Population-keeping mechanism of the parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) of Massicus raddei (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in oak forest Study on the Feeding, Fecundity and Duration ofHy lobitelus xiaoi Zhang Adult ofD ifferentHosts THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ACTINORMYCETES FRANKIA LIVING IN ROOTS OF CASUARINA Selection behavior of Cuscuta japonica on their hosts Studies on Alternate Hosts of the Parasiotid Chouioia cunea (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) Hosts preference of Echinothrips americanus Morgan for different vegetables A Study on the New Overwintering Hosts (2 Species of Mosses) for Chinese Gallnut Aphids Ecological and Floristic Analyses of Meliolales (Fungi) in China Effects of Plant Hosts on the Nutrient Indices and Activity of the Esterase and Carboxylesterase of Monochamus alternatus The Biological Characteristics of Actinomycetes Frankia Living in Roots of Myrica rubra