STUDY ON THE INDIVIDUAL GROWTH DYNAMIC OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA——THE ROOT SYSTEM GROWTH DYNAMIC IN THE LIFE SPAN Increase of Biomass and Accumulation of Nutrient Elements in Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantation The Bioma ss Structure and the Pa ttern of Subterranean Stem Growth ofCh im onobam busa angustifolia f. reple tea Clone Popula tion Effect of pp333 on Stem Elongation and Leaf Anatomy of Peanut Plant EFFECTS OF WATER AND PHOSPHORUS NUTRITION IN THE SOIL ON ROOT SYSTEM GROWTH PHYSIOLOGIC CHARACTER OF WHEAT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ROOT GROWTH AND SHOOT GROWTH AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF WINTER WHEAT GROWN IN THE POTS UNDER WATER STRESS Agronomic characters and their correlations with yield in summer soybean varieties of different growth habits Soil moisture dynamic and root growth of Kentucky bluegrass turf Afforestation and Root System Growth Characteristics of Casuarina equisetifolia Clones Grown on the Sandy Land in the Draught in the Coastal Zone