An Introduction to Cryopreservation of Plant Germplasm Study on the correlation between physiological indexes as ABA, etc and desiccation tolerance in developing chestnut seeds Storage Behavior Characteristics of Recalcitrant Podocarpus nagi Seeds* Molecular mechanisms and storage technologies of recalcitrant seeds On the Compound Quantitative Characteristic Trait of Seed Recalcitrance Dehydration Kinetics of Embryonic Axes from Desiccation-sensitive Seeds: An Assessment of Descriptive Models Dormancy Breaking and Storage Behavior of Garcinia cowa Roxb. (Guttiferae) Seeds: Implications for Ecological Function and Germplasm Conservation STUDIES ON DESICCATION-SENSITIVITY AND GERMINATIVE EVENTS IN CHINESE WAMPEE (CLAUSENA LANSIUM [LOUR. ] SKEELS) SEEDS

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