A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON CONSTRUCTING THE THREE GORGES BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE YANGTZE RIVER Comparative Studies between South China Botanical Garden and the First-class Botanical Gardens in the World Statistical Analyses of Vascular Plant Specimen Data from the Herbarium of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBSC) CLASSIFICATION OF PHENOPHASE COMBINATION OF WOODY PLANTS——A Case Study of Cultivated Plants in the Beijing Botanical Garden STUDY ON CALORIC VALUES AND ASH CONTENTS IN THE LEAVES OF TEN FICUS SPECIES AT XIAMEN BOTANICAL GARDEN Fifty Years of Botanical Gardens in China A WebGIS Based Plant Collections Management Information System The evergreen broadleaf woody plants in Qinling Botanical Garden 干旱沙区46种木本植物的物候研究——以民勤沙生植物园栽培植物为例 The Evolving Role of Botanical Gardens and Natural Areas: A Floristic Case Study from Royal Botanical Gardens, Canada Today and Tomorrow of Plant Collection in Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai Integration of scientific research,tourism and exploitation into the concept and management of botanical gardens—A case study of Xinglong botanical garden Theory and Technology of Digital Botanical Gardens — A Case from South China Botanical Garden Prospects for Chinese Botanical GardensFoundation items: Supported by Chinese Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation

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