全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 23(5):420— 423 2003年 9月
博 白油茶和红皮糙 果茶分类学 问题 的讨论
石祥 刚,王秀娟 ,叶创 兴
(中山大学生命科学学院 ,广东广 州 510275)
摘 要:通过对由原产地引种的博白油茶(Camellia gigantocarpa Hu et Huang)和红皮糙果茶(c.crapnel—
liana Tutcher)成长植株的形态、花、果实以及馆藏相关标本的详细 比较和观察,认为这两个种存在着显著的
差异 :博白油茶树皮被灰绿色的粉末 ,红皮糙果茶树皮被砖红色的粉末;博白油茶侧脉 9~1o对,叶缘具细锯
齿 ,叶下偶见微毛;红皮糙果茶的侧脉 7~8对,叶缘具浅细圆齿,叶下永远无毛;博白油茶花瓣数 目6~7枚,
为倒卵形到宽倒卵形 ,花瓣基部连生仅 2 mm;红皮糙果茶花瓣数 目常为 8~9枚 ,甚至更 多 ,为倒卵形到 窄倒
卵形 ,花瓣基部连生达 4 mm;博白油茶的雄蕊花丝基部连生仅 2 mm;红皮糙果茶的雄蕊花丝基部连生达 5~
6 mm。因而应该将博白油茶(c.gigantocarpa Hu et Huang)看作一个独立的种。
中图分类号 :Q949 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1000—3142(2003)05-0420-04
A axonom lc cIiSCUSSi0n on am el Z Za 2Z2an to一 ^ J ● 1● ● -■● ● .
carpa and Camellia crapnelliana
SHI Xiang—gang,WANG Xiu—j uan,YE Chuang—xing
(Department of Biology,School o,L Science,Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275,China)
Abstract:Having carefully observed the shapes,flowers,fruits of live cultivated plants of C.gigantocarpa H u
et H uang and C.crapnelliana Tutcher,which were planted from seeds of original area,and examined the rele—
vant specimens colected in herbariums,the authors think there are distinct differences between the two species
as following:the bark of C. gigantocarpa is grey—green and C. crapnelliana is brick—red;C. gigantocarpa
with lateral nerves 9~ 10 pairs and mucronulate-serrulate.occasionally with thinner pubescence beneath leaves
and C.crapnellianawith lateral nerves 7~ 8 pairs and shalow—crenate,always glabrous beneath leaves;C.
crapnelliana with 6~ 7,obovate to wide obovate,united at the base about 2~ 3 mm ,C.crapnelliana with U—
suaI petals 8~ 9,even trended more,obovate to narrowly obovate,united at the base about 4 mm ;filaments of
C.gigantocarpa united only to 2 mm and C.crapnelliana united up to 5~ 6 mm at the base.So C.giganto—
carpa should be looked upon as an independent species.
Key words:Camellia gigantocarpa;C.crapnelliana;taxonomy
After careful examination and comparison,we
suggest recover Camellia gigantocarpa Hu et
Huang as an independent species to C.crapnelli—
aria Tutcher.
C.gigantocarpa,published by Hu Hsen—Hsu
in 1965,the typical specimen is Huang Tso—chieh
2026,which was collected in Bobai County,Guan—
gxi Province(H u,1 965).Its character is belonged
Received date:2002—09—18 Accepted date:2002—12—05
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项 目(39570081)
作者简介 :石祥刚(1978一),男 ,山东临沂市人 ,硕士 ,从事植物分类学与植物资源学研究。 *Correspondent author and e_mail
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5期 石祥刚等:博 白油茶和红皮糙果茶分类学问题的讨论 421
to Camellia section Furfuracea Chang:its perules
indiferentiated,styles 3~ 5 and completely divid—
ed,pericarp furfuraceous. C.gigantocarpa is fa—
mous for its big fruits and as an edible oil made
from its seeds. C.crapnelliana Tutch.firstly was
found in Hong Kong and published in 1904 by
Tutcher.C.crapnelliana is also belonged to Ca—
mellia section Furfuracea Chang base on its mot—
phological character of its flowers and fruits,it is
conspicuous because of its cortex thinner and brick—
red powder. Later C.crapnelliana also found in
other area of Guangdong Province,sometime it
forms a single kind of forest.Rehder(1924)tranw
ferred C.crapnelliana to genus Thea:Thea crap—
nelliana(Tutch.)Rehder.We know,the genus CⅡ一
mellia is now the only correct name and Thea is its
synonym.In 1 9 8 1,Professor Chang Hong—Ta first—
ly combined C.gigantocarpa to C.crapnelliana
and then he identically handled with these species
in his works(1984(Camellias),1990 (Flora of
Guangxi),1991(Flora of Guangdong),and in 1998
(Flora of China V49)).
