Antifungal Constituents from the Husk of Carya cathayensis Cytological Observation on Healing Responses in Grafting of Carya cathayensis Effects of Storage Temperature and Initial Moisture Content on Oil Oxidation and Lipofuscin-like Pigments Accumulation of Walnut (Carya cathayensis) Effects of sod-cultural practices on soil nutrients and microbial diversity in the Carya cathayensis forest Effects of understory removal on soil greenhouse gas emissions in Carya cathayensis stands. Changes in soil organic carbon and soil microbial functional diversity of Carya cathayensis plantations under intensive managements. Studies on the Biology and Control of China manfispoides Effects of fertilization on soil N2O flux in Chinese Carya cathayensis stands Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Carya cathayensis Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Carya cathayensis Floristic composition and its characteristics of Carya cathayensis forest on Dabieshan Mountain PHOTOSYNTHETIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE ANGIOSPERMS OF DIFFERENT EVOLUTIONARY AGES UNDER ACID RAIN STRESS THE ANALYSIS OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM CARYA (CARYA CATHAYENSIS) KERNEL