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全 文 : 1996-08-16 收稿
 第一作者简介:张朝晖 , 男 , 1963年出生 , 硕士 , 副教授 , 现贵州师大从事植物教学及研究工作。
Zhang Zhaohui Wang Zhihui
(Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology , Guizhou Normal Uni versi ty , Guiyang 550001)
Ran Jingchen
(Management Depar tment of Maolan Nature Reserve , Lipo county Guizhou 558400)
Lin Hong
(Forest Department of Guizhou Provi nce , Guiyang 550001)
Abstract 91 bryophytes taxa on limestone are listed from three Black Leaf Monkey s nature reserves in
Guizhou and Guangxi province , S.W.China , w ith habitat data;of these 21 appear to be unrecorded
for Guizhou province , and 13 fo r Guangxi province, 6 new records for S.W.China and 1 new record
for China.
Key words Bryophytes;limestone;S.W.China
During last decade , three naturnal reserves have been set up for conservation of Black Leaf
M onkey (Presby tis f.f rancoisi)in Guizhou province and Guangxi province , S.W.China.The
climate of these reserves is basically subtropical , and most of the land consisting of limestone sub-
st rates.Bryologically , the bryof lora on limestone in these reserves is litt le known in China.*
In 1994 ~ 1997 , three bryological expeditions w ere org anized to three Black Leaf Monkey
nature reserves.About 500 numbers of bry ophy tes w ere collected by these expedi tions.After our
preliminary identif ication , a signif icant number of interesting taxa has already been discovered.In
the following list , an asterisk indicates a new reco rd for Guizhou province(*), two asterisks for
Guangxi province (**), three asterisks fo r S.W.China (***)and four asterisks being
new to China(****).All specimens are deposited in the herbarium of Department of Biolog-
ical Science and Biotechnology , Guizhou No rmal Universi ty.
广 西 植 物 Guihaia 17(4):331—337 1997
Yezhong———the Yezhong Francois Leaf Monkey Natural Reserve , 104°50′~ 104°56′E ,
26°11′~ 26°15′N , is situated in Liupanshui city , Guizhou province.It covers an area of 13.62
km2 , alti tude 780 ~ 2 286 m , taking on a karst valley geographical landscape.The annual mean
temperature is 13 ℃, and annual amoum t of rainfall reaches 1 239.5 mm.The primeval forest
disappeared and vegetation was replaced by cultivated land , thickets and grass slopes.
Mayang ———the M ayang River Black Leaf M onkey Nature Reserve ,108°7′~ 108°19′E , 28°
38′~ 28°4′N , is situated in Yanhe county , Guizhou province.It covers an area of 26.5 km2 , alti-
tude 280 ~ 1 150 m , main part of the region is carbonate rocks , taking on a karst valley geog raph-
ical landscape.The annual mean temperature is 16.7 ℃, the annual rainfall is 1 158.7 mm .
Most of the area is covered by coniferbroad leaves mixed forest , shrub and g rass
Fushue———the Fushue Rare Animal Nature Reserve , 107°48′~ 107°53′E , 22°25′~ 22°28′
N , is situated in Fushue county , Guangxi province.It covers an area of over 20 km2 , altitude 190
~ 350 m ,most of the area is limestone rock , taking on a karst Fengchong geographical landscape.
Because of serious dest ruct ion , the primeval forest disappeared , and w as replaced by naked rock ,
only a litt le deciduous broad-leaves mixed forest , shrub and grassland occured.
*Plagiochila trabeculata Steph.Mayang , on limestone soil.alt.320 m , No.9029.
*P .ovali folia Mit t.Yezhong , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.1 190 m , No.
** P .gracil is Lindenb &Got t.Fushue , on limestone under an evergreen and deciduous
broadleaved mixed fo rest , alt.240 m , No.9060.
Jungermania atrov ireus Dum.Yezhong , on tufa under a small w aterfall , alt.860 m , No.