These two species have been cultivated and
grown in our garden since 1980s and they all were
planted from seeds.C.gigantocarpa was from the
arboretum of Guangxi Botanical Institute,Guilin,
where was from Bobai County and C
. crapnelliana
was from Hong Kong.Now over ten trees in each
species are in good status and grow as high as 6 m.
Their character is identified to Cam lliⅡ Sect
Furfuracea Chang.There are some similar charac—
ters:big flower and fruit,numerous and indiferen—
tiated perules,hair ovary,free styles,thick peri—
carp,glabrous seeds and etc. between these two
species.After observation of cultivated plants and
examined relevant specimen of these two species,
we think there are enough reasons to divide them
into independent species. M ainly based on the
specimen in herbaria and observation of live culti—
vate,we describe these two species as following
Camellia gigantocarpa
C. gigantocarpa in
1965,10(2):133— 134:
Acta Phytotax.,Sinica,
non C. crapnelliana in
Chang Hong—Ta,1981,Tax. Gen. Camellia,28—
29;1991,in Flora of Guangdong (2):129— 130,in
Flora of Guangxi;1998,in Flora of China 49(3):
18,and in Chang H ung Ta et Bruce Bartholomew ,
1984,Camellias:43;also non C. crapnelliana in
M ing Tien—lu,2000,M onograph of the Genus Ca—
A small tree,5~ 6 m tall or taller.Bark light
Grey-green and with tiny powder;both young
branch and older branch gray—green,glabrous,scale
bud glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous,obovate,
oblong or elliptic,10~ 15 cm long,4.5~ 8 cm
wide,shortly cuspidate,base cuneate or subrotund,
mucronulate—serrulate,glabrous,pale-green above,
dull green below with sparsely covered with cork-
warts;lateral nerves 9~ 10 pairs,midrib and lateral
nerves concave above,prominently elevated below,
occasionally sparsely pilose;petioles 8~ 12 mm
long,channeled above,glabrous. Flowers large,
white,slightly fragrant,terminal and solitary,ses—
sile,8~ 12 cm in diameter;perules 9,sometime 12,
from semi orbiculate and about 1 cm.high(outer—
most)to obovate,petaloid,2.5 cm long(inner—
most),concave,brown,gray-tomentose on the
back,smooth on the face,persistent to anthesis and
deciduous in mature fruit;petals 6~ 7,rare 9,obo—
vate,4~ 6.5 cm long,2.5~ 4.5 cm wide,united at
the base about 2~ 3 mm ,pubescent on the back
Stamens very numerous,filaments about 1
. 7 cm
long,glabrous,outermost filaments adnate to pet—
als about 2 mm ,others free. Ovary globose,often
3,sometime 4-,5一locular,densely tomentose;styles
3~ 4,few 5,free to the base,8~ 15 mm long.min—
utely pilose at the base;ovules numerous in each
locule.Capsule large,globose,fulvous,6~ 8
. 5cm
tall,7~ 10cm in diameter,the SUrface rough and
furfuraceous,often splitting into 3~ 5 valves,va1ve
woody,1~ 2 cm thick,column stout,4~ 5 cm Iong
Seeds 5~ 6 in each locale,testa brown,glabrous
convex-angular,1 8~ 20 mm . 1ong and wide.
