Pteridophyte Flora in Xiaoqinling Mountain Nature Reserve of Henan Province TAXONOMIC NOTES ON SOME PTERIDOPHYTES FOM YUNNAN (MAINLY DULONGJIANG AND NIGHBOURING REGIONS) THE ECOLOGICAL TYPES OF PTERIDOPHYTES IN DULONGJIANG REGION, YUNNAN A STUDY ON THE FLORISTIC PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF PTERIDOPHYTES OF DULONGJIANG , YUNNAN Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulation of Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm. A STUDY ON THE SPECIES DIVERSITY OF PTERIDOPHYTES FROM THE LAOJUN MOUNTAIN NATURE RESERVE, SE.YUNNAN Newly Recorded Pteridophytes from Guangzhou,China (Continuous) The Ecological Phytogeography of Pteridophytes in Ailaoshan Mountain National Nature Reserve,Yunnan,China Cytological Observations on 25 Species of Chinese Ferns Notes on flora and distribution of the pteridophytes of Ba Mountains Studied on the pteridophytes resources in Jinggangshan Nature Reserve NEW RECORDS FOR HUNAN PROVINCE PTERIDOPHYTES FLORAS RESEARCH ON THE BASIC ELEMENTS AND MAIN FEATURES OF PTERIDOPHYTES FLORA IN HUBEI PROVINCE New Records for Ferns from Hainan Island, China The Characteristics of Fern Community in Gudoushan Nature Reserve,Guangdong STUDIES ON THE PTERIDOPHYTES IN JINGGANG MOUNTAIN IN JIANGXI Application of Molecular Marker Techniques in Genetic Diversity of Pteridophytes New Records of Pteridophytes Distributed in Hainan Indoor potted plants of Marantaceae and Pteridophy-tes for purification of formaldehyde polluted air Species diversity of pteridophytes of tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Xishuangbanna New records for ferns from Guangxi, China The Polymorphy of Fronds and Chromosome Number of Ophioglossum petiolatum Hook Floristic Analysis of Pteridophytes in Jianfengling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island Analysis of Antibacterial Characteristic of Medical Pteridophytes of a Few Species of Dryopteridaceae Relative importance of water, energy, and heterogeneity in determining regional pteridophyte and seed plant richness in China Newly Recorded Pteridophytes from Guangzhou,China CONTRIBUTION TO THE PTERIDOFLORA OF XISHUANGBANNA(1) Population Composition and Seasonal Variation of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi Spores in the Rhizosphere Soil of Four Pteridophytes Taxonomic Notes on Some Pteridophytes from Yunnan (II) Cytotaxonomic studies of the Chinese pteridophytes: A review Some New Species of Pteridophytes from Hengduan Mountains THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLOKA FEATURE OF THE MEDICINAL PTERIDOPHYTES IN JIANGXI,CHINA Additions to the pteridophyte flora of Xizang(II)

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