Three new species of Impatiens L. from China
Ranunculus wangianus Q. E. Yang, a new species from NW Yunnan, China and its karyotype
Taxonomic notes on the genus Schisandra Michx.
Floral organogenesis of Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. (Potamogetonaceae)
Karyomorphology and relationships of Amentotaxus Pilg.
Relationships among Kengyilia species assessed by RAPD markers
Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (Ⅲ)
Morphological characteristics of fruits of Fagopyrum (Polygonaceae) from China
Paphiopedilum singchii sp. nov., an addition to the subgenus Brachypetalum of Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae)
Two new species of Asterocapsa from Northeast China
Three species of the Punctariaceae (Phaeophyta) new to China
Taxonomic notes on the genus Phryma L. from Asia
A subspecies of Paeonia mascula (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe
A quantitative analysis on the floristic elements of the Chinese subtropical region and their spatial patterns
Taxonomic notes on Chloranthus henryi Hemsl. and its allies
Karyomorphology of the genus Oxygraphis Bunge (Ranunculaceae)
A preliminary study on the distribution pattern of isoflavones in rhizomes of Iris from China and its systematic significance
Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (Ⅰ)
Systematic position of Nannoglottis Maxim. s.l. (Asteraceae): karyomorphological data
The growth pattern of shoots in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae) with phylogenetic implications
Comparative studies on leaf structure and oil cells of the Magnoliaceae in China
Evolution of Internal Transcribed Spacer Region of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA in Allopolyploids of Aegilops
Chloroplast matK gene phylogeny of Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae, with additional reference to the systematic position of Nageia
New materials of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China
A new species of Helianthemum Mill.(Cistaceae)
Three new species of Elaeagnus (Elaeagnaceae) from Guangxi, China
New taxa of Ligularia (Compositae) from China
A new subspecies of the genus Lasianthus Jack (Rubiaceae) from Yunnan with reference to its biogeographical implication
Notes on species of some genera of Rosaceae, China
The reclassification of Lycopodiaceae (s. str.) in China
A revision of Chinese Thuidiaceae (s. l., Musci)
A subspecific taxonomic study on Asplenium trichomanes L. from China
Taxonomic notes on the genus Illicium Linn.
The phytogeographical studies of Thermopsis (Fabaceae)
Morphology and lateral germination of pollen in Ginkgo biloba and their implications in evolution
Pollen morphology of Gymnadenia R. Br. (Orchidaceae) and its taxonomic significance
Quantitative taxonomic analyses of Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) in China based on micromorphological characters of foliar trichomes
Studies on genetic diversity in Changium smyrnioides Wolff (Umbelliferae)
Molecular systematic studies on the tribe Polygonateae (s. l.) in China based on RFLPs data of PCR-amplified chloroplast DNA fragments
Cabomba Aublet. (Cabombaceae), a newly naturalized genus of China
A new species of Cerasus (Rosaceae) from Xizang (Tibet), China
A new species of Sinosenecio B. Nord. (Asteraceae: Senecioneae)
A new species of Whytockia W.W. Smith (Gesneriaceae) from Yunnan Province, China
Two new species of Strobilanthes Bl. (Acanthaceae) from Guangxi, China
Pleione microphylla, a new orchid from southern Guangdong, China
Barbarea hongii (Brassicaceae), a new species from Jilin, China
Subpopulation differentiation of Anthoxanthum alpinum (Poaceae) along an altitudinal gradient detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA
Karyomorphology of Ligulariopsis Y. L. Chen (Asteraceae: Senecioneae)
Studies on the breeding system of Limnocharis flava (Butomaceae)
A study on pollen morphology of the genus Vitis L.
A systematic study on the trib. Polygonateae (Liliaceae s. l.) with reference to the evidence from leaf abaxial epidermis and seed coat
Taxonomy of the genus Huperzia Bernh. (sen. str.) sect. Serratae (Rothm.) Holub in China
New names, new combinations and taxonomic notes of Gentiana (Gentianaceae) from South and Southeast Asia
Revision of some problematic taxa of Aralia L. (Araliaceae) from China
Studies on some new red algae from China (Ⅱ)
Studies on some new red algae from China (Ⅰ)
A new species of Rosa L.(Rosaceae) from Guizhou, China
A new species of Oedogonium (Oedogoniales, Chlorophyta) from Shanxi, China
Two new varieties of the genus Vitis (Vitaceae) from China
A new species of Helicteres Linn. (Sterculiaceae)
Two new species of the genus Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul. from China