**Mastigolejeunea auriculata(Wils.)Schiffn.Fushue , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.
250 m , No.9050.
Trocholejeunea sandvicensis (Go tt.)M izut.Yezhong , on w et limestone , alt.1 100 m ,
Chei lolejeunea imbricata (Nec.)Hatt.Yezhong , on limestone under Phragmites commu-
nis , No.9003., alt.1 260 m , No.8197.
* Lopholekeimea sibf isca (Nee.)Steph Yezhong , on limestone under a forest , alt.1 100
m , No.8236.
* Lejeunea parva (Hatt.)M izut.Yezhong , on limestone under Phragmites communis ,
alt.1 200 m , No.8195.
** Spruceanthus semirepandus (Nee.)Verd.Fushue , on limestone under an everg reen and
deci-duous broad-leaved mixed fo rest , alt.240 m , No.9059.
* Plongiochasma intermediun Lindenb.et Go tt.Mayang , on tufa , alt.305 m , No.
P .rupestre (Forst.)Steph.Yezhong , on tufa under clif f , alt.880 m , No.8259.
332 广 西 植 物 17 卷
Rebulia hem isphaerica (L.)Redd.Yezhong , on limestone soil , at 0.3 m of cave mouth ,
alt.1 365 m.No.8191.
*Conocephalum japonicum (Thumb.)Grolb.Mayang , on calcareous soil , alt.300 m ,
C.conicum (Lindb.)Steph.Mayang , on w et tufa in velley , alt.300 m , No.9021.
*Wiesnerella fasciaria Gao et K.C.Chang.Yezhong , on thin limestone soil , alt.1 220
m , No.8205.
*W .denudata (Mit t.)Steph.Mayang , on calcareous soil , alt.302 m , No.9005.
Cyathodium rmaragdium Schiffn ex Keireler.Mayang , on limestone , at depth 6 m of cave
mouth , alt.320 m , No.9025
Marchantia polymorpha L.Mayang , on limestone soil , alt.300 m , No 9006.
*M .convoluta Gao et Chang.Mayang , on wet tufa , alt.305 m , No.9018.
** Porel la javanica (Got t.ex Steph.)Inoue.Fushue , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.
295 m , No.9053.
Fissidens gymnogynus Besch.Mayang , on limestone soil , alt.300 m , No.9014.
F .bryoides Hedw.Mayang , on limestone in a depth 5 m of cave mouth , alt.320 m , No.
***F .guangdongensis.Iwats &Z.H.L .Mayang , on limestone in a cave depth 5 m , alt.
320 m , No.9024.
F .z ippeliannus Dozy &Molk Mayang , on limestone in a cave depth 12 m , alt.320 m ,
***F.zippel iannus Dozy &Molk var.robinsonii (Bro th.)Iwats &Suznk.Yezhong , on
limestone soil in a cave depth 0.3 m , alt.1 365 m , No.8190.
*F .laxus Sull &Lesq.Yezhong , on thin limestone soil , alt.970 m ,No , 8251.
****F.subdiscolor Dix .Yezhong , on thin limestone soil under a Qurcus sp.t ree , alt.
1 210 m , No.8209.
F .mangarevensis Mont.Yezhong , on limestone soil , alt.1 220 m , No.8223.
Wesisa controversa Hedw .Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 600 m , No.8235.
* Tortella hum il is(Hedw .)Jenn.Mayang , on limestone , alt.300 m , No.9003.
* T .tortuosa (Hedw .)Limpr.Mayang , on tufa , alt.305 m , No.9015.
** Timmiella anomala (B.S.G.)Limpr.Fushue , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.290
m , No.9049.
Merceyopsis sikkinensis(C.Muell.)Broth.et Dix.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 600 m ,
Hyophila involuta (Hook.)Jaeg .Yezhong , on limestone , alt.970 m , No.8254.
