precise locality and oth—
er field notes,S P.Barchet S. n (holotype,US).
Affinis C longistylae Hand.一Mazz.et C courtosii
Hand.一M_丑zz.,a quibus foliolis omnibus margine indso-
denticulatis vel dentatis
,floribus minoribus,sepalis extus
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广 西 植 物 27卷
ad margines dilatatos velutinis,filamentis antheris angus—
tioribus,et ab ilia stylis tota longitudine piliferis differt.
Liana sublignosa.Rami hornotini gradles,circ.1.2
rnln diametro,vadose 4一sulcati,CHITI peduneulis erispule
adpresseque puberuli,in foliorum nonnuliorum axillis fo—
liis parvis breviter petiolatis ternatis praediti.Folia op—
posita,1—2-pirmata,pinnis 2-jugatis;foliola c~ltacea,
ovata vel rhombico-ovata,1-2.3 era longa,0.6一 1.2 era
lata,apice obtusiuscula,apiculata,basi rotundata vellate
cuneata,margine inciso-denticulata vel dentata,indivisa
vel 2— 3-1obata,interdum 3一partita,utrinque sparse pu—
berula vel supra subglabra,nervis basalibus subtus
prominentibus;petioli graciles,2— 2.6 crn longi,sparse
puberuli.Cymae axillares,1一florae;pedunculi graciles,2
- 3.2 cn2 longi;bracteae subsessiles,ovatae,1.2一 1.8
era longae,2—3一sectae,segmentis ovatis.Flos 3.4— 4.2
era diametro;pedicellus gracilis,6— 6.4 on2 longu s,va—
dose 4— 6一suleatus,puberulus.Sepala 6,patentia,alba,
CUiTI marginibus dilatatis anguste rhombiea,1.7—2.2锄
longa,6— 9 rnrn lata,apice apiculata,intus glabra,extus
adpresse puberula,ad margines dilatatos velutina.Stami-
na nun3.erosa,6—10 rnrn longa,glabra,filamentis lineari-
bus 3—5 rnrll longis antheris angustioribus,antheris lir卜
ear;bus vel anguste oblongis 3。——4 rnrn longis apice mi—
nute apiculatis.Carpella numerosa,circ
. 6 rnln longa,
ovariis dense puberulis,stylis circ.4.6 rnln longis infeme
dense vilosis superne pubeseentibus,stigmatibus davatis
circ.0.3 1Tim longis.
5.Clematis florida Thunb.ex Murray in L ,SysL Veg.,
ee1.14,512.1784;Thunb.,F1.Jap.240.1784;w lld。Sp.
P1.2:1287.1799;Andr.in Bou Reims.6:440,p1.402.
1804;Sims in Curtis,Bot.Mag.22:t.834.1825;DC ,
SysL 1:160.1818;et Prodr.1:8.1824;Sieb.& Zucc.。R.
Jap.Fam Nat.1:176.1849;Miq.,Ann.Mus.Bot.L^lgd—
Bat.3:1.1867;Franch.& Say.,Enum.P1.Jap.1:2.1875;
Maxir耵LinMe1.Bio1.9:599.1877 et in Bul1.Acad.Sd.St.
Kuntze in Verh.Bot.V盯.Brand.26:148.1885,p.p.;
Maklno in Bot.Mag.Tokyo 8:330.1897;Huth in Bul1.
Herb.Boiss.5:1064.1897;Finet& Gagnep.in叫 1.Soc.
Bot.France 50:553,t.16,fig.k 1903,P.P.exc1.p1.Hubei
et Vietnam.;Schnei& ,Il1.Handb.Laubh 1:286,fig.
188:d-f.1906;Nakai in J.C0l1.Sci.UIliv.Tokyo 26:5.
1909;Matsur~,Ind.P1.Jap.2:110.1912;Merr.in J.An】.
Arb.19:338.1938;L H.Bailey,Marl Cult.P1.,rev.ed. ,
393.1949;I hd ,Man.Cult.Trees& Shrubs,ed.2,213.
1951;Makino,Il1.F1.Jap.,rev.ed. ,553,fig.1657.1953;
OhM,F1.Jap.442.1965;T.B Lee,Il1.F1.Korea 344,堍.
1373.1979;Kitam.& Murata,Colour.Il1.Herb.P1.Jap.,
rev.ed. ,2:226.1980;Ohwi 8,-Kitag.,New F1.Jap.681.
1992;Y.N.Lee,F1.Korea 104,fig.478.1996;M John-
son,Klematis 677.1997,P.p.excL distr.SiNe.et syn.C
leptomera Hance;Grey-Wilson,Clematis 121.2000,p.p.
exc1.distr.Sinic.et syn.C leptomera Hance;Toomey&
Leeds,Il1.Encyc1.Clematis 191,CHITI photogr.2001.— —
Atragene florida(Thunb.ex Murray)Pers.,Synop.P1.
2:98.1807.——V 缸PZ florida(Thunb.ex Murray)
Bercht.& Presl,Rost.i.Ranunc.10.1820.—— V/ticella
florida(Thunb.ex Murray)Spach,Hist.Nat.Veg.
Phan.7:264.1839.—— S 6DZ florida (1、hunb.ex
Muray)Hofmgg.ex Hynh.,Nom.2:666.1841.Type:
Japan, )S no.13017(holotype. )S!).
以 加 japonica Houtt.,Nat.Hist.II,9:191,t.55,
堍.1.1778.——C 凇班 japonica(Hout.)MalqJno in
Bot.M嚼 Tokyo 26:81.1912,non Clematis japonica
Thunk,1784.Type:Japan,Thunberg&n (holotype,G).
Sieboldia bicolor Hoffmgg.ex H ,Nom.2:
666.1841.Typ e unknown.
Clematis haleonensis Franch.& SaVo,Enur~ P1.
Jap.2:263.1879;Laval1.,Clemat.t.4.1884.—— C
florida varo hakonensis(Franch.& SaVo)Huthin B1】l1.
05,Savatier s.rL (holotype,P!).
C florida var.normalis Kuntze in Verh.Bot.V盯.
Brand.26:149.1885.No type specimen designated.
5a.var.florida Fig.2:F-K (p.7)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Branches shallowly 4—
6一suleate,appressed-puberulous. Leaves 1— 2-pinnate;
Leaflets thinly or thickly papery,ovate,narrowly ovate,or
eliptic,2.4— 5 crn× 1.2— 2.8 crn,apex acute,base
bmadly cuneate or rounded,margin entire,undivided or
un equally 2一lobed,both surfaces on veins sparsely puber-
ulous·basal veins abax/ally slightly prominent;petioles
2.8—5.5锄 long,sparsely pubescent.Cymes axilary,
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 13
1一flowemd;peduncles 2.5— 6.5 crn long,puberulous;
bracts very shortly petiolate.ovate or broadly ovate,1.5
— 3.8 crn long ,margin entire or 1— 2一dentate,undivided
or un equally 2— 3一l0bed Flower 4.5— 7 ClTI in diam.;
pedicel 8— 11 ClTI long ,puberulous.Sepals 5— 6,white,
plus dilated margins rhombie-ovate or broadly rhombic,2
— 3.5×1.1—2.3 crn,inside glabrous,outside appressed-
puberulous,on dilated margins velutinous,apex mucro—
nate.Stamens 7— 13 mm long,glabrous;filaments line—
ar;anthers linear,2— 4 ITI1TI long,apex minutely apicu—
late. Ovaries densely puberulous;styles ca.2.5 ITlrfI
Iong ,densely appressed-puberulous,with hairs ca.0.6
mm long. Achenes compressed,suborbicular,puberu—
lous;persistent styles slightly elong ate,tail-like,wi th ap—
pressed short hairs.
A cultigen raised long ago in Japan with unknown
Additional specimens examined.Japan.Kuroishi,
1886-05-30,Faurie 479(G);Nagasaki,1863,Maximo—
wicz s.134(P);Se ndai,1897-07-06,Faurie 4250(WU);
Tokyo Bot.Garden,1898—06,Faurie 1372(P,WU).
