Marker Free: a Novel Tendency of Transgenic Plants Fifty Years of Botanical Gardens in China Development of Plant Embryology in China Plant Traits and Soil Chemical Variables During a Secondary Vegetation Successi on in Abandoned Fields on the Loess Plateau Cloning and Expression Patterns of a Metallothionein like Gene htMT2 of Helianthus tuberosus Agronomic Trait and Protein Component of F2 Hybrid Originated from Intergeneric Somatic Hybridization Between Triticum aestivumand Agropyron elongatum Comparison of Photosynthetic Adaptability Between Kobresia humilis and Polygonum viviparum on Qinghai Plateau DNA Damage and Repair of Two Ecotypes of Phragmites communis Subjected to Water Stress Aphid-resistant Transgenic Tobacco Plants Expressing Modified gna Gene Characteristics and Quantitative Analysis of Elements in Plants in Alashan Area, Nei Mongol Meta-analysis*of*the Response*of*Plant Ecophysiological Variables to Doubled Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Clonal Plasticity in Response to Partial Neutral Shading in the Stoloniferous Herb Potentilla reptans var. sericophylla Expression Behavior of Bt Toxin Gene in Transgenic Tobaccos Advances in Study of Polar Auxin Transport Effects of Dehydration and Rehydration on Photosynthesis of Detached Leaves of the Resurrective Plant Boea hygrometrica Effect of Light on Scavenging Capacity for Organic Free Radical in Leaves of Four Woody Plants Transgenic Tobacco with αα Mutant Gene Has Higher Tolerance to Heavy Metals Clonal Plasticity in Response to Nutrient Availability in the Stoloniferous Herb, Duchesnea indica Cytotoxin-induced Apoptosis in Meristematic Cells of Maize Roots Structural Association of Endoplasmic Reticulum with Other Membrane Systems in Populus deltoides Apical Bud Cells and Its Alterations During the Short Day-induced Dormancy Biological Effects of Stevia rebaudianum Induced by Carbon Ion Implantation Growth Response of Wheat Roots to Phosphorus Deficiency Seed Dispersal by a Frugivore Pycnonotus sinensis and the Distribution of Sambucus chinensis A REVIEW ON RESPONSES OF PLANT SEXUAL REPRODUCTION TO ELEVATED CO2 REVIEW OF MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANT SPECIES KRANZ ANATOMY AND C4 PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TWO DESERT PLANTS, HALOXYLON AMMODENDRON AND CALLIGONUM MONGOLICUM CARBON SEQUESTRATION IN RUBBER TREE PLANTATIONS ESTABLISHED ON FORMER ARABLE LANDS IN XISHUANGBANNA, SW CHINA VARIATION IN THE δ13C VALUE OF TYPICAL PLANTS OF LOESS PLATEAU OVER THE LAST 70 YEARS COMMUNITY STUDIES ON THE STATUS OF THE ENDANGERED PLANT, BERCHEMIELLA WILSONII VAR. PUBIPETIOLATA, USING INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS HEAVY METAL TOLERANCE AND HYPERACCUMULATION OF HIGHER PLANTS AND THEIR MOLECULAR MECHANISMS: A REVIEW CONSIDERATION OF SOIL ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN RESTORATION AND SUCCESSION PLANT DIVERSITY IN QIANYANZHOU AFTER 20 YEARS OF SMALL WATERSHED TREATMENT PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF FOUR SOUTHERN HERBACEOUS PLANTS TO ALUMINIUM STRESS EFFECTS OF COMPLEMENTARITY ON DIVERSITY-PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIP PERSPECTIVES ON SMALL_SCALE SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF PLANT SPECIES IN PLANT COMMUNITIES SIZE_DEPENDENT REPRODUCTIVE OUTPUT AND LIFE_HISTORY STRATEGIES IN FOUR EPHEMERAL SPECIES OF TRIGONELLA ESTIMATION OF ABOVE_ AND BELOW_GROUND BIOMASS OF DOMINANT DESERT PLANT SPECIES IN AN OASIS_ DESERT ECOTONE OF MINQIN, CHINA Advances in Plant Proteomics GROUND BRYOPHYTE COMPOSITION AND SYNUSIA STRUCTURE UNDER SIX TYPES OF YOUNG CONIFEROUS FOREST PLANTATIONS IN THE UPPER MINJIANG RIVER A STUDY ON PLANT DIVERSITY OF TROPICAL MONTANE RAIN FORESTS IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN STUDIES ON THE