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全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 24(5):471—477 2004年 9月
(1.南京农业大学生命科学学院,江苏南京 210095;2.云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院,云南昆明 650201;
3.南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京 210095;4.北京林业大学园林学院。北京 100083)
摘 要:梅花是中国的候选国花之一。属于花色苷的梅花‘南京红’花色色素用含 1 浓盐酸(v/v)的甲醇提
取,并呈现纯净的紫红色。体外试验表明:该色素在 pHO~3范围内颜色稳定,因不同光质、热、氧化剂、还原
中图分类号:Q946 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—3142(2004)05—0471—07
Changes in coloration of the flower color pigment
of Prunus mume‘Nanjing Hong,(Nanjing
red)caused by physicochemical factors
ZHAO Chang—ling , ,GUO Wei—ming。,CHEN Jun—yu4
(1.College of Li Sciences,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;2.College of Agricultural
Sciences and Biotechnology,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,China;3.College
of Horticulture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;4.Colege of
Landscape Architecture,BeOing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract:Mei(Prunu$mume Sieb.et Zucc.)flower iS one of the candidates of the national flower of China.
Belonging tO anthocyanin,the flower color pigment of P.mume Sieb.et Zucc.‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)
can be extracted with methanol containing 1 concentrated HCl(v/v)and the pigment in the extraction solu—
tion expresses purely mauve.Experiments in vitro reveal that the pigment is stable at pHO~3.The pigment
appears colorless,blackish green or yellowish green because it is sensitive tO light,heat,oxidant,reductant and
chelating agent.It also expresses various red,purple,blackish yelow,blackish red or faint bluish green be—
cause of different metal ions or different concentrations of the ions.Glucose and lOW concentrated sodium be—
neoate almost have no effects on the coloration.Sucrose can weaken the color,but citric acid can strengthen
it.This paper could be fl reference or fl premise for the exploration on the flower color mechanism,the identifi—
cation of the molecular structures of the anthocyanins and the exploitation and utilization of the flower color
Received date:2003—12—16 Accepted date:2004—03—22
Foundation item:Partly supported by the Research Fund for Young Scholar of Yunnan Agricultural University
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472 广 西 植 物 24卷
pigments of red Mei flowers.
Key words:Changes in coloration;Flower color pigment;P.mume Sieb.et Zucc.‘Nanjing Hong’(Naming
red);Physicochemical factors
Mei(Prurlu$mume Sieb.et Zucc.)flower is
one of the candidates of the national flower of Chi—
na,it symbolizes the characteristics of hardiness
and staunchness of Chinese in facing adversity and
evil.Mei flower is native to China and is highly ad—
mired in China for its beautiful colors。various tree pat—
terns,wispy fragrance,graceful gestures and glamour—
OUS charm.In fact,the resistance of Mei to cold and
snow makes it one of the wonders of the botanical
world.So far in the world,Mei flower is the unique
horticultural plant which is accredited Chinese scien—
tist,namely Chen Jun-Yu(Senior academician of C —
nese Academy of Engineering,Professor of Beijing For—
estry University),as International Cuhivar Registration
Authority(Zhao and Guo,2003).
The sixty years of scientific research on Mei
flower in China has obtained plentiful and substan—
tial achievements(Chen,2002),but the study on
the flower color is almost a blank.Flower color re—
fers to the color of all structures like petals in the
flower organs of phanerogam which mainly points
to angiosperm owing conspicuous flowers (Qi,
1989;Cheng,2000). It has well been confirmed
that the cultivars of Mei flower cultivated in China
are classified into 3 series,5 groups and 1 8 forms,
and the flower color of Mei includes mauve,pink,
white,greenish white,light yellow and double color
(Chen,2001).P.mume Sieb.et Zucc.‘Nanjing
Hong’(Nanjing red)which belongs to Form Pink
Double is the typical representative of the pink and
we have confirmed its flower color pigment belongs
to flavonoids and the red results from its anthocya—
nins.It’s well known that the color of anthocyanin
will change according to concrete p H,Vc,light,
metal ion,temperature,H2 O2,saccharides and their
degradation products,etc (Sondheimer and Ker—
tesz,1953;Daravings and Cain,1965;Wrolstad and
Erlandson,1975;Sweeny et a1.,1981;Skrede,
1985).However,the color changes of the anthocy—
anins of different sources are not unanimous(Pang
a1.2001;Ran et a1.2002).