On the same type sheet,LIPS no.13017,deposited
in UPS,two flowering branches were moun ted,an d in
them,each flower bears several small narrowly oblan ceo—
late staminodes about 8 mm long outside the numerous
fertile stamens up to 13 ITlrfI long.In the specimens cited
above,the stan3ens of each flower are all fertile,normally
Before its publication in 1784,C florida was intro—
duced from Japan into Sweden in 1776 by the Swedish
botanist C P.Thun berg。an d afterwardz played an im-
portant role in the breeding of new Clematis cultivars
(Grey-Wilson,2000;Tomey& Leeds,2001).
Since the beginning of last century up to recently,
Henry(1902),Rehder& Wi lson(1913),Rehder(1923,
1927),Courtois (1925),Handel一1Vl_azzetti(1931,1939),
Chun (1934),Pei(1940),Fang(1980),Johnson(1997),
Grey-Wi lson(2000).and Wang & Bartholomew (2001)
successively reported the occurrence of C florida from
various provinces of Central,South,and East China re—
spectively.After examining the herbarium material of all
species bdonging to subsect.Floridae available to me,
however,1 failed to find out any specimen collected from
China representing C florida,and believe,now,that the
reports given by the bo tanists mentioned above were all
based on mi sidentifications or incorect information,C
florida does not,in fact,occur in the wild in China,and
is actualy a cultigen raised long ago in Japan with an—
known parentage.
5b.vat.flore-plen~ .Don,Gen. Hist.Dichlar~ P1.1:9.
1831.Typ e unknown.
C florida var.plena D_Do n in Sweet,Brit.F1.
Gar& ,ser.2,7:sub t.396.1837;M Y.Fang in F1.Reip.
Pop.Sin.28:209,p1.68.1980;C.Y.Wu,In& F1.Yunnan.
1:109.1984;S.R Lin& Z.Zhao in FI.Fujian.2:30.
1985;X H.Lin in F1.Zhejiang 2:296.1992;Grey-Wil—
son,Clematis 122,fig.89.2000;W _T.Wang in F1.Yun —
nan.11:228.2000;W.T.Wang& Bartlx in F1.China 6:
373.2001.No typ e specimen designate&
C florida flore pleno I_aval1.,Clemat.17.1884.
No typ e specimen designated.
C cadmia flore pleno Hand.一Mazz.ex M John—
son,Klematis 676.1997,nom.nud ;Grey-Wilson,C/em—
atis 115.2000.
C ‘Plena’.Tomey& Leeds。Il1.Encyc1.Clematis
322,CUlTI photogr.2001.
C florida var. “ auct.non Moore:How et
Fig.5:C E (p.14)
Stamens all transformed into petaloid staminodes,
which are white or greenish in colour,narrowly oblong
or narrowly lanceolate,5—12×O.5— 3 ITlrfI,attenuate at
apex,inside glabrous,outside densely appressed-puberu-
China (wild in Yunnan and Zhejiang,cultivated in S
Guangdong,N Fujian,E Sichuan)and Japan. On grassy
slopes,in thickets,or by streams;125—2 990 n1.
Specimens examined. China.Qlal栅 (广东):
Guangzhou(广州),W.Y.Chun(陈焕镛)5498(N ),
Levine 720(GH,PE).Siehuan(四JlI):without precise
南):Dongchuan(东川),Maire 447(GH,P);Fengqing
(通海),Y.Y.Hu&R L Xiong (胡月英,熊若莉)s.134
(PE). 嘲i锄g(浙江):Huangyan(黄岩),D.X Zuo
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广 西 植 物 27卷
Fig.5 A-B,Clematispatem Morr.& Decne.ssp.tientaimsis M Y.Fang A,flowering branch;B,two stamens(from
)(.Y_He1).C-E,C floridaThunb.exMurray,cal-.flore-pleno G_Don C,flowering branch;D,outer staminode;E,in—
ner staminode(from Y.Y.Hu& R L Xiong &IL).(Drawn by Sun Ying-Bao)
(左大勋)363(NAS);Ping Yung,RCCitng(秦仁昌)
(N/kS,PE).Japan.h~rosaki,1894-07-03,Faurie 13305
Vat.flore~pleno was initially a sport from Clematis
‘Sieboldiana’(see below),and has been known in culd—
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1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 15
vafion in Europe since 1835(Grey-Wilson,2000;Toomey
& Leeds,2001).It is very strange and difficult to inter-
pret that this cultivar occurs also in the wild disjunctive-
ly in Yunnan Province,Southwest C rift and in Zh~iang
Province,East CKrla.
Two other cultivars,all raised long ago in Japan,are
often treated as varieties of C florida:Clematis
‘Sieboldiana’(C florida var.sieboldiana Morren,C
florida var.sieboldii G Don,C florida var.bicolor
Lind1.)is similar to C florida var.flore-pleno,difering
mainly in its flowers with numerous deep purple petaloid
staminodes,and was introduced by the Netherlandish
botanist P.yon Siebold from Japan to Leiden,Nether—
land,arrivng in Britain in 1837;and Clematis‘Fortunei’
(C florida var.fortunei Moore)is characterized by its
large double white fowers,and was introduced from Ja—
pan to Europe by the English plant collector R Fortune
about in 1863(Grey-Wilson,2000;Tomey & Leeds,
6.Clematis嫡锄蓦;窖叫∞sis W.T.Wang ,sp.nov.Type:
rlft.Guangxi(广西):IAngni (临桂),Ertang(二塘),
roadside,f1.white,1953—10,Guangxi Exped(广西队)53—
20,S.Q Zhong(钟树权)61696( );Guilin(桂林),
Yanshan(雁山),field margin,175 m,f1.white,1948—06—
19,乙N.Deng (邓志农)13531(IBm );sarD_e locality,fr.
greenish,1950-06—12,C H.Tsong (钟济新)808241
alt.350 m,in thickets,f1.wKte,1918—02-04,Handeb
Mazzetfi 11997(GH,WU);Lengshnijiang (冷水 江),
alt.200 m,in bushes by river,f1.white,anthers black-
blue,1918-05-29,Handel-Mazzetti 11957 (GH,ⅥU );
Yuanjiang(沅江),1947-05—05,DaNstr6m 39(S).
C florida auct.non Thunb.ex Murray:Reh&inJ.
Am.Arb.4:183.1923,P.P.quoa d HandebMazzetfi
11957 et 11997;Hand.一Mazz.,Symb.Sin.7:319.1931;et
in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:199.1939,P.P.quoad Han del-
Mazzetti 11957 et 11997;M Y.Fang in F1.Reip.Pop.
Sin.28:309,p1.67.1980;W .T_W ang in F1.Guangxi 1:
290.1991;et in High.P1.CKm 3;514,fig.816.2000;K
M Uu in F1.Hunan.2:680.2000;W.T.Wang& Barth.
inF1.China 6:372.2001.
Affins C courtoisii Hand.一Mazzo,fl qua foliolis et
foribus mi noribus,stylis persistentibus leviter elong atis
usque ad 8 rfln longis irfeme pilis brevibus teetis super—
ne glabris,stigrnatibus depresse capitatis differt.
Liana sublignosa.Caulis circ.1 m longus,gradlis,
vadose 4-6-sulcatus,adl:’resse puberulus,nodis tumidis.