REPRODUCTION AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANT, PLANTAGO VIRGINICA Relationship Between Species Richness and Productivity in an Alpine Meadow Plant Community The Responses of Momordica Charantia at Different Modular Levels to the Changes of Support Diameter Seasonal Nitrogen Retention in Temperate Hardwood Forests Decomposition of Plant Residue as Influenced by its Lignin and N Itrogen Characristics of Species Diversity of Plant Communities in the Upper Reaches of Bailong River Clonal Growth and Clonal Morphology of Potentilla reptans var. sericophylla in Forest Understorey and Gap Advance in the Research on Chemical Communication Between Plants The Organic Carbon Distribution and Flow in Wetland Soil-plant System in Ruoergai Plateau Seed Germinating Characteristics of the Endangered Plant Abies chensiensis Effect of Elevated CO2 on Legume Plants With Nitrogen Fixation Quantitative Relationship Between Pollen in the Surface Soil and Vegetation in the Yanshan Area Canonical Correspondence Analysis on Relationship of Woody Plants With Their Environments on the Northern Slope of Changbai Mountain Nutrient Cycling in Pinus massonina Stands of Different Age Classes A Canopy Radiation Model for Even-aged Plantation II Application and Validation Relative Importance of Clonal and Non-Clonal Plants in the Landscape Dynamics of Mu Us Sandy Land Spatial Pattern of the Plant Community Along a Sand-Covered Hillslope in Ordos Plateau of China Clonal Plants Along the Sandy Hill-Slope in Ordos Plateau and Relation of Their Importance to Plant Species Diversity A Study of the Gas Exchange Characteristics of Four Desert Plants Plant Diversity Distribution of Mountains in Rural Landscapes£othe Combined Influences of Topography and Land Use The Ecological and Chemical Characteristics of Plants in the Areas of High Arsenic Levels Chaoyang RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRODUCTIVITY AND SPECIES DIVERSITY IN ALPINE MEADOW PLANT COMMUNITY Architectural Plasticity in Response to Varying Light Intensity in the Stoloniferous Herb, Duchesnea indica Focke Sulphur Status of Soils and Plants of the Inner Mongolia Steppe(in EngLish) The Regulation of Light Intensity to Antioxidative Ability in Leaves of Four Subtropical Forest Plant A Canopy Radiation Model for Even-Aged Plantations. I Theoretical Calculations Effects of Supplementary Uv-B Radiation on Net Photosynthetic Rate in the Alpine Plant Gentiana Straminea Review on Some Hot Topics Towards the Researches in the Field of Plant Physioecology Leaf Growth and Herbivory Dynamics of Saplings in Tropical Seasonal Rainforest Gaps in Xishuangbanna Seasonal Changes of Endogenous Phytohormones, Fatty Acid Composition of Chloroplast Membrane and Enzymes of Membrane-lipids Antioxidation System in two Desert Plants Seed Characteristics of Endangered Plant Cathaya aargyrophylla Biomass and Net Primary Productivity in a Acacia mangium Plantation in Heshan, Guangdong, China Effects of Seabuckthorn on Tree Growth and Biomass Production Poplar Plantations in a in a Subhumid-arid Area of China Morphological and Growth Responses of the Climbing Plant, Gynostemma pentaphyllum Seedlings to Varying Light Intensity Plant Diversity in the Process of Succession of Artificial Vegetation types and Environment in an Arid Desert Region of China Effect of Plant Density on Microclimate in Canopy of Maize (Zea mays L.) Mechanism of Degradation Succession in Leymus chinensis+Stipa grandis Steppe Community Surface Flow in an Acacia mangium Plantation and an Orchard in Heshan, Guangdong Province, China Comparative Analysis of Genetic Diversity in the Endangered Shrub Tetraena mongolica and Its Related Congener Zygophllum xanthoxylon An Analysis of the Topographical Pattern in the Chief Woody Species at Dalaoling Region, the Three Gorges