Olive fruits infested with olive fly larvae respond with an ethylene burst and the emission of specific volatiles Jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase regulates development and herbivory-induced defense response in rice Plant pleiotropic drug resistance transporters: Transport mechanism, gene expression, and function ACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES GENERATING IN PLANT DEFENSE AGAINST PATHOGENS BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATION OF GLUCOSINOLATES AND THEIR DEGRADATION PRODUCTS Salicylic Acid and Its Function in Plant Immunity Ecological function and prospects for utilization of cucurbitacins Disease preventing and growth promoting mechanisms of Bacillus cereus strain AR156 on pepper Effects of Culture Broth from Fusarium mairei on Defense Response and Taxol Accumulation in Suspension Cultures of Taxus cuspidata Semiochemicals used by natural enemies as host seeking signal