Studies on the Structure and Development of Secretory Cavities in Poncirus Trifoliata Ultrastructural Studies on the Secretory Cavity Development and Essential Oil Accumulation in the Fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa Accumulation and Histological Localizations of Furanocoumarins in Psoralea corylifolia THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF SECRETORY CAVITIES OF GINKGO BILOBA AND ITS RELATION TO THE SECRETORY PRODUCTS STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENTAL ANATOMY OF SECRETORY CAVITY IN THE LEAF OF EVODIA RUTAECARPA Studies on the development of secretory structures and their secretory products accumulation of Hypericum perforatum Secretory Cavity Development and Its Relationship with the Accumulation of Essential Oil in Fruits of Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle Ultrastructure of the Secretory Cavity Development in the Fruit of Zanthoxylum bungeanum ULTRASTRUCTURE OF SECRETORY CAVITY IN THE FRUIT OF ZANTHOXYLUM BUNGEANUM Anatomy and Histochemistry Study of Secretory Cavities in Rooted Chichies on Seedlings of Ginkgo biloba Anatomy and Histochemistry Study of Secretory Cavities in Rooted Chichies on Seedlings of Ginkgo biloba