Chemical Constituents of Pedicularis muscicola Maxim. Rhynchostegium duthiei Müll.Hal.ex Dixon(Brachytheciaceae,Musci),New to China A study on niche of moss species on the floor in main ecological systems in Changbai Mountains Studies on chemical constituents of Frullania muscicola Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Pedicularis muscicola Maxim. Resource of Medicinal Bryophytes in China A Study on Identification of Yi Nationaiity‘s Secret Recipe for Treating Snakebites Pharmacological Actions of Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum (Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.) on the Smooth Muscle of Intestines Ordination analysis on relationship between bryophyte distribution and climatic factors New Species of Meconopsis (Papaveraceae) from Laojun Shan and Yao Shan, Northern Yunnan, China