LOCATION OF A POWDERY MILDEW RESISTANCE GENE IN AM6, AN AMPHIDIPLOID BETWEEN TRITICUM DURUM AND AEG1LOPS TAVSCHII, AND ITS UTILIZATION Development and GISH Analysis of Amphidiploid Raphanobrassica between Raphanus sativus and Brassica alboglabra Research on quality,disease resistance and molecular cytogenetics of Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa amphidiploids with different wheat genetic background Genetic Analysis of Triploid Progenies from Shatian Pummelo(2x)× Citrus Allotetraploid Somatic Hybrid NS(4x) Genetic Analysis of Triploid Progenies from Shatian Pummelo(2x)× Citrus Allotetraploid Somatic Hybrid NS(4x) Creation of new resistanceamphidiploid betweenT.carthlicum and Ae.tauschii. RESEARCH ON SYNTHESIS,DISEASE RESISTANCE AND CYTOGENETICS OF AMPHIDIPLOID WITH A PAIR OF DISATILLITE CHROMOSOMES FROM TRITICUM DURUM-HAYNALDIA VILLOSA Segregation of Chromosomes and Traits of Hybrid Generations Derived from Cross between Triticum aestivum and Amphidiploid of Aegilops ventricosa X Aegilops cylindrica Genetic Studies on the ADH and Esterase Isozymes in T.durum,H.villosa and It Synthetic Amphidiploids Synthesis and Preliminary Characterization of A New Species (Amphidiploid) in Cucumis NATURAL DOUBLING OF CHROMOSOMES OF HYBRIDS BETWEEN WHEAT AND RYE Genomic Variation in F1 Hybrid and Amphidiploid between Aegilops tauschii and Secale cereale