Carbon mineralization potential in soils under different degraded sandy land Fractal features of soil particle size distribution in the desertification process of the farmland in Horqin Sandy Land Different land-used soil seed banks in Karst Rocky Desertification area of middle Guizhou Province, China Potential of TM Imagery for Monitoring and Assessment of Desertified Land Quantitative Estimation of Desertification Degree Based on RS and GIS in Mu Us Sandland,Inner Mongolia Ecological Control of Rocky Desertification in Karst Areas of Southwestern China Chemical Element Concentration in Calcite, Calcareous Soil and Plants on the Rocky Desertification Area in Huaxi, Guiyang Extraction of Desertification Information Based on SMA——A Case Study in Mu Us Sandland Relations between Seedlings‘ Photosynthetic Characteristics and Their Drought Tolerance under Water Stress in Rocky Desertification Area Application of Multifunctional Seed-Dressing Agent in Aerial Seeding Against Desertification Current Status, Dynamics and Causes of Desertification in China