Effects of different nutrition elements on maize stalk rot Effect of potassium on sugar metabolism in resistant response to corn stalk rot A Preliminary Study on the Resistance to Fusarium Stalk Rot in Corn Inbred Lines IDENTIFICATION OF PATHOGENS CAUSING MAIZE STALK ROT IN JIANGSU PROVINCE INFECTION PATTERN OF CORN STALK ROT CAUSED BY FUSAR1UM AND PYTHIUM Preliminary study on the relation between potassium chloride suppressing corn stalk rot and soil microorganism characteristics Studies on mutual relationship of Fusarium from ear rot and stalk rot in maize using isozyme techniques IDENTIFICATION FOR RESISTANCE OF MAIZE CULTIVARS TO STALK ROT Seed transmission of Pantoea agglomerans, causal agent of dry stalk rot, in maize Transcriptional Analysis of Maize Resistance against Fusarium graminearum Test for Resistance of Corn Inbred Lines and Hybrids to Corn Stalk Rot Changes of activities of PAL and POD and bands of POD isozyme of Susceptible and resistant corn infected with Fusarium graminearum Analysis of maize accessions resistance to Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot Resistant Identification of Stalk Rot and Head Smut for Introduced U.S. GEM Germplasm in Maize