It is first reported in this paper that the ehan—
ges in coloration of the flower color pigment of P.
mume Sieb.et Zucc.‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)
caused by physieoehemical factors,which could serve
for the exploration on the flower color mechanism and
the identification of the molecular structures of the an-
thocyanins and the exploitation and utilization of the
flower color pigments of red Mei flowers.
1 Material s and methods
1.1 Pkmt material
All flowers were obtained in the Researeh
Centre of Mei flower of Sun Yat—sen Mansoleum
Administrative Office of Nanjing.During the full
florescence,the blooming flowers were collected
randomly in the morning on March 9 of 2003 j ust
after the dew evaporated completely,encased in or—
dinary kraft envelopes,and immediately frozen at一20
~ 一22℃ unti1 extraction.
1.2 Isolation of the flower color pigment
Away from androecia,the frozen petals were
rapidly pulled out with stainless steel tweezers.8 g
petal was ground in a white porcelain pestle quick—
ly and completely at room temperature after mixing
with approximate 1 5 mL methanol containing 1
concentrated HCL(v/v)(Markham,l982). Ex—
tracts were filtered and the residue was washed til1 it
became full white.The filtrate was prima rily purified
by partition against n-hexane,and the final extract was
diluted to 100 mL th the above acidic methanol。and
it expressed purely mauve.The extract was refrigera—
ted under 3℃ in darkness until analysis.
1.3 Changes in coloration of the flower color pig-
ment caused by physical factors
The extract was diluted properly and the ab—
sorption spectrum was recorded at room tempera—
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ture in a 1 cm pathlength quartz cell in the 200~
700 nm range using a SHIMADZU UV—VIS spec—
trophotometer. Three absorption peaks,namely
53O.O,339.0 and 250.0 nm,were observed.530.0
nm was regarded as the checking wavelength in the
following experiments because it had been proved
to be the specific absorption of anthocyanins
(Rabino and Mancinelli,1986;Takeda et a1.1996;
Leng and Qi,2003).
The effects of light and temperat ure on the
coloration were checked respectively.As to light,
four treatments were designed (the temperature
was 18~ 20 ℃ ):sunlight (under cloudless fine
day),ultraviolet light(40 W ,50 cm from the light
tube),light of fluorescent lamp(40 W ,2.5 m from
the light tube),light of incandescent lamp(40 W ,
2.5 m from the light bulb).A530 was determined
hourly and the determination lasted for seven hours
continuously.As to temperature,under the indoor
light of fluorescent lamp,25,35,45,55,65,75,85
and 95℃ were designed in a constant temperature
water bath.The solution was sampled hourly and
cooled to room temperature rapidly under tap wa—
ter,the correspondent A530 determination lasted for
seven hours continuously.
1.4 Chang~ in coloration of the flower color pig。
ment caused by chemical factors
As to pH。1 mL extract was placed in every
securely stoppered test tube.added 9 mL solutions
of pHO.0~8.0 respectively,balanced in darkness
after being shaken up,and then scanned in the 200
— — 700 nm range. The maximal absorption wave—
length in visible light(入 i。 )and the correspondent
absorbance were recorded.Thereinto,pH 0.0 was
created by 1.00 mol/L HC1,pil1.0 by O.10 mol/L
HC1,pH2.0 by 0.01 mol/L HC1,pH 3.0~8.0
were created by a series of disodium hydrogen
phosphate-citric acid buffers.
As to metal ions,oxidant,reductant,chelating
agent,saccharide,preservative and citric acid,l mL
extract was added with 9 mL H2 0,and scanned in
the 200~ 700 nm range. Two absorption peaks,
namely 514.0 and 324.0,were observed,with the
i shifting from 530.0 nm to 514.0 nm which
was regarded as the checking wavelength in the
following experiments.For every reaction of dif—
ferent chemical factors.1 mL extract was added
with 9 mL solution of special concentration,the
corresponding color changes and A5l4 were noted.
