Effects of perfluorooctane sulfonate on acute lethality and avoidance behavior of earthworm. Differential response to wind and shade in mother leaf of Potentilla reptans The effects of constant and variable thermal acclimation on thermal tolerance of the common giant toad tadpoles (Bufo gargarizans) Repellent effects of phenolic acids in different strain poplars to Xylotrechus rusticus Shade-induced stem elongation in rice seedlings: Implication of tissue-specific phytohormone regulation Avoidance analysis in urban sustainable planning based on ecologically sensitive areas in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China The kinesin-like proteins, KAC1/2, regulate actin dynamics underlying chloroplast light-avoidance in Physcomitrella patens Blue-light-induced rapid chloroplast de-anchoring in Vallisneria epidermal cells SEXUAL INTERFERENCE IN COSEXUAL PLANTS AND ITS EVOLUTIONARY IMPLICATIONS