中国卷柏属一新记录种——拟大叶卷柏 濒危物种小勾儿茶的重新发现 内蒙古腺鳞草属(龙胆科)一新种——红纹腺鳞草 中国野独活属(番荔枝科)一新种——版纳野独活 国产金丝桃属(藤黄科)新植物 铁线莲属单性铁线莲组修订 毛榛复合体(桦木科)多变量形态学研究及分类学处理(英文) 箭秆风(姜科)的名实问题 豆科长柄山蚂蝗属一新组合 Monochoria vaginalis var. angustifolia,a new variety of the Pontederiaceae from Thailand Carex subcapitata,a new species of the Cyperaceae from Zhejiang,China Rhododendron liboense,a new species of the Ericaceae from Guizhou,China A further correction to the misidentifications of the Chinese Delphinium made by P.A.Munz in his“A synopsis of the Asian species of Delphinium,sensu stricto Cytological studies on13species of Compositae from Hainan,China Structural characters of leaf epidermis and their systematic significance in Vitaceae RAPD analysis on the genome evolution of polyploids in Brassica RAPD analysis of Anabaena-free Azolla and its application in the study of interspecific relationships within section Azolla Phylogenetic relationships among diploid species of Oryza officinalis complex revealed by multiple gene sequences The present record of the occurrence of Astomiopsis julacea (Besch.)Yip&Snider(Musci)in Xizang,China, is based on misidentification 中国不产曲籽芋属植物 新宁楼梯草的分类学订正 四川杜鹃花属三个新异名 云南百合科球子草属一新种———粗穗球子草 兰科火烧兰属分布于北美西部和喜马拉雅-中亚的一对替代种 中国珠蕨属的分类修订 青藏高原特有植物祁连獐牙菜(龙胆科)的花综合征与虫媒传粉 双子叶植物幼苗类型及其可能的演化关系 芍药属牡丹组基于形态学证据的系统发育关系分析 采用SSR和RAPD标记研究黄瓜属(葫芦科)的系统发育关系 蹄盖蕨科的系统发育: 叶绿体DNA trnL-F区序列证据 宽带蕨属(水龙骨科)的系统学研究 多脉暗罗(番荔枝科)名实考 Athalamia glauco-virens Shim. & Hatt. (Cleveaceae), a new record to China A new species of Gagea(Liliaceae)from Nei Mongol,China Arenaria dawuensis,a new species of the Caryophyllaceae from Sichuan,China A new species of Anaphalis(Compositae)from Xizang,China Two new species of the Aspidistra Ker-Gawl. (Liliaceae) Intergeneric relationships in the subtribe Ferulinae,tribe Peucedaneae(Umbelliferae)from China in the light of serological investigation of seed protein Meiosis observation and chromosome configuration analysis of Magnolia denudata Takakiopsida,a unique taxon of bryophytes Delimitation and revision of Hilliella and Yinshania(Brassicaceae) A tentative designation of Chinese names for the non-Chinese angiospermous families 中国兰科二新记录属和四新记录种 中国青藓科研究资料(III) 独龙虾脊兰(兰科)的合格发表 贵州兰科新资料 国产12种苔藓植物的染色体数目 国产蕺菜的染色体数目变异及核穿壁现象 马桑绣球(绣球科)的花器官发生和发育 宽叶泽苔草的花器官发生 紫乌头复合体nrDNA的ITS序列与系统发育分析 中国紫草科厚壳树亚科的花粉形态及其系统学意义 系统发育和被子植物“多系-多期-多域”系统——兼答傅德志的评论 光柱长鳞杜鹃——四川杜鹃花属一新变种 薄鳞蕨属的分类研究 紫金龙属花粉形态与种子表面特征研究 基于ITS序列探讨杜鹃花属马银花组的系统发育 铁线莲属威灵仙组修订(续) 对吴征镒等(2002)提出的“八纲系统”中一些问题的评论 中国斑果藤属(山柑科)新记录 耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种 兰属中若干分类群的订正 中国荞麦属花粉形态及花被片和果实微形态特征的研究 铁线莲属威灵仙组修订 内蒙古顶冰花属(百合科)一新种 四川无心菜属(石竹科)一新种(英文) 西藏香青属一新种——竞生香青 耳草属 (茜草科 )植物的两个新种(英文) A new subspecies of Primula obconica Hance from Eastern China Aeschynanthus hildebrandii Hemsl. ex Hook. f. (Gesneriaceae)—A new record for China A newly recorded species of Fissistigma (Annonaceae) from China Revision of two Elymus species (Poaceae) Taxonomic revision of and supplement to the Tectaria Cav. (Aspidiaceae) from Yunnan, China Pollen morphology of the Araceae from China Distribution of the cytoplasmic DNA in male cells of the Convolvulaceae and its systematic significance Seed morphology of Kadsura Juss.(Schisandraceae) in relation to its taxonomic significance Pollen morphology of 15 species in nine genera of the Hydrocharitaceae Petal evolution and distribution patterns of Epimedium Linn. (Berberidaceae) A new synonym of Pellionia scabra Benth. Classification of Kobresia fragilis C. B. Clarke (Cyperaceae) and related taxa