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Notes on flora and distribution of the pteridophytes of Ba Mountains


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 30(1):89— 94 2O1O年 1月
郭晓思1,陈彦生1,吴振海l,黎 斌2
(1.西北农林科技大学 生命科学学院,陕西 杨凌 712100;2.西安植物园,西安 710062)
摘 要 :在野外调查和已有资料的基础上,对 巴山地区蕨类植物的区系和分布进行 了系统的分析。结果表
明,该区具有蕨类植物 34科,79属,289种(包括变种和变型)。区系地理成分复杂,在属的水平上以热带、亚
热带成分为主,约 占总属数的 6O.87 ,温带成分 占 39.13 ,而在种的水平上 ,热带 、亚热带成分仅 占总数的
8.77 ,温带成分处于优势地位,为 91.23 ,在温带成 分中,东亚成 分突出,加上 中国特有成分共 占总数的
86.67 ,显然应是东亚区系的一部分,因此巴山蕨类植物区系应属于中国一El本蕨类植物亚区。垂直分布可
以划分 3个带 ,蕨类植物主要分布在海拔 1 O0O~1 800 m。
关键词 :巴山地区;蕨类植物;区系分析 ;垂直分布
中图分类号 :Q948 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1000—3142(2010)01—0089—06
Notes on flora and distribution of the
pteridophytes of Ba Mountains
GUO Xiao-SiI,CHEN Yan-Sheng1,W U Zhen-Hai ,LI Bine
(1.Colege of Li Science,Northwest A& F University,Yangling 712100,China;
2.Xi’nn Botanical Garden,Xi’an 710062,China)
Abstract:Based on the field survey and the known data,the flora and distribution of the pteridophytes in Ba
Mountains were analyzed.The result were showed that there were about 289 species(including varieties and forms),
79 genera and 34 families of pteridophytes in this region.Floristic and geographic elements are complicated.At genus
level,tropical—subtropical distribution types were dominant,accounting for 60.87 of the total genera,and temperate
distribution types covered 39.1 3 of the tota1.While at the species level,temperate elements were dominant,ac—
counting for 91.23 of the total species,and tropical—subtropical elements covered 8.27 of the tota1.Of the tem—
perate elements,East Asian element took the largest proportion,including endemic to China,accounting for 86.67
of the total species in the mountains,which indicated that Ba Mountains belonged to China-Japan Sub-zone of pterido—
phytes.The pteridophytes of Ba Mountains can be divided into 3 altitudinal zones,and their vertical distribution cen—
ter occured between 1 000— 1 800 m above sea leve1.
Key words:Ba Mountains;pteridophytes;floristic analysis;vertical distribution
1 Intr0duction
Ba M ountains (including Daba Mountains and
Micang Mountains) is located in central China,lying
between 106。50 一 109。42 E longitude and 31。40 -32。
55 N latitude,about 400 kilometers from east tO west,
40— 80 kilometers from south to north.It is bordered
Received date:2008—1 1—1 2 Accepted date:2009—02—23
Foundation item:Supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of CNna(30370117,39899400,30499340);the Special Fund from the Chinese
Academy of Sciences for Flora of China(KSXX-SW-122)
Biography GUO Xiao~Si(1962一),male,Born in Fuplng County of Shaanxl Province,Asociate Professor,mainly study on pteridophytes,(E-mail)gxs6@
90 广 西 植 物 3O卷
by southern part of Shaanxi Province and Hanshui
River on the north,western part of Hubei Province on
the east,northern part of Chongqing City on the south,
and north-eastern part of Sichuan Province on the
west. Ba Mountains geographical position,ancient
strata of rock,varied topographical complexity,fertile
soil,and humid climate offer a myriad of ecological
niches for ferns to grow.The average elevation is more
than 2 200 m,and the highest peak,namely“Hualongs—
han”in Pingli country reaches 2 917 m.In this area,
the annual rainfal1 is 800~ 1 200 nlI1 and the mean
temperature is 14一 l6℃ .Therefore,this place is phy~
togeographically a meeting point for plants of east,
west and north China,there are fern groups and a great
many species as wel1.
Since the end of the 19th century,many foreign
botanists had made scientific investigations in Ba
Mountains,such as A.Henry,E.H.Wilson and R.P.