Fblia opposita。1— 2一pinnata vel i- 2-temata;foliola pa-
pyracea ,ovata,anguste ovata vel lanceolata,1—5 cin lon-
ga,O.4—2 crn lata,apice acuta,basi rotundata,subtrun-
cata vel late cuneata,margine integra,indivisa,interdum 2
— 3一partita,utrinque ad nervos sparsissime puberula,
nervis basalibus subtus promi nulis vel planis;pefioli l.8
- 4 C1TI longi.Cymae axillares,1一florae;pedun culi 1—4.5
crn longi;bracteae sessiles vel subsessiles。late ovatae vel
ovato-triangulares,1.5— 3哪 long ae,indivisae,raro in-
aequaliter 2-partitae.Flos 3—5.5 c/n diametro;pedicellus
3.2— 6 cin longus,puberulus.Sepala 6,patentia,alba,
cum marginibus dilatatis obovata vel rhombico-obovata,2
- 3 C1TI longa,1一 1.5~ITI lata,apice acuta et apiculata,
intus glabra,extus secus nervos basales laterales veluti-
na,ad margines dilatatos glabr~ Stami na numerosa,5—
9.5 mrn longa,glabra,filamentis linearibus 2.5— 5 lnlTl
longis,antheris linearibus vel oblongis 2.5—4 rilil longis
apice obtusis vel leviter acutis.Carpela 15— 40,circ.5
mm long a,ovaris pubescentibus,stylis 3——4 rilil longis
infeme dense pubescentibus supeme glabris,stigrnatibus
depresse capitatis persistentibus.Achenla compressa,late
obo vata vel rhombico-orbicularia,circ.3.5 mm longa,3
rilTl lata,puberula,stylis persistentibus circ.8 lnlTl longis
infeme pilis patentibus 0.5——0.8 1Tlnl longis puberulis
supeme glabris.
China (NE Guangxi,C & SW Hunan).In bushes
or thickets,or at field edges or roadside;175—350 rrL
7.Clenmtis~~tnlis,Buch.一Ham ex Wal1.,Cat. 4669.
1828,norn.nud.ex Hok.f.&Thorns.,F1.Ind.5.1855;
et in Hok.f.,F1.Brit.Ind.1:2.1875;Kurz,For.F1.Brit.
Burma 1:16.1877;Finet& Gagnep.in Bul1.Soc.Bot.
France 50:554.1903;et in Le comte,F1. n Indo-ChirL
1:7.1907;Kanjilal et a1.,F1.Assam 1(1):2.1933;
Hand.一Mazz.in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:198.1939;Muker-
jee in Bul1.Bot.Surv.Ind. 1:178.1959;Gupta in Bul1.
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广 西 植 物 27卷
Fig.6 Clematis xiangguiensis W.T.Wang A,flowering branch;B,a pinnate leaf;C,stamen;
D,carpel(from Guangm Exped.3984);E,achene(from Z.S.Chung 808241).(Drawn by Sun Ying-Bao)
Nat.Bot.Car& Lucknow 54:p1.7.1961;Kapoor in 1.e.
78:3.1962 et 78:124.1966;Anonymous in Iconogr.
Corm.Sin.1:742,fig.1484.1972;M.Y.Fang in F1.Reip.
Pop.Sin.28:212,p1.69.1980;Anonymous in F1.Jiangsu.
2-168,fig.992.1982;X w .W ang in F1.Anhui 2:333.
1986;P.Ho,m.FI.Vietnam 1:392,fig. 1098.1991;乙 H.
Lin in F1.Zhejiang 2:297.1992;Rau in Sharma et a1.,FI.
In&1:60.1993;M Johnson,Klematis 675.1997;Grey-
Wilson,Clematis 114 2000;. Wang& Barth.in FI.
na 6:373.2001,P.P.;W.T.Wang in F1.Jiangxi 2:
170.2004.Type:India.Khasia,W ljcIl 4669(holotype,
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1期 王文采 :铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 17
C sulcata Wa11.,Cat.no.4667.1828,nom.nud.
T7 lictrum bracteatum Roxb.,F1.Ind.,ed.2,2:
671.1832.—— Climatis bracteata (RoXb.)Kurz in J.
As.Soc.43(2):1874,lion C bracteata DC.,1818;Kun tze
in Verh Bot.Ver.Bran& 26:139.1885;Prantl in Bot.
Jahrb.9:259.1888.Type:India.Assam:Sylhet,W lich
C ~tronachii Hance in J.Bot 16:103.1880 Forb.&
Hems1.in J.Linil Soc.Bot.23:7.1886;Courtois in Bul1.
Soc.Bot.France 72:441.1925.一 C bracteata (RoXb.)
Kurz var.stronachii(Hance)Kuntze in Verh Bot.Ver.
Bran& 26:140.1885.Typ e:Chin丑 Circ.Chin Kiang,
1876,Stronach s.n (holotype,BM !).
C auct.non Thunb.ex Murray:Finet&
Gagnep.in Bul1.Soc.Bot.France 50:553.1903,p.P.quo—
ad Balansa 3372~Rehck in J.Am.Arb.8:106.1927,P.P.
quoad R C Ching 2707~Anonymous in FI.Hupek 1:
367.1976,P.p.exc1.fig.511;Z.H.Peng et a1.,Encyc1.
P1.Three Gorg.Yangtze River,Chirift 195.2005,P.p.ex-
7a.var. a Fig.4:I)_G (p.11)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Branches shalowly 5一
sulcate,sparsely puberulous or glabrous.Leaves 1— 2一
pinnate~leaflets papery,narrowly ovate,ovate,or lanceo-
late,1.5— 5×O.6— 2 cm,apex attenuate,acuminate,or
acute,base broadly cuneate or rounded,Ⅱ】ar百n entire,
un divded or 2— 3一lobed,both surfaces only on midrib
sparsely puberulous,elsewhere glabrous,basal veins
nearly flat on both surfaces;petioles 2— 5.5 cIn long,pu-
berulous or subglabrous. Cymes axillary,l-flowerwd~
pedun cles 1.2一 1.8 cm long,above puberulous~bracts
ovate or broadly ovate,0.7— 4.5 cm long .Flower 3— 7
cm in diar~ ;pedicel 3.5— 7 cm long,sparsely puberu—
lous or subglabrous.Sepals(4一 )5— 6,spreading,white
or pinkish,plus dilated margins obo vate or oblan ceolate,
1.4— 3.7× O.5— 2 ClTI,inside glabrous,outside puberu-
lous,on dilated margins glabrous,apex acute.Stam ens 5
- 10 mm long,glabrous filam ents usually shorter than
anthers,2—3.5 rlln long ~an thers linear or narrowly ob—
long ,4—6 mm long ,apex minutely apiculate.Ovaries ap—
presed-puberulous;styles subulate,1—2 mm long ,below
appresed-puberulous,apex tapenng ,stright or recurvec[
Achenes compressed,rhombic or narrowly elliptic,5— 8
×3— 4.8 rnln,sparsely appressed-puberulous,broadly
rimmed;persistent styles subulate,1— 5 rlln lorig.F1.
Bangladesh,China (S Anhui,Hubei,Huian,S Jian—
gsu,N Jiangxi,Yunnan,Zhejiang),NE India,N Myan—
mar,N Ⅵ et Nam In grassy places or by streams 1OO一 1
600 rn
Additiona l specimens exami ned.Bangladesh.Car-
aghola Ghat,Kurz s.n (K).China.Anlmi(安 徽):
Anqing(安庆),Migo s.n(NAS);Jiuhua Shan(3L华
山),R.C Ching(秦仁昌)2707(GH,IBSC,K);Ton—
3366(PE),Steward 5247(NAS,K);Wuhu(芜湖),
Migo s.n.(NAS).Hubei(湖北):Xianning(咸宁),C.
H.Qian(钱重 海)106(HIB);Wuchng(武 昌),C.
