Assessment and early warning of land ecological security in rapidly urbanizing coastal area: A case study of Caofeidian new district, Hebei, China. Ecological security early-warning in Zhoushan Islands based on variable weight model. System construction of early warning for ecological security at cultural and natural heritage mixed sites and its application: A case study of Wuyishan Scenery District. Advances in Assessment of Ecosystem Health A study on early warning of grassland fire disaster risk in Hulunbeier Research on early warning signals of adverse drug reactions to parenterally administered Xiyanping based on spontaneous reporting system (SRS) data Pharmacovigilance of parenterally administered salvianolate based on analysis of spontaneous reporting system data Spontaneous reportintg system data based on Shuxuetong injection adverse reactions signal warning analysis Phytoremediation Process of Pinus massoniana to the Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metals Improvement of the Grassland Early Pest Warning System Early warning theory on regional eco-environmental issues and its application Research on Region ecological security early warning index: a case of Liaohe River watershed Perfect Harmful Biological Early Warning System Promoting Grass for Sustained Development Research on early warning methods of essential Chinese medicine supply based on Chinese materia medica resource survey An Early Warning System to Predict Waterlogging Injuries for Winter Wheat in the Yangtze- Huai Plain (WWWS) The early warning system of environmental quality in production base of green food supported by GIS—A case study from the national ecological agriculture demonstration area in Qing’an County,Heilongjiang Province Colors for early warning of harmful algal blooms and hazard classification and grading

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