Forges.Similarly,from 1930 to 1990,many Chinese
botanists such as Guan—Guang Zhong,Wen—Pei Fang,
Bu—Qiu Zhong,Ji—Meng Liu,Tian-Lun Dai,Zhuo-Pin
Wang and Pei—Yuan Li made expedition,collections in
Ba Mountains. The most famous pteridologist Ren—
chang Ching(Ching,1964;Ching eta1.,1985,1974)and
others(Shing,1965,Kung,1988)did much work on
pteridophytes of the Ba Mountains and published many
fern taxa.
However,so far as we know,there is none corn—
plete information of the pteridophytic flora and distri—
bution of Ba Mountains. Since 1993,we undertook
fourteen years to explore Ba Mountains,systematicaly
and collected 235 fern taxa.The present study is based
on collections from Ba Mountains by many professors,
which specimen are present in Herbarium Of Northwest
A & F University(WUK);Herbarium of Institute of
Botany,Academia(PE);Herbarium ,Department of Bi—
ology,Sichuan University(SZ),and literatures(from
1984 to 2006)on the pteridophytes of Ba Mountains are
also involved.According to the inform ation mentioned
above,we attempt to make a preliminary analysis of the
florstic characteristics and geographic distribution of
the ferns in Ba Mountains.
2 Number of families,genera and
On the basis of pteridophytes collected in the wild
survey and relevant data,about 289 species(including va—
rieties and fO1TnS),79 genera and 34 families(Ching’s
system of 1 978)are on record in Ba Mountains. The
number of families is about 53.9 of 63 families in
China,the number of genera 35.1 of 225 genera,and
that of species l1.3 of 2 554 species.
In Ba Mountains,large families with over 10 spe—
cies are as follows:Dryopteridaceae(5 genera/67 spe—
pleniaceae(1/1 6),Sin0pteridaceae(4/1 5),Selaginel—
(I/11),and Hemiontidaceae(2/10).The species of
the above 9 families account for more then 73 of the
total species number of ferns in the Ba Mountainss.
they are widely distributed under the broad-leaved for—
ests,making up the main elements of ferns in Ba
Mountains.Among these families,Dryopteridaceae and
Athyriaceae are mainly distributed in temperate regions
and mountainous areas of tropical and subtropical re—
gions.Of the rest,14 families have 2— 8 species,11
families have only one species.PhytogeographicaUy,Ba
Mountains has the complexity of mutual crisscross and
the infiltrate transition of tropic,subtropic and temper—
ate elements.
Among the 79 genera of Ba Mountains,the fo卜
lowing genera have more than 7 species:POt sttchum
(31 species),Dryopteris(19),Asplenium(16),Selagi—
(1O),Lepisorus(10), rrosia(9),Coniogramme(8),
Pteris(8),they include 145 species in total,accounting
fOr 5O.17 of the total species.32 genera include 2—
7 species,such as Aleuritopteris(7 species),Dryoathy—
rium(6),Lunathyrium (6),Neolepisorus(5),Phy—
lantodia(4),Matteuccia(4),Onychium (4),Lepi—
Hippochaete(3),etc.,they include 1 08 species in to—
tal,accounting for 37.37% of all species.36 genera
郭晓思等:巴山蕨类植物区系与分布的研究 91
have only one species.
3 Analysis of the floristic and phyto—
geographic elements of pteridophytes
3.1 Analysis of the geographical elements of genera
Regarding the 289 species(including varieties and
forms) and 7 9 genera of ferns,which show a more
complex phytogeographica1 nature,they may be subdi—
vided primarily into 1 5 distribution patterns as follows
Table 1 Distribution-types of genera and species
of Pteridophytes in Ba Mountains
Note:Cosmopolitan are not taken into account in computing the per
centages in the table.
3.1.1 Cosmopolitan distribution There are 10 genera
belonging to this type in Ba Mountains,and almost all
of them are distributed in every main locality.The fol—
lowing are those genera:Polystichurn(3 1 species),Sel—
Az0ll“(1)and Marsilea(1),accounting for 12.66 of
the total genera,they include 84 species,accounting for
28.37 of all species in Ba Mountains.