Guangdong(cultiVated):the garden of Zhongs—
han University,Ye Chuang~xing 5906,5907(SYS)
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422 广 西 植 物 23卷
Guangxi:Bobai,Jiangning,Duofu,Huang Tso—
chieh 2026(Typus! IBK);Nanning,Sankuang,the
wood garden of Guangxi Institute of Forestry,Li—
ang Sheng—ye 6403507 (SYS),1964.12.13;the
same place,Chang Hong—ta 6646,6648 (SYS);
Rongxian,Yulin Institute of Forestry,M o Ze—qian
87(SYS),1987.10.4;Guilin,Guilin Institute of
Forestry,Zhao Si—kao 53(SYS).
Different from original description are gla—
brous filaments of type,H uang Tso—chieh 2026 and
other specimen put under C.gigantocarpa,and
planted in our garden.
Camellia crapnelliana
C.crapnelliana in Journ. Soc. London 37:
153— 154;in strict sense,excluded C. gigantocar—
pa;Chang Hong Ta:1981,Tax.Gen.Camellia,28
— 29,1991,Flora of Guangdong(2):129— 130,
1998,in Flora of China 49:18,and 1984,in Chang
H ung Ta et Bruce Bartholomew,Camellias:43,;
M ing Tien—lu 2000,M onograph of the Genus Ca—
mellia,224— 225.
A small tree,5~ 6 m tall or taller.Bark brick
red with minute powder;young branches brown—
green,older branches red—brown. Leaves rigidly
coriaceous,elliptic or oblong—elliptic,7~ 1 3 cm.
1ong,3~ 5 cm wide,acuminate,base rotund or
broad cuneate,obscurely denticulate with the teeth
appressed to the margin,pale green above,dark
green below with sparsely covered with cork-
warts,glabrous;lateral nerves 7~ 8 pair;midrib
and lateral nerves concave above. prominently
raised below,glabrous;petioles 5~ 1 0 mm long,
glabrous,channeled above. Flowers white,termi—
nal,solitary;sessile,9~ 1 0 cm in diameter~perules
7~ 9,sometime】3,from semiorbicular and about 5
mm tall(outermost)to orbicular,petaloid,2.5 cm
long (innermost),concave,brown,gray—tomentose
on the back,smooth on the face,partly persistent
to anthesis and deciduous in mature fruit;petals(6
~ )8~ 9(~ 11),narrow obovate,3~ 5.5 cm long,
(1.5~ )2~ 3.5 cm wide。united at the base about 4
mm ,minutely pubescent on the back.Stamens ver—
Y numerous。filaments about(0.8~ )1~ 1.8 cm
long,glabrous,outer filaments united for up to
6mm from the base,Ovary globose,densely tomen—
tose,3~ 5-locular,ovules numerous in each locule;
styles 3~ 4,few 5,free to the base,about 1.5 cm
long,slight pilose at the base. Capsule large,glo—
bose,brown—red,7~ l1cm tall,8~ 12 cm in diame—
ter,the surface rough and brownish furfuraceous,
often 3 valvate dehiscent,valves woody and slightly
floppy,1.5~ 2 cm thick. Seeds 3~ 5 in each lOC—
ule,convex and angular,brown,shiny,glabrous,3
~ 5 in each locule.
Hongkong:Kowloon,Dawu shan,Chang Hong—
ta 7537,7531(SYS),Lau.Q.S.1328,1967.11.21;
Dalong Farm ,Li Fu—sheng s.n.,SYS 149083.
