Studies on Fertilization of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni OBSERVATIONS ON THE “TEST-TUBE” PLANTLETS REGENERATED FORM CAllUS OF DIFFERENT EXPLANTS OF DAYLILY (HEMEEROCALLIS CITRINA BAR.) Histo-Cytological Observation of Callus Formation and Organ Regeneration of Pedicel of Hemerocallis citrina B. in Vitro THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FERTILITY AND PERMEABILITY OF ANTHER IN BREED VARIETIES OF CITRON DAY LILY AND ORANGE DAY LILY Ultrastructrue of the Embryo Sac Before and After Fertilization in Day
Lily(Hemerocallis citrina
Studies on Fertilization of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni Amelioration of Hemerocallis citrina total flavonoids on oxidative damage of liver cells HL-7702 Ultrastructrue of the Embryo Sac Before and After Fertilization in Day
Lily(Hemerocallis citrina