Studies on the Dates of Various Phases of Spike Differentiation of Winter Wheat in Beijing Area lndex 0f reasonable sunshine-hour and temperature and its effect on growth period and output of Safflower Efrects of light and temperature factors on yield and its components in maize Scale invariance analysis of the ten-day sunshine duration in Henan Province, China. Comparison of three daily global solar radiation models. Impacts of sunlight and temperature on yield of rebirth-paddy On the Suitable Regions for Olive (Olea europaea) Growing in China The Study of Tropical Climate (Jinghong,Yunnan) Influence White Wax Scale Effect of global warming on climate feasibility index and available field days of flue-cured tobacco Nitrogen consumption of double-season hybrid rice and influence factors in South China Studies on outbreak regularity of cucumber leafminer in greenhouse in Loess Plateau Path Analysis between Yield of Spring Maize and Meteorological Factors at Different Sowing Times in North China Low Plain

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