H.Qian 232(HIB,NAS).Htman(湖南):Changsha
荣),Chen&Teng 209(NAS,PE),C C Chang(张肇
培)122,Y.C.Wang 269(K),Y.L.Keng(耿以礼)
2164(PE),L.F.Isu 278(G,GH);Zhenjiang(镇江),
Caries 422(K).Jiangxi(江西):Jiujiang(3h江),Bul-
ock 1O6(K);Lu Shan(庐山),S.J.Shen(沈绍金)381
(PE);Pengze(彭泽 ),H.D.Zhang(张海 道)4822
(PE).Yunnan(云南):without precise locality,1868,
Anderson s.n.(K).Zhejiang(浙江):Kaotze,C L
8B(LE).India.As sam:Barapanar,Tessier—Yandell 308
(K);Sylhet,C B Clarke 42738 (K),43182D (G),
43182E (G-Boiss.);without precise locality,Fischer s.n
(UPs),Ma sters s.n (E,K,P),Prain s.n (U_S).Ma —
nipur:F.Kingdon W d 7734 (K),11299 (BM ),W_att
6241(K,P).Myanmar.Katha,Lace 5720(K);Kooakd—
weng of the Irrawaddi,Griffith 3(K);Mogoun g Valey,
Ba yfield s.n (K);Myitkyina,La ce 5158 (K);Svibo ,
Kyeiw s.n (E).Viet N眦 Tonkin:Hai-phong,Ba lansa
1575(P);Mt.Ba vi,Ba lansa 3372 (P);Phan Me,Petelot
4826(P,US);Sai Wong Mo Shan ,W.T.Tsang 30012
7b.var.1eptomera (Hance)W T.W ang,st.nov.— —
C leptomera Hance in J.Bot.18:257.1880;Forb.&
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广 西 植 物 27卷
Hems1.in J.Linm Soc.Bot.23:5.1886.— — C bracteata
(R0 xb_)Kurz war.1eptomera(Hance)Kuntze in verh.
西):Wuzh0u(梧州),1879-03,Mesny 20799(holo—
C flarida auet.non Thunb.ex Murray:Hand.一
. in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:200.1939,P.P.quoad
syru C leptomera Hance;Chun in Sunyatsenia 1:228.
1934;Pei in Sunyatsenia 4:165.1940;How et ak,n.
Guang zhotL 95.1956;M Y.FaI1g in F1.Reip.Pop.SirL
28:209.1980,p.P.quoad syn.C leptomera Han ce;M
Johnson,Klematis 678.1997,p.P.quoad syn.C lep-
toTnera Han ce;Grey-Wilson,Clematis 121.2000,p.p.
quoad syru C leptomera Hance;tL J.Wang in F1.
Guangdong 5:15.2003.
Fig.4:H (p.11)
TKs variety differs from 、阻L cadmia in its styles
being oblong or broadly oblong in outline and with trun-
eate-rounded apexes.FI.Nov.-Jun.of next year.
China (Guangdong and E Guangxi). In grassy
places,in sparse forests,or by streams.
Additional specimens examined. Q瑚lgd0Ig(广
东):Dinghu Shan(鼎湖 山),N.Y.Liang(梁向 日)
60017(珥8C),G.LSK (石国良)13249( ,PE);
Gaoyao(高要),C Wang(黄志)627O3(mSC);Luofu
Shan(罗浮山),MeClure 13176(P,PE);Nam Kong
Hau,M ure 1352(BM,G,K,NAs,PE);Nanhai
Q~ ]uan(清远),C Wang 30488(IBSC);Zijin(紫
金),C L Tso (左景烈)21492(mSC).Ql锄 (广
Sex.2.Patentes(Tamura)W.T.Wang in Acm
Phyto~ Sin 43:475.2005.— — s吼 Viticella subsect.
Patentes Tamura in Sci.R印.Osaka Univ.4:50.1955;in
Acta Phytotax.Geobot.38:43.1987 ;et in Hiepko,Nat.
Pflamenhm. ,Zwei.Auf1.,17a(4):385.1995;M John-
son,Klematis 682.1997;Grey-W ilson,Cl ematis 123.
2000.—— ( tis sect.Patemtes(Tamura)Tamura in
Sci.Rep.Osaka Univ.16(2):34.1967.— — subgen V
cella sect.Patentes Snoeijer in Clematis 1992:19.1992.
Type:C pan Mort.& Decne.
Sect.Viticella subsect.Lanuginosae M Johnson,1.
己681;Grey-wilson,1.己124.Type:C lanuginosa IAnd1.
Leaves simple or ternate,rarely pinnate.Flowers
terminal,solitary.Sepals 5—8,white or purple.Achenes
not tumidly rimmed;persistent styles strongly elongate,
Two species,occurring in E & NE China,Korea,
and JaparL
8.Oematis patens Morr.& Decne.in E 1.Aead. Roy.
Sci.Brux.3:173.1836;Frane~ L Sav.,Enurn.P1.Jap.
2:262.1875;Maxim.in Me1.Bio1.9:599.1877;et in刚 1.
Acad Sci.SUPetersb.22:222.1877;LavaU.,Clemat.t.2-
3.1884;Makino in Bot.Ma g.Tokyo 8:330.1897;Palibin
in Acta Hort.Petrop.17:12.1898;Finet& Gagnep.in
Bu11.Soc.Bot.France 50:552.1903;Nakai in J.Co1.sci.
U v.Tokyo 26:5.1909;aoesrk in Beih.Bot.Centralb1.
37:122.1919;Ma tsum.,Ind.P1.Jap.2:112.1912;Spring.
in Nat.Hort.Ma g. 1935:88,p1.67.1935;Kitag.,Lineam.
F1.MarLsh.218.1939;L H.Bailey,Ma rl Cult.PI.,rev.
ed. ,393.1949;Rehd. ,Mar- t.Trees & Shrubs,ed.2,
213.1951;Ma kino,Il1.F1.Jap.,rev.ed. ,553,fig. 1658.
1953;Liou et a1.,Keys PI.NE CKna 78.1959;Ohwi,F1.
Jap.442.1965;Noda,PL N E Prov.CKna 525.1970;A_
nonymous in FL PL Herb.CKn Bor.-Or.3:177,p1.77,
fig,7-10.1975;T.13.Lee,Il1.F1.Korea 344,fig.1373.
1979;M Y.Fang in F1.Reip.Pop.SirL 28-200,p1.63.
1980;Kitamura & Murata,Colour.Il1.Herb.P1.Jap.,
rev.ed. ,2:226,Pl 51:442 1980;Wamura in Satake et a1.,
Wild Flow.Jap.2:73,p1.70:3.1982;Ohwi & Kitag.,
New F1.Jap.681.1992;Y.N.Lee,FL Korea 167,fig.493.
1996;Y.J.Zheng in F1.Shandong 2:24.1997;M John-
son,Klematis 682.1997;Grey-wilson,Clematis 123,fig.
91.2000;W.T.Wang & Barth.in F1.Chim 6:371.2001;
S.J.Fan et a1.,F1.Laoshan.1:241.2003.Described from
Japan,no type spedmen designated.
C caerulea Lind1.in Bot.Reg.,new ser.,i0:t.
1953.1837.Type unknown.
C azurea sieb.ex Steud. ,Nora. Bot.,ed,2,1:378.
C azurea vat.grandiflora sieb.ex Loudon,En-
cycl,Trees& Shrubs 11.1842.Type unknown.
C caerulea var.grandiflora Hook.in Curtis,Bot.
Ma g.69:t.3983.1843.No type specimen designated.
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
1期 王文采 :铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 19
C patens var.sophia Houtte,兀.Serres et Jar&Eu—
rop,8:279,p1.852.1852-53.Type unknowm
C luloni Hort.ex Koch,Deut.Dendr.1:435.1869.
Type unknown.
Ckasugunuma Sieb.& Vfiese ex M Johnson,K1一
ematis 682.1997,pro syn.
C florida auct.non Thunb.ex Murray:Lo~n. in
Centralb1.37:123.1919;Rehd.in J.Am.Arb.4:183.
1923,P.p.quoa d p1.Shandong.
8a.ssp.pate.s Fig.7:A-C(p.20)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shallowly 5‘——6—·
sulcate,sparsely pubescent.Leaves usually temate,
sometimes pinnate,5一foliolate;leaflets papery,ovate or
narrowly ovate,3—7×1.5—5 crn,apex acuminate or a—
cute,base rounded,truncate,broadly cuneate,or subcor-
date,margin entire,both surfaces on veins sparsely pu—
bescem ,basal veins abaxially slightly prominent;petioles
4—8 cm lorig.Flower solitary,terminal,7— 12 crn in di-
am ;pedi~ 4.6— 10 crn long,pubescent.Sepals 7— 8,
white,rarely purplish,plus dilated margins obovate or
narrowly obovate,3.5— 6× 1.5—3 cm,inside glabrous,
outside along central basal vein appressed-pubescent。a—
long lateral basal veins velutions,on dilated margins gla—
brous.Stamens 12— 20 1Tlrfl long ,glabrous;anthers,line-
mr,6—8 rm long,apex obtuse or apiculate.Ovaries pu-
bescent;styles ca,9 ITlnl lOng ,below the middle densely
villous.Achenes compressed,broadly elliptic,3.5— 5×3
— 4.5 rnm.appressed-pubescent;persistent styles 3—
3.8 crn long,yellowish-plumose.FI.May-Jun.
