Identification of Cimicifugae Rhizoma and its adulterants using ITS2 sequence DNA barcoding identification between Arisaematis Rhizoma and its adulterants based on ITS2 sequences Molecular identification of Aucklandiae Radix, Vladimiriae Radix, Inulae Radix, Aristolochiae Radix and Kadsurae Radix using ITS2 barcode Identification of Albiziae Cortex, Albiziae Flos and their adulterants using ITS2 barcoding Application of DNA Barcoding in Chinese Acacia s.l. (Leguminosae) Identification of Bupleurum chinense and B. longiradiatum based on ITS2 barcode Identification of Plantaginis Semen based on ITS2 and psbA-trnH sequences Identification of Pyrrosiae Folium and its adulterants based on psbA-trnH sequence Identification of original plants of Uyghur medicinal materials Fructus Elaeagni using morphological characteristics and DNA barcode Molecular identification of Manis pentadactyla using DNA barcoding Identification of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans and its adulterants using DNA barcode Identification of Placenta hominis and its adulterants using COI barcode Identification of plants in Mussaenda L. based on DNA barcoding