Metal ions dealt with Al。+,Fe。+,Cu。+,Zn。+,
Mg。+,Fe。+,Mn +,Ca。+,Sn。+,Co。+,Pb。+,K+and
Na .Hydrogen peroxide was used as oxidant,Vc
and sodium sulfite as reductants,ethylenediami—
netetra—acetic acid (EDTA)(melt in 1 sodium
carbonate)as chelating agent,and the roles of glu—
cose,sucrose,citric acid and sodium beneoate were
testified respectively.
0 l 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time f/l1
Fig.1 The effects of light on the stability of the flower
color pigment of P.~uD/e‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)
2 Results and analyses
2.1 Changes in coloration of the flower color pig—
ment caused by light and temperature
The pigment coloration is light—unstable.Sun—
light,ultraviolet light,lights of fluorescent lamp
and light of incandescent lamp all resulted in its
degradation,showing the red became light and Asso
decreased continuously(Fig.1).Furthermore,the
effect of sunlight was the strongest,ultraviolet
light was less stronger,and the effects of light of
fluorescent lamp and incandescent lamp were both
smaller and consistent(Fig.1).Thus,the pigment is
sensitive to light,which is the most obvious character—
istics of anthocyanins(Sweeny et a1.1981).
The resistance of the pigment to heat is very
weak.Up to 35 ℃ ,A530 decreased steeply along
5 6 5 5
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474 广 西 植 物 24卷
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
— 1卜 2 5
— _E卜 35
— — ·●—一 4 5
— — 5 5
— ●r一 65
— — 75
— 《卜 85
— 卜 95
Fig.2 The effects of temperature on the stability
of the flower color pigment of P.7/1uT/le
‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)
with time.The higher the temperature was and the
1onger the treatment time was,the thinner the pig—
ment’s red was(Fig.2).This is probably because
temperature influences the co-pigmentation of an—
thocyanins and co—pigments(Mazza and Brouillard,
1987),and the high temperature also results in the
conversion from anthocyanin to colorless chalcone
(Brouillard,1982),although the conversion is re—
versible(Mazza and Brouillard,1987).
2.2 Changes in coloration of the flower color pig。
ment caused by chemical factors
The coloration of the pigment is pH—depend—
ent.It was red at pH0~ 3.0,the red became thin
till colorless at pH5.0~ 6.0,and black emerged
gradually when pH > 6.0. The absorption peak
disappeared when pH=5.0,but the correspondent
A i3 。 reached the climax at pH 1.0 and subse—
quently decreased along with the ascending of pH
(Table 1),which is consistent with the research re—
sults of Skrede G.(1985)and Pang X.Q.et。a1.
(2001).The pigment color was stable at low pH,
and changed when p H varied from weakly acidic to
neutra1。expressing the most important characteris—
tics of anthocyanins that their colors change along
with DH(Brouillard,1983).This is because pH is
directly related to the occurrence of the copigment—
ation of anthocyanins and copigments.At the same
time,the p H effects analyzed above implied that
the pigment is non—acylated or mono—acylated
(Brouillard,1983;Mazza and Brouillard,1987).