China (SE Liaoning,E Shandong ),Japan,Korea.
On grassy slopes,in bushes,or by fiver;2O0—1 000 nk
Specimens examined. IA~rLi.g(辽宁):Cao—
huang Shan (凤凰山),D_C Zhao et a1.(赵大昌等)
326,Yabe s.n(PE);Zhuanghe(庄河),W.Wang et a1.
(王薇等)129(PE).Shandong(山东):Lao Shan(崂
山),Sino-Germany Exped.(中德队)56-757,T.Y.Chou
et a1.(周太炎等)1086(NAS,PE).J~an.Honshu:Gi—
fu,Sato 19420(GH,P);Ibaraki,Furuse s.n (S);Kaza
Kuruma,Tschonoski 2348 (LE);Kurochi,Faufie 479
(P);Miyagi,Yokota s.n (GH);Nikko,Matsumura s.n
(US);Senano,Tschonoski s.n (GH);Sendal,Faurie
2229(K),fisiba s.n (GH);Shimotouke,E H.Wilson
s.n (GH);Tachigi,Yamazaki 10351(GH),Tateishi
1608(PE);Yokoska,Savatier 3631(P).Hokkaido:Ha—
kodake,Albrecht s.n (K,LE);Sapporo,Arimoto s.n
(GH).Kore~L Huki:Poulp Han San,Mills s.n (GH);
Kyonggi-do,Kwangnung,Yongsok 7483(S);Pouk-han,
Faufie 3(G,P),9(G);Pyul Hai,Mills 263(K);Seoul,
Kalmowsky s.n (LE),Sontag s.n (K); )kchong ,
M atchie 34(US);Tusan,Faurie 138(P).
C patens ssp.patens has long been cultivated in Ja—
pan,and is often assumed to be naturalized there(Spin—
gam ,1936;Bailey,1949;Grey-Wilson,2000)Tomey &
Leeds,2001).It was introduced into Europe from Japan
by the Netherlandish botanist P.yon Siebo ld in 1836,and
soon,like C lanuginosa,was proved to be of particular
importance for the hybridzation of new Clematis culti—
vars.For example,the two large-flowered cultivars,
Clematis‘Miss Crawshay’an d C ‘Edouard Desfosse’
were produced through the crosses between C patens
ssp.patens and C lanuginosa in 1873 and in 1880 re-
spectively(Tomey & Leeds,2001).
8b.ssp.tientaiensis M Y.Fan g in F1.Reip.Pop.Sin.28:
303,358.198O;乙 H. n in F1.Zhejiang 2:297,fig.2-397.
1992.—— C patens~car.tientaiensis(M Y.Fang)W.T.
Wan g in Acta Phytotax.Sin. 36:163.1998;Grey-Wi lson
Clematis 123.2000;W.T.Wang & Barth.in F1.China 6:
372.2001.Type:China.Zh~iang(浙 江):Tiantai Shan
(天台山),alt.i000 m,1927-06—08,Y.L Keng(耿以礼)
999(holotype,PE!);Same locality,f1.white,1958-06-13,
Leaves simple or ternate;leaflets narrowly ovate or
ovate,4.5—7×2—4 crn.Flower ca.10 cm in diam.:ped—
icel 3.5— 4 cm long.Sepals 5— 6,white,plus dilated
margins elliptic or narrowly eliptic,5×2—3.5 cm,out—
side densely appressed-puberulous,on dilated margins
China (E Zhe]iang).In forests or bushes;1 000 nk
Additional spedmens examined.Zh~iang(浙江):
Beiyandang Shan(北 雁 荡 山),Zhejiang Agr.Col_
x.Y.He 1485(NAS);IAnhal(临海),Y_Y.Fang &C
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20 广 西 植 物 27卷
Fig.7 A-C,Clermtis pstms Mort.& Dt掰le.ssp.patens A,flowering branch;B,stamen(from w.z.Gong 10);C,a—
chene(from Yabe S.I1.).D-F,C la瑚唱hl嗷 Lind1.D,flowering branch;E,stamen (from Migo&I1.);F,athene(from
X Y_He 27286).(Drawn bySunYing-Bao)
台),s.Chen(陈诗)441(NAS),EcorL PI.Expe& (经
济植物队)58-28031(NAS),C F.Zhang(张朝芳)3537
(H Jr).
9.C]eamtis lanuginem Lind1.in Paxt.,Flow.Gard.3:
107,p1.94.1853~Planch.FI.Se_,-res 8:165,p1.811.1853,et
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 21
14.1854;Koch,Dend r.1:436.1869;Maxim in M61.I3i01.
9:600.1876;et in Bul1.Soc.Nat.Mosc.54:2.1879;La—
val1.,Clemat.t.1.1884;Fbrb.& Hemsk in J.Lirm. Soe.
Pot.23:5.1886;Sehneid.,Il1.Handb.Laubh 1:286,fig.
188a-~1906~Hand.一M az夏in Acta Hort。Gotob.13:202.
1939;L H.Bailey,Man.Cult.P1.,rev.ed ,393.1949;
Reh& ,Man.Cl】lt.Trees {5乙Shrubs,ed.2,219.1951;M
Y.Fang in F1.Reip.Pop.Sin. 28:200,p1.62.1980;Z.H.
I-jn in F1.Zhejiang 2:291.1992;M Johnson,Klematis
681.1997;Grey-Wilson,Clematis 124.2000;W .T.Wang
&Barth.in F1.China 6:371.2001.—— C florida ssp.
1anuginosa(Lind1.)Kuntze in Verh.Bot.Ver.Brand.
26:149.1885.Type:China.Zhejiang (浙江):Ningbo(宁
波), n—tung,on hillside,1850-07,Fortune 62(iso—
Woody vine.Branches indistinctly 6-angulate,ap—
pressed-puberulous.Leaves usually simple,rarely ter—
nate;leaf blades papery,narrowly ovate or cordate,6— 12
×3—7.5 ClTI,apex acuminate,base cordate or roun ded,
margin entire,adaxial surface sparsely pubescent,abaxial
surface densely greyish-pubescent,basal veins abaxially
prominent;petioles 4— 8 ClTI lOng .Flowers solitary.ter-
mi nal,7— 15 ClTI in dian~;pedicels 5—1O ClTI long 。dense-
ly pubescent.Sepals 5— 6,purplish,plus dilated margins
rhombie-elliptic or obovate-elliptic,4-7~2-3.5(一4.
5)ClTI,inside glabrous,outside along the central basal
vein densely appressed-pubescent,on dilated margins u-
sually glabrous,ape x acumina te. Stamens 10— 32 rnm
long ,glabrous;anthers linear,6— 1O rnln long ,apex min—
utely apiculate.Ovaries pubescent;styles 7——10 rnin
long ,densely vilous below,glabrous above. Achenes
compressed,obdeltoid or broadly rhombic,4—5(一8)×4
(一 6)Inln,appressed-pubescem;persistent styles 4— 6
ClTI Iong ,yellow-plUlTIOSe.F1.Jun.-Ju1.
China (E & W Zhejiang). In bushes or by
streams;100-400 m
Additional specimens examined. Zhejiang(浙江):
Jiande(建德),L Hong(洪林)s.n (HHBG);Ningbo
(宁波),Hancock 2O(LE),S-Y.Zhang (章绍尧)993,
Migo s.n (NAs,PE);Sin1ing Shah(四明山),Econ.
