Studies on Chemical Constituents of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms var. hispidus Hoo Studies on the Chemical Constituentε of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms 红毛五加皮经乙醇处理后剩余物的水煎液可使豚鼠离体心脏冠脉流量增加,可延长乌头碱所致大白鼠心律失常的潜伏期,能使氯化钡所致的大白鼠心律失常立即转为窦性心律,但维持时间甚短,仅使心律失常得到部分改善。对花背蟾蜍中毒所致豚鼠离体心脏及麻醉猫心律失常可转为正常节律。 Community ecology of Acanthopanax giraldii in west Sichuan plateau Age structure and biomass accumulation of Acanthopanaxgiraldii population in west Sichuan plateau Studies on Protective Action of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms Polysccharides Against Experimental Liver Injury in Rats and Mice