3.1.2 Tropical—subtropical distribution This distribu—
tion type is the most common in Ba Mountains,these
genera can extend their distribution up to the southern
part of Qinling Mountain or only extend their distribu—
tion up to the Ba Mountains,such as Microlepia,Lepi—
dornicrosorium, Colysis,Parathelypteris,Psilotum,
is,Loxograrnme,Lygodiurn and so on,it is obvious to
indicate Ba Mountains is on the edge of subtropical flo—
ra of Asia.In the pteridophytic flora about 42 genera
may be classified in this types,which cover 6O.87 of
the total genera.Pantropical genera are high—propor—
tioned(26.08 of the total,excluding the cosmopoli—
tan genera),including 1 8 genera i.e.Vittaria,Pellaea,
nitis,Trichomanes,Lygodiurn and so on. 8 Tropical
and Subtropical Asian genera are distributing in the
mountain(11.60 of the tota1),they are Polypo—
diodes,M etathelypteris, PseudophegOpteris,Aniso—
campiurn ,Cyclogramma,Microlepia,Arthromeris and
so on,the results show clearly that Ba Mountains flora
is only partly related to tropical Asia flora.There are
other tropical genera,23.18 of the total genera,e.g.
Old World Tropics(5.79%),such as Drynari,Gono—
corrnus,Pyrrosia,Colysis;Tropical Asian-American-
African(2.90 ),such as Coniogramme,Aleuritopter—
i :rropica1 Asian-American-Australia(1.45 ),such
as Cheilosoria:Tropical Asian and Tropical American
(1.45%),such as Gyrnnopteris;Tropical Asian and
Tropical African(7.25 9/6),such as the genera Lepi—
sorus, Dryoathyrium , Crepidomanes,M icrosorium,
PseHaopeg0pteris;Tropical Asian and Tropical Aus—
tralia(4.34%),such as Athyriopsis,Macrothelypteris,
Pronephrium and so on.
3.1.3 Temperate distribution There are 27 genera
belonging to this type,and almost all of them are dis—
tributing in temperate Asia or northern Hemisphere,
accounting for 39.13 of the total genera in Ba
Mounrains. 1 3 North Temperate genera(18.84 ),
they are Dryopteris,Athyriurn,Sceptridiurn,Woodsia,
teris.Struthiopteris and so on;3 Old W orld Temperate
92 广 西 植 物 3O卷
genera(4.34%),such as Botrypus,Osmunda,Cystop—
teris;E.Asian to N.American disjunct distribution only
one genera(1.45 9/6),Lunathyrium;2 Temperate Asian
genera(2.9O ),PsP d0c_),s 0 £e s,Cyrtomium ;East
Asian distribution type contains 8 genera(11.6O ),
Pleurosoiopsis, Lepidogrammitis, Drymotaenium’
Saxiglossum,Leptorumohra,Neolepisorus and so on’
of which Pleurosoiopsis,Neolepisorus and Lepi—
dogrammitis are China—Himalayas type,while others
China-Japan type.
As mentioned above,at genus level,the geograph—
ical elements of the genera are mainly composed of
tropical and subtropical types,which cover 60.87% of
the total genera in the mountains,and the temperate
types of the genera cover 39.13% of the tota1.There
are no endemic genera,but many tropical and subtropi—
cal genera have only one species,such as Phlegmari—
UrU5, Dryrnotaenium, Stenoloma, Macrothlypteris,
Tricho打lnnP , Pronephriurn, M icrosorum, Ctenitis,
Gonocotozl~s, Crepidomanes, Mecodiurn, which are
chiefly distributed in the warm and moist parts in Ba
Mountains,where they reach their northern limit.This
fully shows Ba Mountains must be the northern margin
of the distribution of tropical and subtropical ferns,
thus,the fern flora also have close relations with tropi—
cal and subtropical elements.
3.2 Analysis of the geographical elements of species
Of the 289 fern species in Ba Mountains,there are
14 distribution patterns(Table 1).Among these distri—
bution types,Eastern Asian and Endemi c to China are
relatively important.