PLExped. (经济植物队)58-737(PE);Zhenhai(镇
海),K K Tsong(钟观光)s.n(PE),X Y.He(贺
C lanuginosa was first foun dbytheEng lish collec—
tor R Fortune near the city of Ningb0,Zhejiang Province
in 1850.an d soon introduced into cultivation in Britain by
him.Afterwards,in the crosses of Clematis species,C
lanuginosa was quickly proved to play a particularly ira-
po rtant role。and along with the previously introduced C
patens,C florida,and C viticella opened a new era for
the development of the garden plants of Clematis.As a
result of the crosses。numerous beautiful large-flowered
cultivars were prod uced. 0f them,the most famous and
popular one is Clematis‘Jackmanii’,which was produced
by the English horticulturist G.Jackman through the
cross among C ‘Hendersonii’,C lanuginosa,an d C
‘Atrorubens’in 1858(Tomey & Leeds,2001).
Subsect.3.Viticellae Tamura in Sci.ReD.Osaka
Univ.16(2):34.1967;M Johnson,Klematis 670.1997;
Grey-Wi lson,Clematis 114.2000; Wang in Acta
Phytotax.Sin. 43:475.2005.一Subgen.Viticella sect.Ⅵ 矗一
Snoeijer in Clematis 1992:18.1992,p.P.exc1.C
cadmia.Typ e:C viticella L
Sect.Viticella subsect.Euviticellae Pramtl in Bot.
Jahrb.9:259.1888;Schneid. ,Il1.Handb.Laubh 1:285.
Leaves 1— 2一pinnate. Flowers in axilary。some—
times also terminal 1— 7一flowered cymes.Se pals 4,USU-
ally ascending,narrowly lanceolate or lanceolate,3一
veined ,more or less strong ly dilated after anthesis;later—
al veins wi th parallel veinlets.Stamen filam ents glabrous
or nellapex sparsely ciliate.Pollen tricolpate.Achenes
flattened,tumidly rimmed,wi th slightly elongate,hard,
subulate persistent styles.
Fo ur species,one endemic in C 8L E China ,and the
other three occurring in SW Asia and S Europe.
Se t.z Huchoueases Wang in Acta Phytotax.
Sin. 43:476.2005.Typ e:C huchouensis Tamura.
Sepals white,after anthesis slightly dilated;dilated
margins 1.5-2 rnin broad per side.Stamens glabrous.
One species,endemi c to C & E Chim.
10.ClematishudmutmsisTam ura inActaPhytotax.Geo—
bo t.23:36,ctlYil phototypo.1968;M Y.Fang in F1.Reip.
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22 广 西 植 物 27卷
Pop.Sin.28:207,p1.66.1980;Anonymous in F1.Jia~.g-
SLL 2:170.1982;W T.Wa~.g in Bul1.BO U Res.Harbin 9
(2):8.1989;乙H.I-jn in FI.Zhejiang 2:295,fig.2-393.
1992;IVL C Chang et a1.,List P1.E CKa 164.1993;lVL
Johnson,Klematis 671.1997;K M I-ju in F1.Hunan 2:
680.2000;Grey-Wilson,Clematis 116.2000; Wang
in Acta Phytotax.Sirk 38:327.2000; Wang& Bar-
t}L in FI.China 6:373.2001;W.T.Wa~.g in FI.Jian-gxi
州),without field notes and collector unknown(holo—
type,MAD,not seen).
C cadmia auct.non Bueh.一Ham.ex Hook.f.&
Thorns.:Hand.一 in Acta Hort.Gotob.13:198.
1939,p.P.quoad Morse 30,Hickin s.rk et Faber s.rk
Fig.8:A-D (p.23)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Stem shallowly 5— 6-
sulcate,appressed-puberulous or subglabrous,bran ched.
Leaves pinnate,sometimes ternate;leaflets thinly papery
or herba ceous,ovate,ovate-elliptic,or eliptic-lan ceolate。
1-5X0.2- 3 err,apex obtuse,slightly acute,or round—
ed,base broadly cuneate,rounded,or subcordate,margin
entire,un divded or 2— 3-lobed,adaxially on veins
sparsely puberulous,abamM surface densely appressed-
puberulous,basa1 veins abaxially nearly fiat;petioles 1.7
— 3锄 lon.g.Cymes axillary .i- 3-flowered ;peduncles 2
- 6.5 eln long;bracts ovate or broadly ovate,2——3 crfl
lon.g,undivided or 2—3-lobed.Flower 2-3 ClTI in dian~:
pedicel 1.2— 3 ClTI long,puberulors.Sepals 4.white.as—
cendin_g,plus dilated margins oblong or oblon.g-lanceolat—
e,1.4— 2.2× O.3一 O.6 eln,iaside glabrous,outside
densely appressed-pubernlous,dilated margins 1.5—2
rm broad per side. Stamens 4.5— 5.5 rm long.gla-
bmus;anthers linear or narrowly oblong,2.5— 3.2 lnln
long,apex apiculate,with apicula(O.1一)0.3-0.5 1Tln
long.Ovaries puberulous;styles 6— 7 rnm long.densely
appressed-puberulous.Achenes flatened ,obovate-orbic—
ular or ddtoid,5— 6×4— 6 nml,appressed-puberulous.
tumidly rimmed;persistent styles subnlate,8——13 1Tlnl
China(Anhui,N Hunan,SE Jiangsu,N Jian—
gxi,N Zhejiang).In grassy places,by river,or on
lake banks.
Spedmens examined.aljla.Anlmi(安徽):I-j眦
(六安),Anhui Exped. (安徽队)59-2371(PE);without
precise locality,P.C Tsoong(钟补求)4424( ).
Htman(湖南):Huaron.g(华容),Vegetation Group(植
被组)202( );Yo-chow,Morse 30(K).Jiangsu
(江苏 ):Suzhou(苏 州 ),C T.Ting(丁 志 遵)939
( );Wu)d(无锡),W.X Wu(邬文祥)4204,6087
M X Nie(聂敏 祥)7520,S.J.Shen(沈绍金)565
(PE).~aaejiang(浙江):Anji(安吉),乙X Zhan.g(张宗
绪)82(PE):Hainin.g(海宁),K K Tsoon.g (钟观光)
1094,W.J.Jin(金维坚)605(PE),Heude 513(NAS),
Hi&in s.rk(K);Nin.gbo(宁波),1855-08,Faber s.rL
(K);Zhuji(诸暨),M Chen(陈谋)868(NAs).
Ser.2.Vitieelae Wang in Acta Phytotax.SirL
43:476.2005.Type:C viticella L^
Sepals blue,purple,or red,rarely white,after anthe-
sis shghtly or strongly dilated;dilated margins 1.5—1O
1TRTI broad per side. Stamen filaments often near apex
sparsely ciliate.
Thre species,widespread in SW Asia an d S Eu—
11.Ocam tis eampmaiflora Brot.,F1.Lusit.2:359.1804;
Peru ,Synop.99.1807;Brot.in Phytogr.Lusit.Se lect.1:
198,t.81.1816;Dc ,Syst.1:161.1818;et Prodr.1:9.
1824;Lodd.in BO t.CabirL 10:t.987.1824;Koch,Dendr.
1:432.1869;Mora,F1.Fun er.Penirk Iber.6:678.1878;
Laval1.,Clemat.t.8.1884;Sehneid. ,Il1.Handb.Laubb.
1:225.1906;Tutin,F1.Eump.1:221.1964;VaIdes et a1.,
F1.Va&An da1.Oe.1:119.1987;lVL Johnson,Klematis
670.1997;Grey-Wi lson,Clematis 116,fig.81.2000.— —
Viticella campaniflora(Brot.)Bercht.& Presl,Rost1.
i.Ranun e.11.1823.— — Wticella campani .)
Spach,Hist.Nat.Veg.PharL 7:266.1839.— — Clematis
viticella U var.campani .)Ⅵ llk. W llk

& Lange,Pmdr.F1.Hispan.3:954.1880;Cout.,FI.Por-
tug.227.1913.——C viticella ssp.campaniflora
(Brot.) Kuntze in Verh.BO t.Ver.Brand. 26:137.
