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Inorganic carbon
Comparative Mechanisms of Photosynthetic Carbon Acquisition in
Hizikia fusiforme
Under Submersed and Emersed Conditions
Impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus on inorganic carbon utilization and carbonic anhydrase activity in Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima
Dissolved and particulate carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems
Effects of heavy metal (copper, cadmium, zinc and lead) on marine inorganic carbon system in simulated experiments
Soil carbon fractions under different land use types in the tablelands of the Loess Plateau
Effects of inorganic carbon sources on growth of Pinguiococcus pyrenoidosus CCMP 2078
Inorganic Carbon Utilization in Some Marine Phytoplankton Species
Modulation and adaptation of carbonic anhydrase activity in
spp. under different environmental factors
A review of the composition of soil carbon pool
The variation feature of soil inorganic carbon storage in alpine grassland in Qinghai province
Forms composition of inorganic carbon in sediments from Dali Lake
Effects of temperature and dissolved inorganic carbon concentration on the carbon isotopic fractionation of
Potamogeton pectinatus
Characteristics of concentrations and carbon isotope compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon in soil water under varying vegetations in karst watershed
Photosynthetic Responses to Inorganic Carbon in Ulva lactuca Under Aquatic and Aerial States
Soil inorganic carbon stock in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau: an updated evaluation using deep cores
Studies on Photosynthetic Inorganic Carbon Utilization of
Soil carbon storage affected by long-term land use regimes and fertilizationin manural loess soil