Guangdong(cultivated):the garden of Zhong—
shan University,Ye Chuang—xing 5908 (SYS),
The differences of these two species are stated
as following:(1)The color of the bark:C.giganto—
carpa is gray—green and C.crapnelliana is brick—
red. In field,as in Hong Kong and in Gutian,
Huiyang County,Guangdong Province,C.crapnel—
liana sometime forms single dominant community
and is very conspicuous because of its brick—red
trunk. H u had pointed out C.gigantocarpa with
slight and gray—green bark(“cortice pallide cinereo—
viridi”) when he published the species with latin
description(Hu,1965).The trees cultivated in the
garden of Zhongshan University were from seeds of
original area. The seeds of C.gigantocarpa were
from Arboretum of Guangxi Botanical Institute,
those plants were straightly transferred from Bobai
County and with gray—green bark.The seeds of C.
crapnelliana were from Hong Kong,now either C.
gigantocarpa or C.crapnelliana has grown up
small trees as high as 6 m ,and,former with gray—
green bark and latter with brick—red bark.The col—
or of bark of these two species is compared with
which plants grow in original field and then are
completely identica1. It doesn t seem that the
plants cultivated in our garden are natural hybrids
In generally speaking,all morphological characters
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5期 石祥刚等:博自油茶和红皮糙果茶分类学问题的讨论 423
of vegetative and propagated organs all maintain
correspondence between wild field and cultivated
status in these two species. Having com bined the
cultivated plants and specimen in herbarium ,we
think that som e obvious differences are existed be—
tween these two species as following.
(2)The leaves:C.gigantocarpa with lateral
nerves 9~ 10 pairs and m ucronulate—serrulate;C.
erapnelliana Tutcher with lateral nerves 7~ 8
pairs and obscurely denticulate with the teeth ap—
pressed to the margin or shallow crenule. C.
gigantocarpa occasionally with thinner pubescence
beneath leaves.
(3)The flowers:size,C.gigantocarpa from 10
to 1 2 cm in diameter is bigger than C.crapnelliana
from 9 to 10 cm in diam eter;C.gigantocarpa with
petals 6~ 7,obovate,4~ 6.5 cm long,2.5~ 4.5 cm
wide。united at the base about 2~ 3 mm ,C.eraP—
nelliana with usual petals 8~ 9,even trended
more,narrow obovate,3~ 5.5 cm long,2~ 3.5 cm
wide,united at the base about 4 mm ;union of ilia—
m ents:C.gigantocarpa united only to 2 mm and
C.crapnelliana united up to 5~ 6 mm at the base.
Differences of barks,leaves and flowers be—
tween two species are illustrated following pictures
(Plate I):Fig.1:Bark of C.gigantocarpa;Fig.2:
Bark of C.crapnelliana;Fig.3:The whole plant of
C.gigantocarpa;Fig.4:The whole plant of C.
— — ‘ 。 — ’ ’ ’ ’ 。。 ‘ 。 _ 。 一
crapnelliana;Fig.5:The flower of C.gigantocar—
pa:Fig.6:The flower of C.crapnelliana;Fig.7:
The fruits of C.gigantocarpa;Fig.8:The fruits of
Chang Hong—Ta.1981.A taxonomy of the genus Camel—
lia[M].Guangzhou:Editorial Department of Journal of
Zhongshan University,28— 29.
Chang Hong—Ta,Bartholomew.1984.Camellias[M].
Portland,0regon,U.S. A.:Timber Press,43.
Chang Hong—Ta.1991.Flora of Guangdong(2)[M].
Guangzhou: Guangdong Science and Technology
Press,129— 130.
Chang Hong—Ta.1998.Flora of China[M].Beijing:Sci—
ence Press,49(3):18.
Guangxi Institute of Botany. 1991. Flora of Guangxi
[M].Nanning:Guangxi Science and Technology
Press,765— 767.
Hu Hsen—Hsu. 1965. New species and varieties of Ca-
mellia and Theopsis of China(1)[J].Acta Phytotax
M ing Tien-Lu. 2000. M onograph of the genus Camellia
[M]. Kunming:Yunnan Science and Technology
Press,224— 225.
Sealy JR.1958.A revision of the genus Camellia I-M].
London:The Royal H orticultural Society,153— 154.
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