1885——C viticella ssp.campaniflora(Brot.)Font
Quer ex Bolos& Vigo,FI.Pals.Cata1.1:222.1984;Bran-
denb.et a1.in Bou J.Lirax Soc.135:23.2001.Type:
Poutuga1.Coimbra,type specimen not seen.
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 23
Fig.8 A-D,Clematis huehoumsis Tamura. A,flowering branch,B,sepal outside C,stamen(from S J.Shen 565);
D,athene(from W_J.King S.rL).E-It,C rigoi W.T.Wang;E,flowering branch,F,sepal outside;G,stanlen;H,
gynoecium (from Rigo 397).(Drawn by Sun Ying-Bao)
C par-oifl0rn IX2.,Prodr.1:9.1824.No type spec—
imen designate&
C revoluta Desf.in Hort.Paris 7:266.1839.— —
C viticella ssp.revoluta(Desf.)Kuntze in 1.C.Type
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24 广 西 植 物 27卷
Fig.9 A-B,Oenmtis viticela L .A,flowering branch;B,stamen(from Sintenis 4236).C-E,Camq0m~flora
Brot.C,flowering branch;D,stamen(from Moiler 1501);E,achene(from Rothmaler 13874).(Drawn by Sun Ying-Bao)
Perennial herbaceous vine.Branches slender,sbal—
lowly 4— 12-sulcate,sparsely appressed-puberulous

Leaves 1·—‘2-pirmate;leaflets thinly papery or herba —
ceous,narrowly ovate or ovate,1- 7× 0.6— 4 em,apex
acute or obtuse,often mucronate,ba se rounded or broad—
ly cuneate,margin entire,un divided or un equally z-
lobed,both surfaces subglabrous or on veins very
sparsely pubeaulous,basal veins abaxially slightly promi—
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1期 王文采:铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 25
nent or nearly flat;petioles 1— 6 cm long.Cymes axila
ry and termina1.1— 7-flowered;peduncles 1.7— 9 cln
long ,sparsely puberulous bracts pinnate or simple,3一
sect。0.8—4.5 ClTI long.Flower 1.3—2.4 CTn in dian~}
pedicel 1.2—4.5 cm long,more or less densely puberu—
lous.Sepals 4,ascending,purplish,plus dilated margins
oblong or narrowly oblong 。1— 1.5X0.4一O.6 cnq,inside
glabrous,outside on dilated margins velutinous,else—
where sparsely appressed-puberulous,apex flabellate-
rounded.dilated margins 1.5—2.5 rnlTl broad per sicle.
Stamens 4— 5.5 rnlTl long ;filaments near ape x sparsely
dliate or glabrous;anthers narrowly oblong .2— 2.8 rnlTl
long ,glabrous,apex minutely apiculate.Ovaries densely
puberulous;styles ca.5 mlTl lOng ,not grooved,below
densely pubescem,above or neatapex glabrous. A-
chenes flattened,suborbicular or broadly ovate,6— 7×
5.5—7 mlTl,appressed-puberulous,tumidly rimmed;per-
sistent styles subulate r 7— 8 1TITI long r densely puberu-
lOUS on lower 2/3—1/2 part.F1.JurL—Ju1.
Portugal and SW Spain.In bushes or by streams;
25—375 m
Specimens examine& Portuga1. A1ta Duora, k
W l s.rL(S);Beira,Davean 1135 (LE),Libra &
Rainha 5856(G,S),Rothmaler 13874(G,S,US);
Costello Branco,Cunha 862(US);CiudadReal,Velasco
& Molina s.12.(G);Conimbrica,Moiler 1507 (G,S,
US),Welw S.rL(G);Estremadura,Oliveira 9679(G);
Pdbat~o:Entroncamcuto,Libra 5755(G,S);1-ras—os_
Montes,Silva 8L Teles 8344(G),Teles 8L Ramha 89
(US) spaiIL Huelva:Sierra de胁 cena,Rivora 2549
(G);Salamanca,Sanchez 115(G).
12.Clematis rigoi W.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.SirL 38:
06-19,Rigo 397(holotype,S!;isotype,G!);same locali-
ty,1907-06-28,Rigo s. (paratype,S!).
C $canden$Huter。Porta Rigo in Nuov.Giom.
Bot.Ita1.11:272.1879,nom.nud.,non Clematis scaT~lens
Borkh.,1803;Prand in Bot.Jahrb.9:259.1888;M John—
son,Klematis 672.1997.Type:Italy:Calabria,1877-06-
16,Huter,Porta,Rigo 398(G).
C viticella L ssp.revoluta (Des~)Kuntze w
$cande72$Kun tze in Verb. Bot.Vex.Bran d.26:137.
1885.—— C viticella vat.$canden$(Kuntze)Fiori,F1.
it.Ita1.1:491.1896;et Nuov.F1.Analit.Ita1.648.
1924.— — C viticella var.reooluta f.$canden$(Kuntze)
Pamp.,F1.Rep.San Marino 115.1930.— — C viticella
Typ e:Italy.Calabria,type spedmen deposited in B,not
su n.
C calabrica Grey-Wilson,Clematis 116.2000,sine
diagn.Latin色No typ e specimen designated.
C campaniflora auct.non Brot:Cavara in Nuov.
C viticella var.campaniflora auct.non(Brot.)
、 llk : ori,Iconogr.FI.Ita1.188,fig.1625.1921.
Cviticella auct.non L :Brandenb.et a1.in Bot.J.
I—irln Soc.135:19.2001,p.p.quoad syn.Clematis viticel—
la ssp.revoluta var.scandens Kuntz~
Fig.8:E-H (p.23)
Subwoody vine.Bran ches 4— 6-angulate,shallowly
4— 6-sulcate,densely appressed-puberulous.Leaves 2一
pinnate;leaflets herbaceous or thinly papery rovate,mar-
rowly ovate,or narrowly rhombic,0.8— 4.2×O.4— 2.6
ClTI,ape x obtuse or slightly acute,sometimes attenuate,
base rounded,broadly cuneate,or cuneate,margin entire,
seldom 2.denticulate,un divided or 2— 3.1obed。adaxial
surface on veins sparsely puberulous,abaxial surface
densely appressed-puberulous,basal veins abaxially near-
ly flat;petioles 0.4— 4.8 ClTI long .Cym es axillary and
terminal,2— 7-flowered;pedun cles 2.5— 4.8 ClTI long ,
puberulous;bracts shortly petiolate,1.2— 2.5 CTn Iong ,
3一sect or 3一parte& Flower 2.5— 3.6 ClTI in diaro.;pedi-
od 1.6— 3.8 ClTIlong ,puberulous or subglabrous.Sepals
4,ascending ,red(Grey-Wi lson,2000),plus dilated mar-
gins obovate-oblong,1.5—2.4×O.6一O.9 ClTI。inside
glabrous,outside sparsely puberulous,on dilated margins
densely appressed-puberulous,ape x flabellate-rounded,
mucronate,dilated margins 3— 4.5 Tnm broad per side.
Stamens 5— 6 nllTl lOng ;filaments cuneate-linear ,1.8—
2.8 rnlTl long ,near apex sparsely ciliate;anthers linear.
3.2—3.5 nlTl long,glabrous,apex with connective apic-
ula 0.3一 O.6 rnlTl long .Ov aries pubescent styles ca.5
nlTl lOng ,grooved,glabrous or at base pubescent.A-
chenes flattened,broadly ovate or broadly rhombic。6— 7
× 0.5 — 0. 52 cIn,appresseaCpuberulous,tumidly
rimmed;persistent styles subulate,ca.4 nlTl long,gla—
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26 广 西 植 物 27卷
S Italy.In bushes or in rocky phces (Grey-Wilson,
2000);300 n
Additional specimens examined. Italy. Calabria~
Sibail,Rigo 4401(G,LE);Lueania:T0lve,Fiori& Be—
guinot 2873(G,US).
