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Nitrification inhibition of dicyandiamide on urea in the red soil of different textures
Effects of dicyandiamide combined with nitrogen fertilizer on N
O emission and economic benefit in winter wheat and summer maize rotation system.
Effects of different nitrogen regulators on nitrogen transformation in different soil types.
Effects and methods of urea application combined with urease or nitrification inhibitors under drip irrigation on maize
Effect of urease/nitrification inhibitors on the behavior of urea-N in the soil planted to rice
A Study of Dicyandiam ide Effect on the Accumulation of Nitrate in Soilless cultured
Brassica campestris
A Study of Dicyandiam ide Effect on the Accumulation of Nitrate in Soilless cultured
Brassica campestris
Effects and influence factors of dicyandiamide (DCD) application in agricultural ecosystem.
Effects of nitrogen regulators on fertilizer nitrogen transformation in meadow cinnamon soil and on pakchoi growth.
Nitrification inhibition and dose-dependent effect of dicyandiamide on sandy, loamy and clayey soils
Effect of timing of DCD application on nitrous oxide emission during wheat growing period
Nitrification inhibition effect of dicyandiamide on ammonium bicarbonate in red soils with different textures
Effect of hydroquinone and dicyandiamide on N
O and CH
emissions from lowland rice soil
Effect of dicyandiamide on nitrogen transformation of ammonium bicarbonate in soil
Action mechanism of a durably efficacious ammonium bicarbonate and its enviromental effect
Effect of different application time of DCD on methane and nitrous oxide emissions during rice growth period
Synergistic effect of urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor on urea-N transformation and N
O emission
Changes of soil nitrogen types and nitrate accumulation in vegetables with single or multiple application of dicyandiamide
Effect of applying fertilizer on nitrate accumulation in vegetables