Table 1 The changes in coloration of the flower color pigment of P.mume‘Nanj ing Hong’
(Nanjing red)caused by pH (The average value of two experiments)
The coloration of the pigment varies along
with meta1 ions and their concentrations. A1¨ ,
Co2+,K ,Na all could make the pigment main—
tain red and the higher the concentrations of metal
ions were,the stronger the red became. Cu抖 ,
Znz+,M ,Mn抖 ,Ca抖 could all also make the
pigment maintain red,but the concentrations of
meta1 ions were contrarily related to the degree of
the red.Fe made the pigment change from red to
black. Fe2 made it blackish red. Sn made it
flamboyant purple,but the higher the concentra—
tion was,the weaker the p urple was.Lower con—
centrated Pb made the pigment maintain red,the
slightly high concentration(O.01 tool/L)made the
pigment light blue,then turned colorless,and the
much higher concentration made the pigment be—
come wispy blue green(Table 2).The reason that
meta1 ions influence the coloration of anthocyanins
is Drobably that Sn (Salt and Thomas,1957),
Cu2 (Somaatmadja et a1.,1964),A1 (Jurd and
Asen,1966)can form stable metallo-anthocyanins
complexes,Mg +,Fe +,Fe +,K+are related to the
structural stability of acylated anthocyanins(Take—
da and Hayashi,1977;Takeda,1977),although the
stability of metallo—anthocyanins per se may not re—
auire metal ions(Hoshino et a1.,1980),and Ca ,
Fe3+,Fez+,A1 hold some protection effects to or—
dinary anthocyanins,though the complexes formed
9 5 8 5 7 5 ”
旨 0 慧8每 J0sq《
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also decomposes along with time (Mazza and
The pigment is sensitive to oxidant and reduc—
tant.1 of hydrogen peroxide made the pigment
change from red to colorless,which was reflected
by the steep decrease of Asl4.Ascorbic acid made
the pigment color thin,and the higher the concen—
tration was,the lower the correspon ding Asl4 was.
Sodium sulfite (also regarded as preservative in
food processing)could destroy the pigment mighti—
ly,showing that the low concentration (approxi—
mate 0.125 )resulted in the abrupt decrease of
Asl4.The 0.25% of sodium sulfite made the pig—
ment change from wispy red to colorless.The 0.
5 ~ 8.O resulted in yellowish green,and the
higher the concentration was,the stronger the yel—
lowish green was,but the corresponding AsH didn’
t change greatly any more(Fig.3).
Table 2 The changes in coloration of the flower color pigment of P.7nu~q.e‘Nanjing Hong’
(Nanjing red)caused by metal ions(The average value of two experiments)
ion ⋯Con ation A c0lor ion ⋯Con ration A color 。n (×10
一。mol/L) A514 。 。 on (×10一。mol/L) A514 10
AIS+ 0 0.768 red 50.OO 0.761 red
3.125 0.673 light red 200.0 0.746 light red
12.5O O.694 red Ca2 0 0.768 red
5O.OO 0.708 red 3.125 0.753 red
200.0 0.777 strong red 12.5O 0.745 red
FeS+ 0 0.768 red 5O.OO O.741 red
3.125 0.544 light blackish yelow 200.0 0.734 light red
12.50 0.546 light blackish yelow Snz 0 0.768 red
5O.OO 0.559 blackish yelloⅣ 0.3125 0.638 purple
200.0 0.648 golden yelow 1.250 0.59I purple
CU2+ 0 0.768 red 5.000 0.577 purple
0.4000 0.799 red 2O.00 0.571 purple
1.600 0.774 red CoZ+ 0 0.768 red
6.400 0.771 red 3.125 0.704 red
25.60 0.766 light red 12.5O 0.837 red
ZnZ+ 0 0.768 red 50.00 0.981 strong red
3.125 0.776 strong red 200.0 1.671 blackish red
12.50 0.770 red pbz+ 0 0.768 red
50.00 0.760 red 0.6250 0.776 red
200.0 0.724 light red 2.500 0.757 red
MgZ+ 0 0.768 red 1O.00 0.61 1 from light blue to colorless
3.125 0.780 strong red 4O.00 0.403 wispy bluish green
12.50 0.772 red Na 0 0.768 red
50.O0 0.769 red 3.125 0.774 red
200.0 0.736 light red 12.50 0.782 red
Fe2 0 0.768 red 50.OO 0.786 red
3.125 0.798 red 200.0 0.792 strong red
12.50 0.806 wispy blackish red K 0 0.768 red
5O.00 0.841 light blackish red 6.250 0.769 red
200.0 0.934 blackish red 25.OO 0.781 red
M nZ+ 0 0.768 red 1OO.0 0.784 red
3.125 0.794 strong red 400.0 0.789 strong red
12.50 0.778 red
Low concentration of EDTA made the pig—
ment be blackish green,showing that the coloration
of the pigment is certainly involved with metal i—
ons.But it was unknown why the 1 contrarily
made the pigment be light red(Table 3).