13.OM tis viticella U ,Sp.P1.1:543.1753;Scop.,F1.
Cam.388,n 670.1760;Sims in Curtis,Bot.Mag.16:t.
363.1809;DC ,Syst.1:160.1818;et Pro&.1:9.1824;
SibtIL& Smith,FL Graeca 6,t.516.1827;G.Don,Ge1%
PbarL 7:65.1839;Bail1.,Hist.P1.1:54.1867-69;Boiss.,
F1. ent.1:2.1867;Koch,Den&.1:430.1869;W llk
Wmk& Lange,Prodr.F1.Hispa1%3:954.1880;Laval1.,
Clemat.t.7.1884;Kuntze in VerIL BO t.Ver.Brand.26:
136.1885;Busch,FI.Caucas.Crit.3:108.1903;Sehneid. ,
Penn.BalearL 1:322.1927;U H.Bailey,Ma1% Cult.P1.,
rev.ed. ,393.1949;Tutin,F1.Europ.1:221.1964,P.p.;
M Johnson,Klematis 673.1997;Grey-Wilson,Clematis
117,fig.82-83.2000;Brandenb.et a1.in Bot.J.Lin1%Soc.
135:19.2001,p.p.excl,syn.Clematis viticella ssp.r黝 一
luta vat. scandens Kuntze.— — Ⅵ £{ la deltoidea
Moench,Meth.296.1794.—— V £fc /a viticella(L )
Small,FI.Southeast. U S.437.1903.Type:Herb.Cu
ford:225,Clematis 5 (sheet labeled‘7’) (1ectotype。
BM Brandenburg eta1.,2001).
C lugubris Safisb.,Pro&.sdrp.Hort.Chap. le—
ft.371.1796.Type unknown.
Cbazcata Pets.,Synop.99.1807.Type unknovcn.
C viticella ssp.normalis Kuntze vat.1eiostylis
Kuntze f.gigantiflora Kuntze in VerIL BOt Ver.Brand.
26:136.1885.Type:1iⅡkey.Troy:Mt.Ida,Sintenis s.n
G viticella ssp.sibthorpii Kuntze in 1.c.137.
Type:t.517 in SibtIL& Smith,FL Graeca 6.1827.
Subwoody vine.Branches shallowly 6— 10-sulcate.
appressed-puberulous.Leaves 2一pinnate;leaflets papery。
ovate or elliptic,1.5— 6× 0.8— 3.5 crN,apex acute or
obtuse,base truncate or broadly cuneate,margin entire,
undivided or 2—3一lobed,both surfaces on veins sparsely
puberulous or abaxial surface densely puberulous,ba sal
veins abaxially nearly flat or prominent;petioles 1.4— 5
ClTI long.Cymes axillary an d terminal,1——5-flowered;
pedun cles 2— 10 crN 1ong ;bracts ovate,2— 4 cr[1 1ong ,
undivided or 3-parted or 3-sect.Flower 3—5(一7)cm
diarr~;pedicel 3.5——II ClTI Iong ,sparsely puberulous or
glabrous.Sepals 4,blue or purple,plus dilated margins
broadly rhombie-obovate,1.7—3.6×(1一)1.5—2.4
ClTI,inside glabrous,outside glabrous or sparsely puberu—
lous,on dilated margins densely appressed-puberulous,a—
pex acute,mucronate,dilated margins 4—10 rnrn broad
pe r side.Stamens 3.5——8 rflrn long ;filaments oblan ceo-
late-linear, abrouS or near apex sparsely ciliate;anthers
narrowly oblong or linear,1.5—2.8 rflIn long ,apex ob—
tuse or with small apieula less than 0.1 ITlIn lon吕 Ova—
ties densely puberulous;styles 4——6 ITln2 Iong ,grooved,
glabrous.Aehenes flattened,suborbicular ,5— 7 mm in
diar1% ,appressed-puberulous,turnidly rimmed;persistent
styles subulate,ca.4.5 rflrn long,glabrous.F1.May-Ju1.
SW ia(Armania,Azerbaijan,Georgia,NW Iran,
Syria,W & N Turkey)and S Europe(Austria,Bosnia
and Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Croatia,Fram ee,Germany,
Greece,Italy,Serbia and Montenegro,Slovenia,W Spain,
Switzerland).In bushes or on river banks;up to 700 n
Specimens examined. Iraa:wi thout precice locality,
Szovits 114(LE,P). ria:E!iebel Semen,Haradjian 2101
(G).Turkey.Anatolia,Wiedemann 174(LE);Ankar:
Naliham,Davis 37028(K);Biledk,Davis 36446(K);
Bithynia,Bo rnmi:tller 4001,13669 (G,S);Buissons,
Aznavour 2 (G);Bursa:Keles,Nyolegger 15164 (G);
Kutahya:Eskisehir,Dudley 36106(K);P~ gia,Balansa
1130(UPS);Troy,Sintenis 423(K,P);Zonguldak:Ye—
nie,Davis 37915(K). Austria:Tergestem,Engelbardt
2401(G,LE),Justin s.n (G).B咖 ia and Herzegovina.
Bo snia,Kosanin s.n (S);Mestar,Lager s.n (G).Bul-
ga—a.Nit.Phodope,Stojanov s.n(NAS);Sliven,Cemeva
912(G,S).O~atia. matia:Cattaro,Posebarsky&n
(S);Knln,Lager s.n (G);Spalato,Lager s.n (G).
Fr~rlee:Argeles Gazost,Mouilara 4044(P).Gem~ y:
Braunschweig,Krummel S.n (S).Gree~ Dramas,Str/d
30197(G);Florinis,Strid 24766(G);Mt.Corthiati,Or-
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王文采 :铁线莲属铁线莲组修订 27
phan/des 673(S);Thessalia,Heldrich s.rL(GBoiss).
Italy.Castrocaro,Sommier 3558 (S);FIriuli,prope San
Daniele,Moggi 52(G);Triest,Engelhardt s.13.(S),
Kouierer s.rL(UPS),Schiyters s.rL(S),Steurez s.rL
(S),Tommasini 1982(G,UPS).Serbia and Montenegro.
Montenegro:Virpazar,Lundqvist 14941 (S);Serbia:Re—
sava,Cemjavrfie s.rL(S).Slovenia:P/ran,Ulvinen s.rL
(UPs).Switzerland:Geneva,Ayasse s.rL(G),Bernet&
rL(G Boiss).
C viticella is the first species coming into cultiva—
fion in the genus Clematis.In 1659。it was introduced
from southeastern Europe to Britain.In its long cultiva—
tion history,more than twenty-five cult/vats have been
raised through the crosses between it and other species
or cultivars (Grey-Wilson,2000;Toomey & Leeds,
Acknowledgements I anl most grateful to the di—
rectors and curators of BM ,E,G,GH,HHBG,Hm,
UP S,US,and WU for kindly inviting me to visit their
herbaria,and/or sending specimens on loan;to D.E
Bouford and ZHU Guang-hua for the gift of the new
book entitled“An illustrated encyclopedia of Clematis”;
to LI Liang-qian,ZHANG Zhi-yun,ZHU Xiang-yun,and
BAN Qin for various kinds of help during the prepara—
tion of the present revision;and to SUN Ying -bao for
ma king the drawing s.
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摘 要:(1)对毛莨科铁线莲属Clematis的铁线莲组sect.Viticella进行了分类学修订,确定此组包含 13种,1亚
种和2变种 (包括2新种和1新变种等级),写出此组的分类学简史和地理分布;将此组划分为3亚组,4系,写出
我国东部的单型毛萼铁线莲亚组 subsect.Hancockianae(花具4枚平展,不展宽的萼片,雄蕊无毛)被认为此组
的原始群。铁线莲亚组 subsect.Florldae(花具5—8枚平展,强烈展宽的萼片,雄蕊无毛,花粉具散孔)和湖州铁
线莲亚组 subseet.Viticellae(花具 4枚渐升 ,多少展宽的萼片,雄蕊花丝常被缘毛,花粉具 3沟)可能均由毛萼铁

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