Effect of C, N sources and C/N ratio on the solubilization of rock phosphate by some microorganisms Study on Volatile Flavor Components of Loquat Juice Fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum R23 Sources of organic carbon in the wetlands of the Yellow River estuary and instructions on carbon burial promotion strategies Effects of inorganic carbon sources on growth of Pinguiococcus pyrenoidosus CCMP 2078 Effects of phosphorus supply on microbial carbon source utilization and functional diversity of maize rhizosphere Study on fermentation hypocrellin by Shiraia bambusicola in submerged cultures Effects of soil rhizosphere microbial community and soil factors on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in different salinized soils Impacts of Litter of phyllostachy pubescens on Functional Biodiversity of Soil Microorganism Communities in Broad-Leaved Forest Factors Influencing Formation of Sclerotia in Grifola umbellate (Pers.) Pilát Under Artificial Conditions Effects of Carbon Sources and Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Growth and Secondary Metabolite Content of Tripterygium wilfordii