Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release in a Mixed Forest of Cuuinghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodentron odorum(in English) Nutrient Cycling of N and P by a Mixed Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum in Subtropical China Studies on Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte in Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun Dynamics of Standing Crop of N and P for Fine Roots of Mixed Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of an Endangered Species: Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun NET PRODUCTIVITY AND TURNOVER RATE OF FINE ROOTS IN MIXED FOREST OF CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA AND TSOONGIODENDRON ODORUM AMOUNT, COMPOSITION AND SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF LITTERFALL IN MIXED FOREST OF CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA AND TSOONGIODENDRON ODORUM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS PATTERNS TO THE STUDY ON SPECIES RELATIVE ABUNDANCE IN TSOONGIO DENDRON ODORUM COMMUNITY Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition in Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum Mixed Artificial Forest Litter production and nutrient return in two natural forsts and a Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in Wanmulin Nature Reserve Floral organogenesis of Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun Studies on Megasporogenesis and Development of Female Gametophyte in Tsoongiodendron odorum STUDIES ON KERNEL DENSITY ESTIMATION OF SPECIES ABUNDANCE DISTRIBUTION IN TWO COMMUNITIES OF RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANTS NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY IN MIXED FOREST OF CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA AND TSOONGIODENDRON ODORUM Studies on bioactive constituents in bark of Tsoongiodendron odorum