THE SYNERGISM IN THE MIXTURES OF DIFFERENT FUNGICIDES WITH CYMOXANIL ON TWO KINDS OF DOWNY MILDEW Influence of Newly Established Golf Green Rootzone Mixtures on Soil Microbial, Enzyme Activities and Bermudagrass Performances Optimizing Biosolid Mixtures for Producing Soilless Manilagrass Sod Over Plastic Physical Property of Different Golf Green Rootzone Soil Mixtures and Its Effect on Turfgrass Growth C and N stocks under three plantation forest ecosystems of Chinese-fir,Michelia macclurei and their mixture Analysis on the Optimal Ratio of Bt to EoNPV Decomposition characteristics and its nutrient dynamics of leaf litter mixtures of both Chinese fir and Phoeba bournei THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF FERTILIZER ON NITROGEN NUTRIENT OF PASTURE USING ~(15)N-ISOTOPE DILUTION METHOD THE MECHANISMS OF SYNERGISTIC INSECTICIDE MIXTURE TO DELAY DEVELOPMENT OF PYRETHROID RESISTANCE IN COTTON BOLLWORM SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF SOIL MICROORGANISMS UNDER VARIOUS MIXTURES AFTER CHINESE FIR REPLANTING IN FUJIAN Stability of alfalfa and wheatgrass pasture under dry farming in a pastoral agronomy area THE EFFECTS OF MIXTURES OF PHOXIM (OR DIMETHOATE) AND FENVALERATE ON RESISTANT EVOLUTION IN GREEN PEACH APHIDS

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