3.2.1 Eastern Asian distribution There are 1 3 7 spe—
cies belonging to this type,accounting for 48.07% of
the total species(excJuding the cosmopolitan species)in
Ba Mountains. It can be broken down into 4 sub—
types:Asia-wide distribution,23 species,accounting
for 8.07% of the total species,such as Lycopodium
japonicum,Selaginella involvens,Hippochaete debi一
£ s,Allantodia squamigera,Asplenium varians,Polys—
tichum neolobaturn ,P.makinoi,Woodwardia unigem—
mata,Pseudocystopteris a趺insonii,etc.;Sino-Himala—
yan distribution,33 species,account for l1.58 of the
total species,such as Crepidomanes lateatum ,Onychi一
m nponicum ,Pellaea nitidula,Aleuritopteris gresia,
Athyri“ mackinnonii,Lepisorus variabilis,Pseud—
opegopteris pyrrhorachis,Polystichum stenophyllum ’
P.brachypterum,Dryopteris komarovii,D.peninsu一
£ne,etc.;Eastern Asian-Vietnam distribution,2 1 spe—
cies,acc0unt for 7.36 of the total species,such as
Coniogramme rosthornii,Anisocampium sheareri,Phe—
gopteris decursive-pinnata,Polystichum dielsii,Loxo—
g P cZ0姐 ,etc.;Sino—Japanese distribution,60
species,account for 21.05% of the total species,such
as Selaginella tamariscina,Ophioglossum thermale,
Botryp s strictus,Dennstaedtia t Zl厂0rdii,Onychiurn
japonicum,Athyrium wardii,A.fallaciosum,Allan一
£0diⅡDkudairai,Asplenium incisum ,Woodia unigem一
, 。 Arachniodes pseudo-aristata, Polystichum
tripteron,Pyrrosia periolosa,Saxiglossum angustis—
simu,Microrum fortunei,Drgnaria roosii,etc.
3.2.2 Endemic to China distribution There are I10
species belonging to this type,accounting for 38.59%
of the tota1 species.Endemi c to Ba Mountains,such as
Cheilosoria insignis,Polystichum longiarstatum,As—
plenium chengkouense,A.humistratum,Coniogramme
nnkangensis,account for 2.11 of the total species;
Other sDecies endemic to China,account for 36.49 of
the total species,such as Huperzia emeiensis,Aleuri
topteris duclouxii,Lunathyrium sichuanense,Polysti—
chum baoxingense,Neolepisorus ovatus,Dryopteris Py
cnopteroides,D.rosthornii,Gymnopteris bipinnata
Dryoathyrium henryi,Arachniodes simulans,Polysti—
chum acutipinnulum ,Lepisorus oligolepidu,Drymo—
taenium miyoshianum, Phymatopteris majoensis,
Mecodium corrugaturn , Dryoathyrium setigerum ,
Aleuritopteris shensiensis, Lunathgrium giraldii,
Woodia shensiensis,Dryopteris 5ericea,Hypodemati—
um gracile,Pyrrosia davidii,Aleuritopteris niphobo—
ln,Adiantum davidii,Woodia rosthorniana,Pyrrosia
periolosa, Selaginella uncinata, Adiantum
roborowskii, Coniogramme wilsonii, Struthiopteris
buruea,etc。Those species are distributing in other re
gions of China,for example,West China,East China,
Clentra1 China,North China,Northwest China,Qinling,
3.2.3 Tropical and subtropical Asian distribution
1期 郭晓思等 :巴山蕨类植物区系与分布的研究 93
There are 1 3 species belonging to this type,accounting
for 4.56 of the total species,such as Psil0t 一
dum,Selaginella nipponica,S.moellendor{fti,S
vaginata,Lygodiaum japonicum,Microlepia pseudo-
strigosa,Stenoloma chusanum,Pteris multiflda,Mi—
crorum fortune,Colysis ellptica var.flexiboba,etc.
Other Tropical distribution,1 2 species,account for
4.21 of the total species.
3.2.4 North Temperate distribution There are 10
species belonging to this type,accounting for 3.5 1% of
the total species,such as Polystichum braunii,Ophio—
glossum vulgatum ,Equisetum (.2roense,Hippochaete
hyemale,Lycopodium annotianum ,etc.Other Temper—
ate distribution,3 species,accounting for 1.O5 of the
total species.
