Identification and Genetic Analysis of the Resistance of the Wheat Germplasm "91(260)3-3-8" to Powdery Mildew Newly-Recorded Ferns in Guangdong Province Analysis and Appraisal of Heavy Metal Pollution of Main Vegetables Production Area in Shaanxi Province Flora of Seed Plants in Jingpohu Lake Nature Reserve Molecular cloning of methionine-metaboly correlated cDNA in Astragalus melilotoides Pall.variant line and its expression in E.coli Research Advances in Molecular Basis of the Variations and QTL Cloning of Quantitative Plant Traits Research Progresses in Chromosome Doublings of Medicinal Plants Research Advances about Molecular Mechanism of Non-fertilization Endosperm Initiation Roles of miRNA in Plant Development and Adaptabilities Testing of Active Constituents in the Stems and Leaves of Ten Caragana Plants Components of the Essential Oil in Isodon henryi (Hemsl.) Kudo Chemical Components of Volatile Oil in the Leaves of the Chinese Medicinal Herb Pistacia chinensis Bunge 6-BA and PP333 Effects in Shelf-life Improvement of Tulipa gesneriana Cut Flowers Reproductive strategy of grassland plant Advances in studies on the relationships between tree-ring width and climatic factors The application and influence of biotechnology in forestry Biosynthesis,transport and function of ascorbate in plants Rapid propagation of almond‘‘‘‘s rootstock Effect of K+,Na+ on isolated leaves‘‘ stomatal movement of rich potassium plants Observations on leaf ontogeny of Sinofranchetia (Lardizabalaceae) Effects of solution of extracts from Nostoc commune on vegetative growth and flowering of some garden plants Effect of different human-caused disturbances on above-ground biomass and productivity of Pinus massoniana forests Studies of desalting ability and desalting structure in Karelinia caspica Study of comparative anatomy on structure of seedlings of Acorus tatarinowii and Zantedeschia aethiopica Breeding strategy of male sterile maize line with thermo-photoperiod sensitivity Study on the polypeptide composition and content of LHCⅡ and the cab gene transcription in chlorophyll-reduced mutant of oilseed rape seedlings Floral ontogeny of Rivina humilis (Phytolaccaceae) Mathematical models of multiple objective analytics for sustaining utilization water resources in inland river valley Effect of water-fertilizer coupling on yield of cantaloupes Effect of osmotic stress on K content of flue-cured tobacco Distribution of NO-3-N of maize rhizosphere in rhizosphere soil under style ofdifferent irrigation Effect of carmine spider mite on enzymes related to active oxygen metabolism in cowpea seedling leaves Two new caffeic esters and other compounds from Ceratoides latens On endemic genera to China of spermatophytic flora from Mt.Wulingshan region Tisssue culture and plant regeneration of rare plant Gymnocarpos przewalskii Establishment of regeneration system of bulb from Lilium brownii Study on bitterness embedment and function improvement of Zizyphus to Eucommia ulmoides Study on accumulating rule of primary fatty acids and proteins in flax seeds Polyunsaturated fatty acid separation from the seed kernel oil of Pinus armandi via urea clathration Determination of active constituents in fifteen species Swertia of genus by high performance liquid chromatography Liposoluble constituents of Scrofella chinensis Chemical constituents from Saussurea polycolea Research progress on relationships betaine and drought/salt resistance of plants Directional selection of techniques applied to vegetation construction Advances in genetic engineering of grapevine HPLC chromatographic fingerprints of Rhodiola rosea in the Qingzang Plateau Recovery of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) haploid plants through pollination by irradiated pollens and embryo culture Studies on tissue culture technique of Rheum tanguticum Study on transformation of Nicotiana tabacum with oxalate oxidase gene Evaluation on yield and quality characteristics of alfalfa varieties Effect of soil drought stress on osmotic adjustment ability of maple leaves Effect of temperature on growth and artemisinin biosynthesis in hairy root cultures of Artemisia annua Effect of soil water stress on water metabolism and osmotic adjustment substance of native tree species of Loess Plateau Effects of soil water stress on contents of chlorophyll,soluble sugar,starch,C/N of two desert plants (Cynanchum komarovii and Glycyrrhiza uralensis) Physiological and ecological effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on wheat seedling under NaCl stress condition Studies on stomatal length,width,density and their correlation of 3rd leaf in rice with BADH cDNA Cloning and sequence analysis of DHN1 gene from Salvia miltiorrhiza Isolatation of candidate cDNA clones from rice genomic region covering hybrid sterility locus Sc by cDNA capturation Analysis on the factor influencing secondary metabolite accumulation in plants Progress in genetics of Triticum urartu Advance of sulphate transporters of plant Progress of sex determination in plants Introduction of sweet-tasting protein thaumatin gene into tobacco through Agrobacterium-mediated system Responses of contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates for yaks in Kobresia parva alpine meadow Ⅰresponses to contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates in summer pasture Distribution characteristics of effective root density in the planted Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis forest site Effects of salicylic acid on leaves of cucumber seedlings under water stress Protective of ascorbic acid against salt stress Comparative morphology,ecology and geographical distribution of Calophaca sinica and C.soongorica Effects of pollination on fruit growth and quality of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Morphological and cytological observations on interspecific hybridization F1 from Cucumis sativus×C.hystrix Correlation analysis between hormone contents in ovule and leaf and fiber traits Comparative studies on fertility restoration performance of 1B/1R and non-1B/1R male sterile wheats with some alloplasmic cytoplasms Cytological observations on male sterile anther and pollen developments induced by chemical hybridizing agent GENESIS in wheat Characteristic in photosynthesis,transpiration and water use efficiency of Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum of desert species The combined effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and CO2 on the growth and photosynthesis of broad bean seedling 两种生态型芦苇胚性悬浮培养物对渗透胁迫的响应Ⅰ、生长及渗透调节物质的变化 Advances on genetic diversity of cotton (Gossypium) Advances in silicon nutrition of plants Phylogeny of Amborellaceae:a review Origin of flowers:hypotheses and evidence