Population genetic structure of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose of Camellia oleifera in China Relations between Genetic Divergence and Heterosis in Popcorn RAPD analysis of genetic divergence among populations in Eulecanium kuwanai Kanda and Eulecanium gigantean Shinji Review on the Origin,Taxonomy and Evolution of Pugionium Species(Brassicaceae) Genetic diversity of Gastrodia elata based on SRAP analysis Corresponding Analysis of Genetic divergence of Varieties and Characters in Upland Cotton Demography History and Genetic Divergence of Sibiraea laevigata(Rosaceae) Based on Chalcone Synthase Gene Species Delimitation and Preliminary Studies of Genetic Divergence of
Malus toringoides Species Complex
Species Delimitation and Preliminary Studies of Genetic Divergence of
Malus toringoides Species Complex

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