Study on the Interconnections among Main Tree Populations in Natural Secondary Forest Communities COMMUNITY STUDIES ON THE STATUS OF THE ENDANGERED PLANT, BERCHEMIELLA WILSONII VAR. PUBIPETIOLATA, USING INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS Evaluation of twenty-two blast resistance genes in Yunnan using monogenetic rice lines A QUANTITATION STUDY OF THE INTESPECIFIC ASSOCIATION OF QUERCUS ALIENA VAR. ACUTESERRATA COMMUNITY IN XIAOLONGSHAN MOUNTAIN OF TIANSHUI Studies on the Interspecific Association of Canopy Trees in Davidia involurata Community of Mt.Seven-sister in Western Hubei Species association and correlation between vertical layers in the Liquidambar formosana community in Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province Interspecific Association among Understory Species of the Low-efficiency Plantation in the Jiufeng National Forest Park