Pollen and resource limitations to lifetime seed production in a wild population of Ceratoides arborescens Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Iris tectorum Pollination ecology of alpine herb Meconopsis integrifolia at different altitudes Reproductive success and its controlling factors of a psychrophyte Rhodiola fastigiata in the Tibetan Plateau of China Breeding system of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis Pollen and Resource Limitation in Veratrum nigrum L. (Liliaceae), an Andromonoecious Herb Pollen limitation and variation in floral longevity in gynodioecious Potentilla tanacetifolia Variation in Floral Sex Allocation and Reproductive Success in Sequentially Flowering Inflorescence of Corydalis remota var. lineariloba (Fumariaceae) Factors affecting the estimation of pollen limitation in Sagittaria trifolia. Pollen and resource limitations to lifetime seed production in a wild population of the endangered plant Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim. var.longipes H.T.Chang(Hamamelidancae) Pollen and resource limitations to fruit set of Qingyangshen (Cynanchum otophyllum)