The Embryogeny of Pseudolarix kaempferi POLYPLOID INDUCED OF Pinellia ternata BASED ON SUSPENDED CELL CULTURE: Ⅱ. INDUCTION OF POLYPLOID CELL BASED ON SINGLE-CELLED LEVEL VIA COLO AND REGENERATION OF POLYPLOID PLANTS Early Embryogeny and Its Starch Distribution in Amentotaxus The Embryogeny of Cryptomeria fortunei Female gametogeny,fertilization,embryogeny of Larix chinensis and it‘‘‘‘s systematic significance On the Systematic Position of Amentotaxus from Its Embryological Investigation On the Systematic Position of Amentotaxus from Its Embryological Investigation STUDIES ON THE DOUBLE FERTILIZATION AND EMBRYOGENY IN DENDROBIUM CANDIDUM WALL. EX LINDL. FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT AND EMBRYOGENY IN CYMBIDIUM SINENSE(ANDR.)WILLD. A study on the development of stigma and megagametophyte, and embryogeny in Cimicifuga simplex Wormsk EMBRYO SAC DEVELOPMENT AND EMBRYOGENY IN ALLIUM TUBEROSUM The Ontogeny of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle

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