Effects of farming managements on the global warming potentials of CH4 and N2O from a rice-wheat rotation system based on the analysis of DNDC modeling. Nitrogen accumulation, distribution and utilization characteristics of wheat at yield level of 9000kg/ha in rice-wheat rotation Responses of rice-wheat rotation system in south Jiangsu to organic-inorganic compound fertilizers. Nitrous oxide emissions affected by tillage measures in winter wheat under a rice-wheat rotation system Effects of slow-released nitrogen fertilizers with different application patterns on crop yields and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency in rice-wheat rotation system Comparison of different straw cycling modes in farmland ecosystems in Chengdu Plain based on emergy theory Evaluation of ecological footprint of straw resources utilization based on emergy theory: A case study of typical rice-wheat rotation region in Chengdu Plain Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Translocation of Dry Matter and Utilization of Nitrogen in Rice and Wheat Enhancement of soil quality in a rice-wheat rotation after long-term application of poultry litter and livestock manure Evaluation of ecological service value of rice-wheat rotation ecosystem Short-term influence of straw return on the contents of soil organic carbon fractions,enzyme activities and crop yieldsin rice-wheat rotation farmland The variation of P&N contents in paddy soil water and its environmental effect Effect of long-term fertilization on nitrification and nitrobacteria community in a purple paddy soil under rice-wheat rotations Characteristics of nitrogen leaching of rice-wheat rotation field in Taihu Lake area Evaluating the validity and sensitivity of the DNDC model to estimate nitrogen cycling in rice-wheat rotation system Characteristics of net ecosystem exchange and environmental factors of rice-wheat rotation system in the Yangtze River Delta of China NO emission and its main impacting factors in rice-wheat rotation system in Chengdu Plain of Sichuan Basin Experimental Warming on the Rice-Wheat Rotation Agroecosystem Soil phosphorous accumulation in long-term P fertilization paddy field and its environmental effects The speciation and bioavailability of heavy metals in paddy soils under the rice-wheat cultivation rotation Changes of CH4 and CO2 emissions from soils under flooded condition after exposed to FACE (free-air CO2 enrichment) for three years Study on nutrient supplying capacity of purple soil under long-term rice-wheat rotation Comparison of microbiological properties between soils of rice-wheat rotation and vegetable cultivation Effects of different organic fertilizers on soil nematodes in the rhizosphere of rice and wheat cropland Analysis of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) in the rice-wheat rotation agroecosystem of the Lake Taihu Basin, China Effect of long-term fertilization pattern on weed community diversity in wheat field

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