Tortula schmidii (C.Muell.)Broth.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 370 m , No.8225.
Gymnostomum aurantiacum (M itt.)Jaeg.Yezhong , on tufa under a small w aterfall , alt.
880 m , No.8278.
Trichostomum aristatulum (Broth.)Hilp.Mayang , on limestone under f rutex , alt.310
m , No.9039.
333 4期 张朝晖等: 黔桂黑叶猴自然保护区苔藓植物初步研究
Pseudosymblepharis papi llosula (Card et Ther.)Broth.Mayang , on limestone by road ,
alt.540 m , No.9043.
Anoectangium clarum Mit t.Yezhong , on tufa under w ater , alt.880 m , No.8257.
 * A.stracheyanum Mit t.Yezhong , on tufa under t rees , alt.1 050 m , No.8249.
 * Bryoerythrophyllum inaequali fol ium (Tay l.)Zander.Yezhong , on thin limestone soil ,
alt.1 240 m , No.8200.
** Barbula subcomosa Broth.Fushue , on calcareous soil under a shrubbery , alt.280 m , No.
B .chenia Redf.& Tan.Mayang , on limestone or tufa , alt.300 or 306 m , No.9023 ,
B .coreensis(Card.)Saito.Yezhong , on limestone soil , alt.1 600 m , No.8229.
 *B .dixoniana (Chen.)Zhang .Z.H.Yezhong , on tufa under a small w aterfall , alt.860
m , No.8273.
 * B.pseudoehrenbergii Fleisch.Mayang , on limestone soil , alt.300 m , No.9002.
 * B .wil liamsi i.(P.-C.Chen)Iw ats.&Tan.Yezhong , on tufa , alt.860 m , No.
 * B.arcuata Grif f.Yezhong , on tufa under a small w aterfall , alt.860.m , No.8269.
***Didymodon riv icola Zander.Yezhong , on thin limestone soil alt.880 m , No.8261.
***D .gigantea (Funck)Jur.Yezhong , on tufa under a small w aterfall , alt.865 m , No.
 * B.subrivicola Chen.Yezhong , on tufa , alt.1 340 m , No.8193(a).
 * Bryum turneriana (Schw aegr.)Mitt.Mayang , on limestone soil , alt.305 m , No.9004.
B .argenteum Hedw .Yezhong , on limestone soil , alt.1 200 m , No.8216(a).
B .angust irete Kindb.Yezhong , on limestone soil , alt.1 200 m , No.8216(b).
B .turbinatum (Hedw .)Turn.Yezhong , on limestone under Ficus.sp.forest , alt.1 205
m , No.8214.
B .cernum (Hedw.)B.S.G.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 600 m , No.8231.
B .arct ium (R.Br.)B.S.G.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 205 m , No.8212.
B .pal lescens Schlcich ex Schw aegr.Yezhong , on limestone soil under forest , alt.1 190
m , No.8194.
B .recurvulum Mit t.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 340 m , No.8196.
Racopilum aristatum Mitt.Mayang , on limestone , alt.310 m , No.9032.
**Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedw .)T .Kop.Fushue , on limestone under forest , alt.240
m , No.9060(a)
Phi lonot is capil li form is Chen.Mayang , on limestone , alt.300 m , No.9003.
P .turneriana (Schw aeg r.)Mit t.Mayang , on limestone , alt.300 m , No.9005.
Pterobryopsis crassiuscula (Card.)Bro th.Yezhong , on limestone under forest , alt.1 100
m , No.8236.
Floribundaria f loribunda (Doz.et Molk.)Fleish.Yezhong , on limestone , under a
Phragm ites communis , alt.1 090 m , No.8236.
** Neckeropsis lepineana (Mont.)Fleisch.Fushue , on limestone under fo rest , alt.250 m ,
334 广 西 植 物 17 卷
*** Thamnobryum laevinerve Broth.Fushue , on limestone under an everg reen and decidu-
ous broad-leaved mixed forest , alt.240 m , No , 9060(b).