The coloration of the pigment also has some—
thing to do with citric acid and sodium beneoate.
Citric acid might maintain the red and the higher
its concentration was,the stronger the color was
(Table 3),which implied the color of Mei flower is
probably related to Triearboxylie Acid Cycle.Sodi—
um beneoate was often used as preservative in food
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476 广 西 植 物 24卷
processing,and the low concentration(<0.oz5%)
could hardly affect the coloration of the pigment,
the comparatively higher concentration (> 0.1 )
led to light red till colorless(Table 3).

0 0 l 3 0 2 5 0 5 l 2 4 8
co rl ce rlt ratio rl/%
Fig.3 The effects of oxidant and reductant on the
stability of the flower color pigment of P.
mume‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)
Table 3 The changes in coloration of the flower color
pigment of P.mume‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)
caused by chelating agent,sodium beneoate and citric
acid(The average value of two expriments)
reagent c


a— A514 c。1。r
C8 H807·HzO
O.O15 625
0.062 500
0.250 00
1.000 0
blackish green
light black
wispy black
light red
light red
wispy red
strong red
strong red
It was known that glucose and sucrose both i
vivo influence the synthesis and accumulation of
anthocyanin(Qi,l989;Weiss et a1.,1992).How—
ever,it was found in the experiment that glucose
almost didn’t influence the coloration of the pig—
ment and sucrose contrarily resulted in the light
color.The pigment was still red in the solution of
glucose and sucrose.W hen the concentration was
lower than 0.312 5 ,both of them almost resuIted
in the decrease of A5H at the same degree.But it
was not obvious that the color difference was in—
duced by different concentrations of glucose,reflec—
ting the comparatively small change of A5l4.On
the contrary,the increase of sucrose concentration
(>0.312 5 )resulted in the lighter and lighter
red and continuous descending A5l4(Fig.4).
0.7 5
0 0,1 6 0.31 0.63 I 25 2 5 5 1 0
concent ration /%
Fig.4 The effects of glucose and sucrose on the
stability of the flower color pigment of P

mume‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)
3 Dicussion
The flower color pigment of Prunus mlgme
Sieb.et Zucc.‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)is
purely mauve in methanol containing l concen—
trated HC1(v/v).However,light,heat,metal ion。
oxidant,reductant,chelating agent,saccharide,cit—
ric acid and preservative all affect the coloration of
the pigment,which can be the premise of the pig—
ment—purifying and structure—elucidating and aIso
benefits the percipience of the coloration behavior
of the pigment in vivo (Brouillard R,1983)

We have understood that the flower color pig—
ment of red Mei flower is the red anthocyanins and
the non—red flavonoids,the later are probablv
thought to be copigments which not only contrib—
ute to the red(Mazza and Brouillard,1987)but a1一
so protect anthocyanins from various lights(Swee—
ny et a1.,l981).Furthermore,the flavanoids aIso
makes anthocyanins avoid the attack of nucleo—
philes and be stable in the cell cireumstance
It has been a long history that Mei flower was
eaten by Chinese (Ning,1999).Modern people.
量 芏 n
” ¨
O O 0 0
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ● 0
量c! nlB8写D_10sqv
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particularly the urban citizens,have been longing
for natural foods due to paying attention to their
health and life quality,which indicates the explora—
tion and utilization of edible Mei flower and its red
pigment will create tremendous economic and social
values.The flower color pigment of Prunus muwle
Sieb.et Zucc.‘Nanjing Hong’(Nanjing red)can
be used as the natural dyeing reagent of acidic food
and cold beverage because of its natural and sightly
luster,together with its pharmacological functions
(Xiao and Lu,1 987).This research can provides
theoretical bases for the usage of the food additives
such as preservative,citric acid in this pigment and
the selection of processing conditions and package
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