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Canonical Correspondence Analysis on Relationship of Woody Plants With Their Environments on the Northern Slope of Changbai Mountain


在长白山北坡海拔700~2 600 m的坡面上,海拔每上升100 m设立一个样点,共计20个样点。调查每个样点中木本植物的生态重要值,并计测样点内包括气候、土壤、林冠郁闭度在内的13个环境因子。应用CANOCO3.12软件对获得的数据进行了典范对应分析(CCA),应用CANODRAW3.0作出了种类

The study of the relationship of plants with their environment is very important for understanding biodiversity patterns. On the northern slope of Changbai Mountain there is not only a high diversity in vegetation types and species, but also high variatio