** Homaliadelphus targionianus (Mit t.)Dix.et P.Vard.Fushue , on limestone under f ru-
tex.alt.290 m , No.9049.
Leskel la nervosa (Brid.)Losek.Mayang , on limestone soil alt.320 m , No.9005.
 * Pseudoleskeella tectorum (Brid.)Kindb ex Broth.Mayang , on limestone in a cave depth 5
m , alt.320 m , No.9024.
** Haplohymenium sieboldii (Ces.)Kindb.Fushue.on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.
295 m , No.9054.
** Anomodon v it iculosus (Hedw .)Hook et Tayl.Fushue , on limestone under a shrubbery ,
alt.295 m , No.9054.
A .thraustus C.Muell.Mayang , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.310 m , No.9038.
A .rugelii (C.Muell.)Keissl.Mayang , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.310 m ,
A .minor (Hedw.)Fuernr.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 090 m , No.8245.
Claopodium nervosum (Harv.)Fleisch.Yezhong , on limestone soil under a shrubbery ,
alt.880 m , No.9051
Thuidium phil iberti i Limpr.Mayang , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.310 m , No.
T .cymbi folium (Doz.et M olk.)Doz.et Molk.Mayang , on limestone under a shrub-
bery , alt.310 m , No.9033.
** Haplocladinm microphyllum (Hedw .)Broth.Fushue , on limestone under f rutex , alt.
295 m , No.9048 , No.9050.
** Brachythecium pili ferum Card.Fushue , on limestone under frutex , alt.250 m , No.
B .wichurae (Broth )Par.Fushue , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.280 m , No.
Palamocladium sciureum (Mit t.)Broth.Mayang , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.
310 m , No.9040(b.)
Oxyrrhnchium savatieri (Besch.)Broth.Yezhong , on limestone under a shrubbery , alt.
1 260 m , No.8198.
Rhamphidium crassicostatum L.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.970 m , No.8255.
Pterigynandrum fi li forme Hedw .Yezhong , on limestone soil , alt.1 190 m , No.8218.
Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedw .)C.Muell.Yezhong , on limestone soil , al t.1 240 m ,
E .viridulus Card.Yezhong , on limestone , alt.1 220 m , No.8204.
 * Sematophyl lum subhumile (C.Mull.)Fleisch.Fushue , on limestone , alt.200 m , No.
***Eurohypnum leptothal lum var.tereticaule (C.Mull.)Nog.Mayang , on limestone ,
alt.480 m , 9040 , 9044.
Taxiphyllum tax irameum (M it t.)Fleisch.Mayang , on limestone soil in a cave.alt.300
m , No.9008.
335 4期 张朝晖等: 黔桂黑叶猴自然保护区苔藓植物初步研究
Thanks are due to Dr.William V.Bleisch and Mrs.Liu Yinhua in the field w ork , Prof.Qi
-kwn Zhao (Conservation Biology Center , Kunming Institute of Zoology , Chinese Academy of
Sciences)fo r their support , advice and enthusiasm throughout the coures of this study.
Supo rt for field-work is acknow ledeged wi th thanks to the Wildlife Conservation Society
Foundation of NY and the National Science Foundation of China.
张朝晖 王智慧
(贵州师范大学生物科学技术系 , 贵阳 550001)
(贵州茂兰国家自然保护区 , 荔波 558400)  林 虹(贵州省林业厅 , 贵阳 550001)
摘 要 本文报道中国西南黔桂两省区三个黑叶猴自然保护区内石灰岩苔藓植物 91 种 , 并对其
生境进行了描述。在上述石灰岩苔藓植物中 ,包含 21 种贵州新记录 , 13 种广西新记录 , 6 种中国
西南新记录和 1 种中国新记录。
关键词 苔藓植物;石灰岩;中国西南
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