Study on Immobilization of Suspension Cultured Cells of Berberis julianae The Isolation and Identification of Jatrorrhizine from Cell Cultures of Berberis julianae Schneid STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTER IN SUSPENSION CULTURE OF BERBEBIS JULIANAE SCHNEID CELLS Ⅴ.CELL GROWTH,RESPIRATION,ABSORPTION AND CONSUMPTION OF MAJOR NUTRITIONAL ELEMENTS STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTER IN SUSPENSION CULTURE OF BERBERIS JULIANAE SCHNEID CELLS Ⅳ Relationship between cell growth and changes of isoesterase patterns STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTER IN SUSPENSION CULTURE OF BERBERIS JULIANAE SCHNEID Ⅲ. Relationship between jatrorrhizine accumulation and cell Growth QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF JATRORRHIZINE BY SPECTROPHOTOMETRY, THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHIC SCANNING AND HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRPHY STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTOR IN SUSPENSION CULTURE OF BERBERIS JULIANAE SCHNEID CELLS——Ⅱ. The changes of dry matter accumulation, protein and isoperoxidase patterns The Karyotypes of Four Species of Medicinal Plant