As mentioned above,at species level,the tropical
and subtropical elements only cover 8.77 of the total
species in the mountain,and temperate elements are in
a dominant position,accounting for 91.23 of the to—
ta1.Of the temperate elements.East Asia elements and
Endemic to China elements significantly dominate,ac—
counting for 86.67% of the tota[species in the moun—
tain.With regard to the element of the pteridophytic
flora of the Ba Mountains,the temperate element is
dominant,the East Asia elements are the most impor—
tant and the Endemi c to China,the tropical and sub—
tropical and North Temperate are also abundant there.
Ba Mountains range may be a region transitional from
tropical and subtropical to temperate,being considered
phytogeographica11y as a focus for tropical,subtropical
and temperate ferns,and as a center of the ferns of
East。W est and North China.
4 Vertical distribution of pterido—
The pteridophytes of the Ba Mountainss can be
divided into 3 altitudina1 zones(Fig.1).
(1)54O一 1 000 m.This region corresponds to the
deciduous—evergreen broad—leaved mi xed forest and the
evergreen coniferous forest zone of Cunninghamia lan—
ceolata,where 44 species of ferns are found,accounting
for 15.3 of all species in the Ba Mountains. This
zone is dominated by small and drought_resistant saxic—
olous species of the Selaginella,Aleuritopteris,Asple—
nium,Pyrrosia,Equisetum and Pteris growing by
streamlets or in dampish places.
Fig.1 Vertical distribution of pteridophytes
in Ba Mountains
(2)l 000一 l 800 m.This region corresponds to
the deciduous broad—leaved forest zone,and mainly
consists of the lower mountain(between 1 000一 l 800
m)Quercus forest.This region is the richest in fern
species.There are 228 species of ferns known in this
region,which comprise 78.9 of all species in the Ba
Mountains,among which representative families are
niaceae,Dennstaedtiaceae, The1ypteridaceae,Osmun—
daceae,Onocleaceae and others.These ferns grow un—
der the forests.
(3)1 800— 2 917 m.This region corresponds to
the deciduous broad_leaved and evergreen coniferous
forest zone,and mainly consists of the middle mountain
(between 1 800—2 500 m)Betula and(between 2 500
— 2 917 m)Abies fargesii forest.The ferns known
from this region consist of 1 7 species which comprise
5.8 of all species in the Ba Mountains.The number
of large ferns is reduced in this region,dominated by
cold-resistant medium to small—sized species belonging
to genera Psetaoc stopteris and Polystichum growing
94 广 西 植 物 3O卷
under the forest and alpine species of Woodsia,Lepi—
SOYgS,Phymatopsis distributed on drier faces of rock.
5 Conclusions
Through statistic analysis of the pteridophytic flo~
ra at the level of family,genus and species in Ba
Mountains,some conclusions are as follows:(1)The
species of pteridophytes in this region are rich.There
are 289 species(including varieties and forms),79 gen—
era,34 families of pteridophytes in this region. The
representative families are Dryopteridaceae,Polypodi—
aceae,Athyfiaceae and Aspleniaceae.The main genera
are Polystichum,Dryopteris,Asplenium,Selaginella,
Adiantum,Cyrtomium,Athyrium,Lepisorus,P rrD—
(2)Floristic and geographic elements are compli—
cated. At genus level,tropical—subtropical distribution
types are dominant,covering 60.87% of the total gen—
era in the mountains,and the temperate types of the
genera cover 39.1 3 of the tota1. This fully shows
that Ba Mountains must be the northern margin of the
distribution of tropical and subtropical ferns,thus,the
fern flora also has close relations with tropical and sub—
tropical elements.W hile at the species level。temperate
and mountainous areas of tropical and subtropical spe—
ties are the dominant,East Asian element takes the lar—
gest proportion,including endemic to Chinese ele—
ments,accounting for 86.67 of the total species in
the mountain. It’s indicated that Ba Mountains fern
flora is characterized by temperate feature on the IeveI
of species.The Ba Mountains range may be a transi—
tional region from tropical and subtropical to temper—
ate·being considered phytogeographiealy as a focus for
tropical,subtropical and temperate ferns,and as a cen—
ter of the ferns of East,West and North China.How—
ever,this also indicates that Ba Mountains belongs to
China-Japan Sub-zone of peridophytes.
(3)Vertical distribution of ferns is also notable.
The pteridophytes of the Ba Mountains can be divided
into 3 altitudinal zones。their vertical distribution center
occurring between l OOO一 1 800 m above sea leve1.
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